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Signing the gag

Posted on Tue Sep 1st, 2015 @ 3:18am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant Mimi & Karlassa & Meru Walker

784 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Sickbay Area

After the meeting concerning their mission, Daxer had decided she'd better get this thing over with. She fully understood the need for this order, but hated having to be the one to give it. The civilians had already been moved to the center most part of the saucer section, so it wouldn't be difficult to get to them all, explain the possible danger they might be in, and either get them to sign the order, or arrest them.

She rounded the corner to the area where they had all been moved to, and noticed that one side of the corridor was lined with beds, most of which were occupied by some of the civilian population of the ship. It was also easy to see that the various rooms here were also occupied in nearly the same way, and all of the doors were open, including the ones leading into Sickbay.

She entered into sickbay, and called out loud. "I need to have everyone's attention on me, please!" She called out loud enough for all of them to hear. "I have some very important information for all of you!"

A man who was heavily built, bald and wore glasses wandered over. "Hello" he said. "If you didn't know already Commander. I am the Civilian Director for the Civilian Population on this ship. I deal with the Civilian matters" he explained. "Why have we got to move to this place?" he asked in a rather frustrated tone.

"You've all been relocated here, because the nature of our mission potentially places all of you in grave danger." Jen said with a sigh. "Right now, I need you to gather everyone in here, so that the situation can be properly explained, without having to be repeated."

*Five minutes later*

"Ok people. Please listen to Commander Daxer" the man said addressing the now full room. "Ok Commander, the floor is yours"

"I'm sure all of you have questions, and I will try to answer them as best I can." Jen said as she addressed the room. "You've all been relocated here for your own safety, because our mission has the possibility of involving the Borg."

Many worried faces looked back at Jen, pretty much everyone in the federation young and old had heard of the borg and what they did to people. "What happens if the borg get into here?" Came a slightly shakey voice "We have no way of defending ourselves."

"Everyone just calm down!" Jen called again. "Specially trained security guards will be put in place for your protection, and I'm offering specialized training for any adults who wish for it. In the meantime, I need each of you to sign this confidentiality order, stating that you will not reveal anything you see, hear, read, or otherwise experience during the course of this mission."

Karlassa looked at Jen. "Adults. Pah. Any Borg get here, I slice 'em up." She had a bat'leth her size on her back and was holding a lipra in her hand. She also had a couple knives sticking out of the top of her boots.

As Jen handed the PaDD off to one of the others, she approached Karlassa, kneeling down to be closer to the girl's height. "As for you, young lady, I have spoken to your mother." She said, taking note of all of the weapons she could see, and assuming there were some she could not. "I've come up with a special training regimen specifically for you. You are welcome to join for training, but you must promise to follow my rules during training."

Meru stepped forward, "Commander. I am not subject to a civilian gag order owing to active starfleet security clearances. Lt j.g. Meru Walker, Starfleet reserve forces. Serial MW-764-0491. I am however subject to temporary activation if circumstances warrant."

"Actually, Lieutenant, you are indeed subject to a civilian gag order, as long as you're not on Starfleet's active duty roster." Jen said, standing up to look at Meru. "However, circumstances require that you be reactivated into service. I will train, and recertify you personally."

Meru wasn't about to argue technicalities as once she was reactivated, she came under Starfleet security clearances. Nodding her understanding, Meru responded. "Understood Commander."

Karlassa smiled as she flipped her bat'leth. "I'm ready."

"We will begin training later in the day." Jen told both of them, then turned back to the others. "Anyone who chooses not to sign the confidentiality order will have to be temporarily relocated to a nearby Starfleet facility until the mission is over."

The Civilians all seemed to understand. At least now Starfleet's asses were covered just incase any of their activities got out.

To be continues..


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