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Tiny Captain's Sometimes Need Big Naps!

Posted on Tue Jul 2nd, 2024 @ 3:19pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Edited on on Tue Jul 2nd, 2024 @ 3:23pm

1,244 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Captains Quarters

The last few days had been exhausting. However a lot had been achieved. The Tokyo now had allies and they had a solid plan to get everyone off the planet. Arrangements had been made to start dismantling the engines of their allies and building 'boosters' to the Tokyo's hull. It was very similar to how Earth's NASA used to send up Space Shuttles in the years of early space exploration.

However, all the talking, arranging and going over every little detail had worn Taiga out. She arrived at her quarters exhausted. It didn't help being eleven weeks pregnant. Her energy levels were at an all time low and she felt lethargic and slower than usual. Not even thinking about it she stripped off her red command tunic and threw it in the general direction of a chair.

The tunic missed and ended up on the floor, not that she cared. Dragging her feet she made her way over to the couch, unfasteining her skirt and allowing it to simply drop. In just her gray tank top undershirt and shorts she flopped down on the couch. She placed an arm behind her head, and the other flopped down over her belly.

"What a day..." she said to herself with an exasperated sigh. She could feel her eyelids becoming heavier and finally she succumbed to her fatigue.


The doors of the the Captain's quarters revealed a dimly lit room, the bright light of the corridor flooding in. Ryuuji stood in the doorway for a moment. He rolled his eyes at seeing the discarded tunic and skirt, along with Taiga snoozing peacefully on the couch.

Stepping in he let the door close behind him as he moved towards her tunic. He couldn't help but smile as he picked up Taiga's tunic. It was tiny compared to him. He began to fold it gently before placing it on a nearby armchair. He did the same for the skirt and then moved over towards Taiga.

"Didn't get very far did you?" He asked in a hushed voice. He looked down at the tiny form of his wife. She seemed so delicate laid there, so peaceful and so very beautiful. He also noticed that her belly was starting to round out slightly, a reminder that their child was growing inside, getting bigger day by day. Taiga's shirt had ridden up slightly exposing a little of her belly and enough to show her belly button.

Ryuuji knew that this must have all been so exhausting for Taiga. She was working so hard to get the crew off the planet. She had also managed to convince other crews of other ships to join them, all whilst growing their child inside her fragile tiny body. He admired her hard work and dedication, he knew deep down she was strong but even all this must be exhausting.

"Long day beautiful?" He whispered to her as he gently brushed some of the stray hairs out of her face. He could let her sleep, it was probably the right thing to do. However he knew that shewpuld probably be hungry and a pregnant hungry and tired Taiga Aisaka was not something to be crossed!

Gently he lifted up Taiga, and sat down on the couch resting her head on his thighs. He looked down at her sleeping face, wanting to just lean over and kiss her. He ran his fingers through her hair, it was still as silky and smooth as it had always been and the weight of her head was so light on his legs. Looking down her body, he placed a single hand on her exposed belly.

"Hello little one. Have you been making mummy tired?" He whispered as he rubbed Taiga's belly in a soft circular motion. He couldn't help but notice that her belly had started to round out more and was starting to feel harder over softer. It was a sign that the baby within her was slowly developing and soon Taiga would gain a much larger 'baby bump'. As he rubbed, one of his fingers dipped into Taiga's belly button which was still an 'innie'. He smirked as he began to wonder when it would pop out once her bump gets bigger.

"Ryuuji..." Taiga said sleepily as one of her eyes opened slightly. Ryuuji looked down at her.

"Hello beautiful." He replied softly. He continued to rub her belly and play with her hair. "A little tired?"

"Uhuh..." Taiga responded sleepily. "You're rubbing my tummy..." she said in a hushed tone as her eye closed.

"Want me to stop?"

"No..." Taiga said her words a little slurred. "Feels nice..."

Ryuuji chuckled. It wasn't every day that Taiga was like this. It was her way of demanding his attention in her delicate state. She knew that she would get it too, even more now she was carrying his child. Ryuuji continued to run his hand over Taiga's belly in circular motions as she dozed. Suddenly their quiet intimate moment was interrupted as a loud growl came from Taiga's stomach.

"Hungry?" Ryuuji asked with a chuckle.

"Too... tired..." Taiga protested sleepily.

"Nope. Not standing for that." Ryuuji said. "You need to eat. At least feed the baby in here!" He told her as he poked her belly button hard. Taiga suddenly jolted as if an electric shock had just passed through her body.

"Hey!" She protested as she sat up. "What was that for?! I was enjoying that!"

Ryuuji smiled. "It's time for dinner. Your tummy growled!"

"It totally did not! Poking my belly button is a no-no! It's sensiti..." she was cut off by her stomach growling loudly, betraying her. She looked away at him blushing. "I suppose I could eat..."

Ryuuji laughed. "I'll go prepare something good for us. Just no going back to sleep OK. You need to think about the baby too." He pulled himself off the couch and headed towards the kitchen area.

Taiga lazily waved a hand at him. "Yeah yeah..." she said as she laid back down, resting her head on her arms again. "No more sleeping... dinner... will soon... be... ready..." and with that said as expected she once succumbed to sleep.

Letting out a sigh Ryuuji fastened the pink apron around him. "You know Taiga. You can be so needy at times and still be so stubborn and useless." He sighed. "But, I love you more than anything else in the world," he added. He looked over at Taiga who was now snoozing again. "And I know, you'll be the best mother in this galaxy."

"I... Love you... too..." Taiga muttered in her sleep. Ryuuji beamed, he couldn't think of a worse situation than being separated from Taiga, even for a day it would destroy him. He knew she relied on him, he protected and nurtured her, cared for her and now had the extra duty of helping her through her pregnancy. He couldn't wait to be a father, and thoughts of how he would nurture and love their future child flooded his mind as he cooked. The warm feeling was comfortable and he felt the overwhelms sensation of content and happiness filling him up, like a cup being filled with warm tea.

It was moments like this that Ryuuji didn't care where they were, as long as Taiga shared his days, that's all he needed.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Strategic Operstions Officer


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