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Flight of The Phoenix [Part 8]

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 6:53pm by Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2' & Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy' & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Edited on on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 8:44pm

1,262 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Endeavour (NX-05)- Deck D

Previously On Star Trek: Tokyo...

Fubuki turned in her chair and looked at Nozomi. "Well, I guess we'll have to hurry up and get this old girl back up and running." She said. "However..." she looked directly at Nozomi. "Every ship needs a Captain. We need a designated leader..."

She placed a single hand on the helm. "I'm more suited to flying this old girl. What do you say Nozomi? Fancy taking the big chair?"

Nozomi blinked in surprise. "Me? I mean, guys, I'm flattered, but I don't think I'm necessarily cut out to be barking orders from the center chair and all that..."

Fubuki shook her head. "Bullshit!" she replied quickly. "Out of all of us, you've shown the most potential to command. You've kept us all together and got us all this far. Everyone thinks I'm just some little kid, they think Rin over there is too inexperienced..." she looked over at Rin. "No offense..."

"None taken," Rin replied with a smile.

"And as for the others, they're to hardheaded and busy throwing insults at each other. You're the only one who can do this," Fubuki told her. "Trust me."

Nozomi was evidently stunned by Fubuki's high praise, but after taking a good minute or two to mull it over, her look shifted to one of resolve.

"Alright," she conceded. "I can't exactly guarantee that this'll be easy, but if we're to make it out of here alive, we're going to have to run ourselves a tight ship- and that means we've gotta make every decision count. You guys with me?"

Both Fubuki and Rin nodded in unison. "Yeah!" They both exclaimed.

Nozomi nodded. "Right, then; so, first thing's first, I say we rendezvous with the others down on Deck D..."

And now... the continuation!

On their way down to D Deck, Fubuki had called in at one of the crew quarters. It had taken her a while, but she had eventually found one of the old uniforms in her size. After changing she stepped out wearing it. "How does it look?" she asked.

The blue jumpsuit wasn't that different from their flight suits, but had more pockets. The yellow strips on her shoulders were a nice touch too. She kinda liked it.

"Not bad," Nozomi grinned. "Kind of digging the whole industrial look you're rocking, there."

"Its actually quite comfortable. I can see why they liked these uniforms. It must be a pain to go to the toilet though. I mean you have to take everything off just to..." she paused for a moment as she blushed. "You know. To get down there..."

"Well, here's hoping you can hold it until we get back to the Tokyo, then," Nozomi chuckled as she playfully ruffled Fubuki's shoulder.

"We need to check on the others..." Rin reminded them.

"Right," Nozomi nodded. "Now, if memory serves me right, I saw a sign somewhere indicating that Engineering was right down this hall..."

The doors to Engineering had already been forced open- likely by the other three when they initially gained access to the premises. After a brief coughing fit likely induced by a good 230+ years of must, the trio could finally take stock of their surroundings. save for a thick layer of dust, the Warp 5 Reactor appeared to be in immaculate condition, especially for it's age. The doors to the Antimatter Injectors were also open, and a quick inspection determined that the line nodes were surprisingly well-preserved. Evidently, the lack of moisture on this planet had all but preserved the Endeavour's internals from elements that would've otherwise caused them to rot into oblivion.

"Hello?" Nozomi called out. "Anyone in here?"

"Up here, guys!"

The three of them craned their necks up to find Masamune standing on the Catwalk, propped up against what looked to be a master console of sorts.

"Well, what are you doing up there?" Nozomi remarked as the three of them quickly scaled a nearby access ladder to join him. "And where are the others?"

"Trying to get the main impulse engines back online. As for the others, they're realigning the plasma conduits to the impulse engines. I imagine they were knocked out of alignment when the ship crashed," Masamune replied as he leant on the railing.

"I see," Nozomi observed. "Well, other than some misaligned plasma conduits, what have we got so far?"

"We got the reactor back online. Its not enough for warp travel or anything, but it'll keep her ticking over. I reckon we'll have main power back online in a few days." Masamune replied. "Also, I discovered something." He said gesturing towards the master console.

The three girls quickly proceeded to cluster around Masamune as they leaned over to get a better look at the display.

Masamune blushed slightly as he pulled up something on the display screen. "So..." he said. "This ship was one of the first built with food synthesizers." he told them all. "Think of them as an early replicator. They were on Constitution Class Starships and were eventually replaced in Starfleet when replicators came out. I don't think it'll be what we're used to, but that solves our rations problem. There are three located in the galley, it seems they make ingrediants that need to be cooked and prepared."

"No way..." Nozomi muttered in wide-eyed disbelief. "You're telling me we've got a fully functional food synthesizer system that hasn't degraded past the point of usability?"

"Sort of," Masamune said. "It seems only one is working. And since they're in the galley which is deeper into the ship, they weren't as badly worn or degraded as some of the outer systems," he explained. "It'll at least keep us alive, but we're going to need someone who knows how to cook. Old fashioned style."

"What I wouldn't give for Lynette right now," Nozomi sighed. "Presuming that the poor girl's still alive..."

All of them lowered their heads for a moment. Fubuki finally looked up. "We'll just have to try. And I'm sure she's fine. She has the same training as us." she told them all. "How long until the engines are ready?" she asked quickly changing the subject.

"At this rate, it could be a week, maybe even two. I don't know the full extent of the damage and I'm unfamiliar with these systems." Masamune replied.

"Well then," Fubuki said as she turned to the others. "We have lots to do if we're ever going to get home."

"For the short term, I think we should probably make our way down to the galley and assess the state of that food synthesizer," Nozomi stated. "Any parts that need to be replaced, we can always source from the other two. Doesn't need to be a perfect setup, we just need it to furnish us with a basic nutritional supplement that we can use to get us by."

"Good idea," Fubuki said. She looked at Rin. "We can do that if you two want to stay here," she suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," Nozomi nodded, before shifting her attention over to Masamune. "You wouldn't happen to know if there's some spare toolkits lying around that these two could possibly use?"

"Probably in the storage lockers," Masamune replied.

Meanwhile Fubuki and Rin hastily left Engineering heading up to the old mess hall and galley.

To Be Continued...


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