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Getting Everyone Up To Speed (backpost)

Posted on Sun Sep 27th, 2015 @ 8:05pm by Lieutenant Alex Walker

810 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Alex's quarters/Just Outside/Engineering
Timeline: Current


John was slow let growing crazier as he listened to the thru of the warp core. Of course it didn't help that he never took a day off or even any time away from it. His office had become his bedroom as well, where the t hrum of the engine could always be heard. Looking over the schematics one more time, he tossed the padd to a Petty Officer, who's blame he couldn't remember, and decided to take a walk.

Twenty minutes passed easily to where he saw a small brood of children, two almost grown, and a man in Science blue outside of one room. "Planning on taking over a starship of our own are we? Who's the Engineer, I wanna see his qualifications..." John smiled at each person in turn. "Lieutenant John Strayus, chief Engineer at your service little retake over crew."

Alex offered his hand in greeting. "Lieutenant Alex Walker. And takeover I highly doubt, unless you mean two sets of family suites."

"Well that's a relief." Looking down he noticed a small girl looking up at him. "Are you the Engineer I asked for little one?"

Giving Mikala a little pat on the nose, causing a shy smile from her, he began the rundown. "This is Mikala our two year old, our son Sean is eight and, *motioning to the two oldest girls,* this is Kala & Mira our oldest two."

Both of the girls smiled at Stayus when their father introduced them. Kala hung back a little, feeling a bit ashamed at how large she felt despite her mother's assurances she looked beautiful. ~Easy for her to say.~ Kala thought, ~she's not 14 and running around knocked up by her ex-boyfriend.~

"Glad to meet all of you, and if you need help with that I'm sure Operations is going to call me for structural integrity scans in my hull." Glancing at the woman who was trying to Dissapear to the back of the group he smiled. "I was young once too, so i understand the sudden urges. There's no shame in them. Is the father around?"

"The bastard dumped me as soon as he found out he was the daddy. Didn't want anything to do with my babies." Kala blurted out, turning beet red as she realized what she'd just said.

Alex groaned inwardly but kept his composure. "Kala was dating a young man on our last posting. When his parents found out Kala was pregnant with his child and wouldn't abort, they refused to have anything further to do with Kala or the babies."

"It happens. It's wrong, but people can still be petty." Shaking his head, John looked at the whole family. "Well if there's anything you need, and I can possibly help, let me know. I pretty much live in Engineering and I can give you the command codes to my own apartment, which is directly across the hall from yours. I rarely use it, and it's completely empty."

"I was going to ask Operations, Lt Mimi, but I suppose she'd buck the request to your people anyways. Is it possible to get the suite expanded? My wife is also pregnant and by chance both Kala & Meru are due within six weeks. I'm going to need a nursery for sure, and probably a second bedroom so Kala and her sister have their own room now that they're older."

"I'll see what I can do, but I think both rooms are taken on either side of yours. Mine came with two bedrooms, and like I said your welcome to it." Walking to his former door he tapped in the security code which opened the door to his personal quarters. "Computer, transfer access to Lieutenant Walker and brood for their use. All room privileges for myself are transferred to Engineering."

The computer chipped its acceptance, to which John cleared the doorway. "I can expand this one if need be."

"If this has room to expand outwards, and you aren't using as you said, can we expand this one then trade when the expansion is complete? I'd prefer to keep everyone together in one suite if possible. If that's not too much trouble?"

"Depends on how far I can expand this room," John said shrugging before pulling up the crew listing and the ships housing ability. "I don't think I'm going to be able to expand more than one room either way, but I may be able to get the Captains permission about up and down?"

"All I need is two extra rooms. If we can do a second deck, give the children their own rooms on the second level, let us have the main floor." Alex could see the girls eye's light up, especially Kala's, at the idea of their own space.

"Let me talk to the Captain and we can see what happens."



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