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Doing what she does best...

Posted on Tue Sep 1st, 2015 @ 5:00am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer

1,738 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors
Location: Surface Outpost

The flash of a transporter beam signified the arrival of Jen, and 3 security officers, each armed with bladed weapons, and pistols. Jen had used the ship's sensors to pinpoint an unpopulated part of the base for safe transport, and as they materialized, she pulled her tricorder out, taking readings.

"The signal is coming from 15 meters that way." She said pointing towards a nearby door. "Janson, you take point."

"Yes sir" Janson said as he readied his weapon. "Its unusually warm in here, should it be this warm?" he asked.

"No." Jen replied simply. She'd already noticed the heat, and humidity, noting on the tricorder that it was almost exactly like the conditions of a Borg cube. She put the tricorder away, pulling her own pistol to be on the safe side as they passed through the door. "Be on the lookout... and if we encounter any Borg, don't let them touch you."

The team nodded as they followed her through the door. What greeted them confirmed their suspisions. Along the wall were Borg regeneration alcoves, all nealty slotted in. Drones were standing in them, all of them seemed to be either Romulan or Reman in origin.

"Sir. They're all Romulan or Reman" Janson said.

"Great..." Jen said as she realized the implications of this. "We need to learn what they're doing here. Keep your weapons lowered, and do not fire, unless we encounter resistance." She led them down the corridor in the direction that her tricorder had shown the signal was coming from. As they made their way, two drones walked past the small group. "Well... If they didn't know we were here before, they do now."

One of the security officers raised her pistol ready to fire. However the drones ignored her and continued past.
"Careful!" Janson said. "We don't want to provoke them" he explained as they passed a door with a forcefield. They both peered in to see a young Romulan tied down to a table, several drones operating on her inserting technology into her body.

"Starfleet!" someone shouted. There were still Romulans alive being held for assimilation. "Help us! Get us out of here! We don't want to be Borg!" they shouted.

As Jen stood there looking at them, she checked the panel nearby. it was obviously fused with Borg technology, and the field seemed to be powered by a nearby power distribution node. "Tell me what you're working on, and I'll consider it." She gave them a veiled threat, knowing even Romulans were susceptible to fear. "Unless you want to feel the pain of assimilation."

"We don't know!" they replied. "We didn't ever go into the lab! We weren't the scientists!" they explained. "Just get us out of here!"

"I think we should" Janson said. "We can't just leave them behind"

"Our orders were specifically to gather information on what's generating that signal, and nothing more." Jen said as she continued in the direction her Tricorder was sending them. "Attempting to free them will trigger these Borg drones, and we don't have time for that, so keep moving."

"You're kidding right?" Janson replied. "We're seriously going to leave them? Whats more important Commander. Innocent lives or a bloody signal!" he argued gripping the handle of his weapon.

Jen's temper flared instantly at Janson's defiance, and as she turned on him, it was easy to see that temper in her eyes. "Finding, and destroying the source of that signal can potentially save countless innocent lives, and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." She told him in no uncertain terms. "Now move it! That's an order, Janson!"

"Better do what she says, Janson." One of the others chimed in. "She knows more about the Borg than we do."

Janson wasn't too happy at leaving the innocents. He nodded as he slotted his weapon away and proceeded to follow the team down the corridor.

As the team made their way into the lab, they noticed two dead Romulan lab technicians... and a Borg power distribution node. "Scan everything to get as much data as you can... and don't touch anything." She said, then tapped her COMM badge. =A= Away team to Tokyo. =A=

=A= Aisaka here =A= Taiga replied from the bridge of the Tokyo.

=A= Commander, we have a big problem here. It looks like the Romulans tried to adapt a Borg power distribution node into their systems.. and from the looks of all the Borg drones around here, I'd say they weren't too successful. =A=

=A= In what way? =A= Taiga asked simply. =A= Are you telling me there are Borg Drones down there? =A=

=A= Yes, and they're in the process of assimilating Romulan, and Reman prisoners, as well as the rest of the facility. =A=

There was a few seconds of silence. =A= Return to the Tokyo immediately. We're going to wipe them off the face of the planet with our Quantum Torpedoes =A= Taiga replied.

=A= I'll contact you again, when we're at the beam out point. Daxer out. =A= Jen said, then tapped off her badge. "I think it's time to beat a strategic retreat. Let's head back to the beam in point."

Janson and the others nodded and followed Jen as they made towards the door. However before they could reach it, two drones activated from their alcoves and stood blocking the door arms outstrecthed, their assimilation tubulus clearly visible.
"Surrender and prepare to be assimilated" A voice echoed throughout the facility.

"I think not." Jen replied, and without hesitation, she brought her gun up. She pulled the trigger twice in rapid succession, each shot sending a bullet through the head of a drone. As they fell, Jen motioned for the others to follow her out the door, firing at Drones as they started to advance on their position. "Move your asses!"

The team ran by her side as they ran towards the beam in point. "Commander!" a young ensign called out. She had tripped, her ankle was twisted and she was lagging behind. Before they could respond a drone had grabbed her. Her scream echoed as nano-probes were injected into her neck and she became the Borg's newest slave. Tears could be seen rolling down her face as implants cut through her skin on her face, ripped through her clothing and then she collapsed turning a light shade of grey.

Jen knew it would only be a matter of seconds, before the woman got back up, and tried to assimilate the group. Without hesitation, she pointed her gun at the woman, and pulled the trigger to save her from the horrible suffering she would've otherwise gone through. As she turned around to continue running, she was grabbed, and felt the painful stick of Borg tubules injecting nanites into her neck. The pain was excruciating, but the moment the drone let go, Jen's temper flared. She grabbed the Drone by the head, and twisted as hard as she could, until she heard an audible crack.

The away team didn't notice they were running for their lives literally. Several drones stepped out infront of them and they hesitated. The young officers were caught off guard, they were unsure what to do.

"Keep moving!" Jen ordered, then tapped her COMM badge. =A= Away team to Tokyo. We're encountering heavy resistance, and need an emergency beam out! =A=

[Transporter room]

"Get them out of there!" Taiga orders yelled through the comm system. The transporter officer's fingers ran across the console as he tried to get a lock on the away team.

A few seconds later the equipment of Transporter Room 1 booted up and was soon materalising the away team back on the pad.
"I've got them Commander!" he reported as the blue dots began to form. He began to relax taking a deep breath as he began to check the equipment. There had been a strange reading in the transporter cycle as he was beaming them out. He didn't look up from the console while doing this, he had to fix it so that the transporter was operational for emergencies.

"Welcome back guys. Sorry about the late beamout. Seems like the there was something unusual in the cycle..." he was cut off when he looked up and saw the away team.

Jen stood there with her hand on her neck, and as the man looked up at her, an implant quickly emerged from her cheek, then another by her eye. "Kill me!" She ordered. "Do it now!!"

The transporter officer hesitated. He ran over to the phaser locker and stumbled trying to open it. Pulling out a phaser he turned to see Jen walking towards him.
=A= Bridge! =A= he yelled. =A= Daxer is Borg! Daxer is Borg! =A= he shouted in a panic. =A= Bridge arrgh! =A=


The comm channel cut off. Taiga sat there here eyes wide open stunned. There was an eerie silence waiting to hear what Taiga's next orders were. She quickly pulled herself out of her chair and vaulted over the top of the rail to the Security console. She grabbed the relief officer's shoulder and pulled him away throwing him backwards away from the console.

"Aisaka to all crew. Evacuate decks thirteen through fifteen" she said opening a shipwide channel so that everyone could hear. "Marines and all security teams report to all access points to deck Fourteen and seal them. Nothing gets through that isn't Starfleet!" she ordered.

"Engineering. Lock all Engineering systems with encryption codes and relocate immediately. Seal all Engineering access immediately" she ordered. There was no damn way she was going to risk any of her crew, she would sacrifice her ship if necessary.

Just as Taiga's orders came through, the COMM was overridden. Daxer's voice rang through, somewhat distorted by her implants. "We are the Borg. You will be assimilated." After that, the channel went silent.

[Transporter Room]

Less than a minute later, four Borg drones exited the transporter room, and started making their way towards main engineering. During the walk, the collective transmitted a special order set to Daxer, who would now be identified as 6 of 12. That set now put her in charge of leading the Borg assault on the U.S.S. Tokyo, while allowing her to be a voice for the collective. With the advanced knowledge that 6 of 12 held, the time to assimilate the alpha quadrant was at hand...

To be continued...


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