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The Battle for Star Ops

Posted on Mon Sep 14th, 2015 @ 6:15pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & Ensign Noriko Ogawa

1,135 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Starfighter Operations

Fighter Operations was the control tower for all auxiliary craft and Starfighters aboard the Tokyo. Similar to a bridge it had a unique circle design, a central command chair and consoles lining the walls. There was even a helm and operations console. The room had many different modes and could even be used as a secondary bridge should the primary bridge be unaccesible or unusable for any reason.

Right now however most of its staff were doing their best to lock down the room and evacuate as the Captain had ordered. Commander Takasu sighed as he tapped in his authorisation code to lock out all the computers. He knew that the Borg would be able to control any of the Tokyo's systems from this room and also it was the only area on the ship that could take direct remote control of any Federation aircraft, including other Starships should the right access codes be logged in.

"Lets get moving people!" he shouted over the low panic of people moving. An alarm went off and Ryuuji switched his attention to the viewscreen where four Borg drones were slowly walking down the corridor towards them.

"Forcefields!" he shouted as he opened the Emergency escape hatch.

"On it!" Noriko called out, furiously working to erect force-fields between them and the advancing Borg. Try as she might the Borg seemed to adapt and break past the shields very quickly, almost like they knew the override codes. "No use Commander! They're bypassing them like their not there!" Noriko yelled, panic setting in. This first cruise was going from bad to worse in a hurry as these cybernetic demons seemed unstoppable.

"Ok, get out!" he said. "Everyone get to higher decks!" Ryuuji shouted over the panic. He picked up a phaser rifle and headed towards the door. "I'm going to try and hold them off a little" he explained.

As force fields popped into place, the Borg drones stopped for a few moments at each one. Not having full access to the Tokyo's computer core, Jen's override codes had to be used manually for each override. As the last one vanished, the drones began advancing again. "Resistance is futile."

Noriko grabbed a rifle from the locker as well. Plucking up her courage she followed Ryuuji. She'd never qualified on one but they were just a big phaser right? "I'm staying Commander. You're too valuable to get assimilated."

"Everyone is valuable Ensign" Ryuuji said. "Plus, do you really think I'd let these Borg get between me and my beloved? I don't think so!" he explained as he took aim. "Rotating frequency chips will help a little, don't let them touch you"

"Understood," Noriko responded as she hefted the rifle to her shoulder. She wasn't about to argue with the 2XO about who was expendable but in the scheme of things, a brand new ensign was more expendable then a high ranked officer. As the first borg came through the last forcefield, Noriko's thought about M'Zera, her beloved, and the hope they would both survive. Taking aim, Noriko dropped the first one through the barrier before taking aim at another.

As the drones neared the couple, two of them seemed to hesitate as messages were sent between them, and their 'Queen' in Engineering. The whispers of the collective giving them instructions, and direction.


Having taken Engineering, and turned it into a base of sorts, 6 of 12 was now laying on a table, where her body was being fitted with Borg armor, and her eye piece. Unlike many others, both of her arms would stay intact in order to give her some extra advantages.

As whispers from the other drones informed her that they had arrived at Star Ops, her eyes opened and recognition was clearly there as Jen continued to wage an internal battle against these mechanical monsters.

"Bring Takasu to me unharmed." She whispered commands to the others. "Assimilate the rest."

[Outside Star Ops]

The two hesitating drones now began to advance along with the rest, both of them eyeing Ryuuji. "Initiating new directive." one of them said as they neared those who had stayed to defend Star Ops.

Noriko's next shot on the drone seemed to have no effect as it's shield deflected the rifle's energy readily. Forgetting she had to manually cycle the frequency, Noriko pulled off several more shots to no effect. "They've adapted Commander." she yelled, panic evident in her voice. These monsters, former crew mates she'd never met, seemed to grow in menace as they advanced on her & Ryu.

"Fall back" Ryuuji ordered as he opened up a volley from his compression rifle. The shots bounced off their shielding. "You know Ensign" he said addressing the drone. "I'll put you on report for this!" he shouted as he backed with Noriko back towards Star Ops.

As they approached the doors they opened to find something horrible. Several drones had taken a new path and they had just backed right into them. Ryuuji's eyes opened in horror as he watched several of his people being injected whilst trying to get away. It was painful to watch his own staff become the enemy he hated.

"Looks like we're screwed" he said. "If anyone see's Taiga, tell her that I love her!" he shouted as a drone neared him, arm out stretched.

Noriko wasn't much of a fighter, she barely passed her self defense course in the Academy but there was one thing she could do. Leaping at the drone, she caught it off guard. Tumbling to the ground, she landed hard on the drone, winding herself. Rolling off, she felt her shoulder gripped by another drone, pinning her to the ground. She whimpered as the assimilation tubules pierced her skin, a burning sensation spreading through her body as the nanoprobes did their work, turning her from a scared young ensign into one of them.

As the nanites were injected into Noriko's neck, they very quickly went about their business, using her blood stream to spread quickly through out her body, building implants for the purpose of adding another drone to the hive.

Noriko lay there as the pain slowly became no more then a distant itch. She could feel the tendrils of the hive mind seeping into her consciousness, a strange feeling as mechanical parts formed in her body, replacing and overriding her own. Standing, Noriko joined the advancing borg, driven to do the will of the hive.

Several others within Star Ops were assimilated, as well as some of the fighters. For them, new orders were issued to use the fighters to attack the other fighters that Jen knew were patrolling around the area.

Having Ryuuji surrounded, several drones seized him with the intent of escorting him back to Engineering to face their current Queen.

To be continued...


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