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Now the real fight begins...

Posted on Sat Oct 3rd, 2015 @ 9:20pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & T'Shenn & Lieutenant Mimi

937 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Bridge


"Captain the borg have taken engineering." Mimi reported as the last none borg lifesign on decks 13 and 14 faded.

Taiga stared at the viewscreen. She knew that Engineering was the one room that the Borg were famous for acquiring and then giving themselves access to all of the ships systems.
"Are those decks sealed?" she asked simply.

"As good as I can make them Captain" Mimi replied "But the borg are passing through forcefields as if they weren't even there, they must be using Daxers command codes to overide them."

Taiga nodded as she started to pace the bridge. The Tokyo was deep behind enemy lines, if they abandoned ship then there was no guarantee that anyone would make it back to the Federation alive. However if the Borg were allowed to assimilated the Tokyo, they would gain access to all of Starfleets defense codes and the movements of the whole of Starfleet.

"Yamato!" Taiga finally said. "The USS Yamato was going to be around incase we needed assitance!" Taiga explained. "Lieutenant. Send a message to the Yamato informing them of our situation".

"Understood." Mimi ran her hands over the Ops console sending a distress call and their coordinates to the USS Yamato. She sent the message multiple times just incase the borg tried to block it "Messsage dispatched."

"Security to bridge. The Borg have broken through onto deck 12, we need backu.... argh!". The bridge fell silent as the mans words ended quickly followed only by silence and the sound of screaming being picked up by the comm badge.

Taiga walked over to Ops and turned the channel off before looking around the bridge.
"Suggestions?" Taiga asked looking around.

T'Shenn contacted the Bridge, "Captain, I have the Borg stopped cold on the deck where I am. They have been getting through with transporters but I am setting up scramblers. I can modify the forcefields from here, but I recommend hand to hand weapons. It's easier than phasers."

The Vulcan security officer who was standing in for Daxer, stood listening quietly to the various messages, and quickly assessed the situation. "I would have to agree with that statement, Commander." He said simply. "If the Borg are able to override our systems, and adapt to our phasers, then it stands to reason that it is time to put Commander Daxer's training to good use. I recommend using firearms, and bladed weapons instead of phasers, and force fields."

Taiga thought for a moment. If she activated the ships self destruct then there was always a chance that the Borg would override it and carry on without any resistance at all. The remaining crew in the escape pods could then be easily transported back on board and assimilated and would be completely defenceless.

=A= Aisaka to all crew. The Borg have broken through our containments. Switch to firearms and melee weapons. Your first priority should be to seperate their arms from their torso, that way they can't assimilate you. Aim for their wrists and shoulders. =A= Taiga walked over to one of the weapons lockers on the bridge and unlocked it.

"Phaser rifles away" she said looking around at her staff. She left the locker open before opening another of the emergency lockers in which several bullet firearms were stored. Most Federation starships didn't carry these old projectile weapons anymore, but the Tokyo did just incase. She pulled out one of the rifles and threw the strap over her shoulders, then pulled out a pistol, checked it was loaded and swapped it for her hand phaser.

"Lieutenant Mimi. You have the bridge. I want you to keep working on ways to destroying The Borg however you can. Slow them down, or just blow them the hell up" Taiga said as she nodded to the Vulcan security officer. "You're with me. Its time to lead the forces".

T'Shenn called the bridge, "Captain, have you thought about an EMP Pulse to Engineering and all decks currently infected by the Borg. Temporarily shuts down electrical systems. Also, any chance I can head down to Engineering to help reclaim it?"

"Thats one thing to consider. Can you work on setting that up? Remember that the Borg are now spreading away from Engineering" Taiga explained. "Don't put yourself in danger Lieutenant, your daughter will need a parent after this"

T'Shenn said, "I'll try Captain. I can set it up here, but it will need a Hefestian life sign to set it off. I will have to go close to where I set it up. Just be ready."

"Understood" Taiga responded simply.

Lieutenant Tu'Val stepped away from the tactical station, grabbing a rifle, and handgun for himself, before following Taiga into the lift. With most of the remaining crew working on trying to save the ship from the Borg, there was no relief security officer to stand in. He hoped one of the others on the Bridge knew how to use the tactical station if it was necessary.

Just as Taiga was going about to leave the bridge Mimi piped up again. "Captain, Star Ops and the hangar deck have been taken over." The borg now controlled almost a quarter of the ship and were showing no signs of stopping.

"Where is Commander Takasu?" Taiga asked immediately. The last thing she wanted was her fiancee to have been assimilated, because she wouldn't be able to shoot him if he approached her as a drone.

Hearing Taiga's question, the computer chimed up. "Lieutenant Commander Takasu is in main Engineering."

"I'm going to Engineering" Taiga said simply. "Its time to retake this ship from those bsatards!"

To be continued...


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