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Convincing Hardened Survivors (Part 3)

Posted on Thu Jan 18th, 2024 @ 3:03am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Edited on on Thu Jan 18th, 2024 @ 3:09am

1,867 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: USS Redemption, Bridge and Conference Room
Timeline: After 'Convincing Hardened Survivors (Part 2)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo:

"When we initially crashed on this planet fourteen years ago, the damage sustained was minimal." T'Shin explained. "Captain Reizei estimated that it would only take a matter of weeks to conduct repairs and get out of here. Weeks became months, which became two years, at which time, Captain Reizei, a diabetic, passed away during an extended power failure. Captain Reizei had the insight to chronicle the conditions behind the power failure during her final personal log, which she made in her final days."

"Following her passing, Command of the Redemption fell to Commander K'rala, our Caitian First Officer." Kisad continued. "He believed that Captain Reizei had brought us close to flight-worthiness, but was holding us back because she refused to stray from Starfleet's morals. He did whatever was necessary to get us back to flightworthiness, even if we lost a few people along the way. But, in the end, this planet's gravity well proved too strong for us to break into orbit, and Commander K'rala's dream of getting us home came crashing back down with the rest of us."

And now, the conclusion:

"Well no offense to the memory of Commander K'rala, but he didn't have the advanced capabilities of the Tokyo at his disposal." Lt. Yuvek chimed in.

"We're not some Delta Flyer, we're an Armitage Class vessel. We're more than equipped with features and capabilities that weren't even possible when the Redemption was still flyable." The Chief Helm Officer stated confidently.

"Lieutenant, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone here who actually liked Commander K'rala." Tatsuo responded. "Kisad may have sugar coated it when he said the Commander got a few guys killed. For a Nova class, he got a sizeable portion of the crew killed."

All of the Redemption's department heads nodded in agreement.

"The fact of the matter is simple:" Tatsuo addressed the crew. "The freshies of the Tokyo believe that Starfleet technology has advanced enough in 14 years that they stand a better chance of getting off this rock than we ever had. I've seen their ship myself and I believe it. But, in order to make it happen, they need help. Help from people like us who have grown accustomed to the way this mad world works."

"I know many of you might be hesitant to leave the starship you've called home for longer than you've been crashed here." Chiyo said. "But, I can assure you that this is not final vessel to carry the name Redemption: In fact, my first assignment as a wet behind the ears 2nd Lieutenant was this ship's successor vessel: NCC-10134-A, a Sovereign class. Quite the upgrade from a dinky little Nova class."

"Little?" Kisad responded.

Nezuko held her thumb and forefinger three centimetres apart in front of her face. Yes, Little. She smirked under her respirator.

"What do you require of us, Captain?" T'Shin asked.

"We'll need to pack up anything that might be of use to the Tokyo:" Tatsuo explained. "This includes our perimeter... We might need to replicate a few more probes, either before we leave or after we arrive at the Tokyo."

"Captain, you are aware that this process will take some time?" Kisad interjected. "It will take us at least 2 days to pack everything up, and that's with everyone present. Fact of the matter is, we're still short-handed. Have the Tokyo people kept the rest of the guys you and Akikawa took with you as an insurance policy?"

"On the contrary, Kisad:" Chiyo spoke before Yuvek could make things worse. "All the Redemptioners who boarded our ship are safe and are on their way back here. Tatsuo told me that the ride from our ship to yours is at least a full day's ride by those zumbabeasts you guys use. They'll be back tomorrow to assist us."

Tatsuo nodded. "She's right: The rest of the guys and the zumbabeasts will be back tomorrow. We'll brief the guys on what's happening and put them to work. Once we arrive to the Tokyo, we'll need to establish our perimeter: This might require replicating a few more probes than what we have, as the Tokyo is a bigger ship than ours. After that happens, we'll all be assigned jobs by Captain Aisaka that will best utilize our skill sets to help return the Tokyo to flightworthiness."

"Captain Aisaka?" Kisad said. "Are you saying you're not in charge anymore?"

"While we might be coming under the command of Captain Aisaka, one of the stipulations we agreed upon was that all of you would still report to me while we're still stuck on this rock." Tatsuo responded. "When and if we manage to get back to Federation space, we as a crew will be disbanded then, and once we reach the nearest starbase, we'll all report in for reorientation into society and the modern Starfleet."

"This won't be like the Saviors, I can promise you that much." Tatsuo said.

The room erupted into murmuring as the department heads debated on what to do. Clearly, their Captain was enthusiastic about their chances, and the debate didn't last very long, and one by one, each of the department heads said they were with Tatsuo and Akikawa.

"Very well, then let's get started." Tatsuo said. "Dismissed."

As the Redemption's department heads began to file out, Tatsuo looked to Chiyo.

"See, what did I tell you?" He asked. "I don't think that went horribly at all."

"We know that it didn't go horribly, but Captain Aisaka still doesn't know." Chiyo pointed out. "And unfortunately, with long range communications down, we'll need to check in manually."

"Alright, go;" Tatsuo said. "I'll remain here and oversee our packing."

"For once, I don't think that's a good idea:" Akikawa interjected. "You're the one who struck this deal with Captain Aisaka, you should be the one to deliver the report. I'll stay here and supervise in your absence."

"Are you sure, Reina?" Tatsuo asked. "You don't look too well."

"I'm fine." Reina brushed Tatsuo's comment off. "It was just a long flight."

"Alright;" Tatsuo muttered. "You have the conn, number one; but take it easy."

"Like that's ever stopped me before." Reina said on her way out.

Chiyo stood unsure how to process Tatsuo's interaction with the intelligence Lieutenant, whom he'd called Reina. She could tell that there were some underlying tones behind their relationship that went beyond professionalism or even friendship.

"Something bothering you, Major?" Chisato asked as she drew up behind Chiyo.

"What do you make of his number one, Commander?" Chiyo whispered to Chisato. "Does she seem... Off, to you?"

"You know, come to think of it, she does strike me as kinda fishy," Chisato remarked. "Want me to tail her, make sure she's not plotting something?"

"No need." Chiyo responded, glancing back at Tatsuo. "Something tells me I'm going to be seeing a lot more of her from now on..."

They all seemed off to Nezuko, but also she hadn’t lived fourteen years stranded far from anything.

That went a lot easier that I expected. Jasad thought to hismelf as the crew began to file out of the dilapidated bridge. As they did he stopped the Flight Control Officer as he passed.

"Lieutenant." Lt. Yuvek stated. "Get me the flight control records for the ship. I want everything you have from the time the Redemption entered the atmosphere to the as well as when you all crashed the second time." The Helmsman ordered.

Nezuko looked toward Tatsuo. She understood what Jasad was asking for and why, and with wide eyes and a warm smile beneath her breather, still looking at Tatsuo, she gestured to where she knew she could access the flight control computer. May I?

Tatsuo nodded. Normally, he'd be more cautious about allowing access to the flight control computer, but if the Tokyo was going to make it out of here, they would need to succeed where the Redemption had failed.

"Shimada; can I speak to you for a moment?" Kisad asked.

Tatsuo was quite surprised to find that his Bajoran friend had lingered on the bridge after the meeting had let out.

"Sure buddy; what's up?" Tatsuo asked.

"Tatsuo..." Kisad used Tatsuo's first name, which he rarely did to abide by the Japanese tradition of using last names. "We've known each other a long time, and I've seen how happy you and Mabuchi were together in the past, so I think I'm qualified enough to tell you that whatever you and Akikawa have going between you, you need to forget about it."

"I know, Kisad..." Tatsuo sighed. "But, how is she going to react to this betrayal of her trust?"

"I know you and Akikawa may have had some good times together; I'm not denying any of it, but you and Mabuchi, it's a night and day difference." Kisad commented.

"There's something more I left out in the meeting:" Tatsuo sighed. "When we crashed here fourteen years ago, I had no idea that I'd gotten Chiyo-kichi pregnant, and now she's here with my teenaged daughter..."

"Which is all the more reason why you need to drop Akikawa ASAP." Kisad responded. "On Bajor, we have a term for women like Mabuchi: Orlinga key." Kisad had to override the universal translator so Tatsuo could hear the Bajoran language term. "It literally translates to 'spiritual woman.' It comes from an old Bajoran story of a woman who fell in love with a man from the stars, and gave up everything in order to find and be with him."

"Wait, so you're saying...?"

Kisad nodded before Tatsuo could finish his thought. "Think about it for a moment: Could Chiyo-kichi have moved on from you? Settled down with another man, given your child a completely normal upbringing and a steady father figure during her formative years? Absolutely! In fact, most women in her situation might have done so. But Mabuchi didn't do any of that: She joined Starfleet, subjected your daughter to the instability of moving around from assignment to assignment. She's willing to travel to the end of the universe to find you, and now she has!"

Tatsuo didn't say anything. There was no need to rebut anything Kisad was saying, because he was right.

"There's a finite number of women like Mabuchi in the galaxy, Shimada:" Kisad said. "And that number is only going down. I'd strongly advise you don't waste a good woman like her in favor of some crash landing vice."

Having said all he needed to say, Kisad turned to head towards the turbolift.

"If you need me, I'll be prepping security for the move..." He said before proceeding to enter the turbolift.

Posting by

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
Acting Captain
USS Redemption

Lieutenant Reina Akikawa
Acting First Officer
USS Redemption

Lieutenant Kisad Vuyi
Acting Chief of Security
USS Redemption

Lieutenant T'Shin
Acting Chief Science Officer
USS Redemption

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer
USS Tokyo


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