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Forming Alliances (Part 1)

Posted on Tue Feb 6th, 2024 @ 6:22am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada

1,511 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1, USS Tokyo
Timeline: After the away team returns from the Redemption

Taiga paced the room as she waited. Any moment now the command officers she had sent to the USS Redemption should be arriving for their debrief, and hopefully with news regarding the status of the other Starfleet crew a d their decision. By all rights, Taiga did have the authority to order the Redemption crew I'd she wanted to, but this seemed more like a delicate situation. Forming an alliance would be better for them all.

Thomas walked into the room, "Penny for your thoughts Captain." He inquired, as he took his regular seat.

"Are we doing the right thing?" Taiga asked. "They are still Starfleet Officers, technically I could simply order them to help us. But it seems like they're under the impression that Starfleet turned their backs on them many years ago."

"We do have a lot to make up for," Thomas agreed. "But, as starfleet officers we do understand that the danger of our work can mean none of us coming home. I think being stranded on a planet, without a way to even get space borne can take its toll. No electronics, no communications. It does take its toll. People will always find people to blame. Starfleet is the easiest place to blame it, as they are not here. We are not here."

Before Taiga could get the chance to respond, the doors to the conference room snapped open and in walked Chiyo, with Tatsuo tailing close behind her and the trio of Chisato, Nezuko, and Jasad taking up the rear.

"Well, Captain; it looks like we've managed to earn the good graces of the Redemption's crew." Chiyo said. "They estimate that it's going to take them 48 to 72 hours to pack up everything that could be of use to us."

"Good to know," Taiga said simply in response. She then turned to Tatsuo. "Once your crew have transferred to the Tokyo I want them all to go through sickbay. You've been on this planet for fourteen years, I want each and every one of them checked out."

Lt. Jasad Yuvek wondered if the Tokyo's decontamination systems were strong enough to sanitize the Redemption crew members considering just how much of a savage lifestyle they had to adopt to survive.

"And you will have that much." Tatsuo assured her. "Though I hope the guys who have already been through sickbay won't have to do so again?"

"Thats upto the medical staff," Taiga stated simply.

"There is something else you should be aware of," Taiga said. "I understand that your crew are originally Starfleet Officers. However you've been out of the loop for fourteen years. I will be taking command of your crew and assigning you all provisional ranks equivalent to your original rank." She paused for a brief moment. "Temporarily until they can be retrained and cleared."

"Emphasis on the re-trained" Lt. Yuvek chimed in. There was no telling how much time it would take to train the Redemption's flight crew to even begin to understand the sophistication that made up the foundation of the Tokyo's navigation and guidance systems.

Navigating and maneuvering in deep space was one thing, but learning how to pilot the Tokyo through numerous atmospheric conditions would be a daunting task for any mere pilot. . .fortunately, Jasad wasn't a mere pilot. But he still understood the significant hurdle the lesser crew members would have to overcome.

"Lieutenant, be nice," Chisato advised. "I know you may distrust them, and they probably distrust us, but we've barely gotten them to agree to this partnership as-is; if we do anything to reinforce their preconceived notions of us, we risk losing out on valuable resources."

Nezuko withheld any comment. They could use the Redemption crew’s help, but this might be more trouble than anyone anticipated.

"They should be glad that we're even entertaining the idea of bringing them back into the fold" Yuvek replied in a lowered tone to Chisato. "If Captain Aisaka told him to dress up like a clown and jump up and down, then his only question should be: How high, ma'am?" The Cardassian continued.

Tatsuo's face soured upon the revelation that Taiga would be taking command of his crew.

"That wasn't part of the original deal, Aisaka!" He objected. "I already assured them that this wouldn't be like the Saviors, and now, here I am being told it's going to be exactly like that!"

"Mister Tatsuo. You might have been in command of your crew for fourteen years. However, you still only hold the rank of Lieutenant," Taiga reminded him. "If this is going to work, we're going to need to fit you all into the current chain of command." She stated to him.

"The same thing was said by Captain Lancaster." Tatsuo responded. "Before she brutally murdered the last two surviving Lieutenant Commanders from our crew right in front of us! So, Missus Taiga; whose skulls are you planning to bash in once we arrive so I can start saying my goodbyes?"

Taiga sighed. "I have no intention of anyone losing their life under my command," she told him straight her hazel eyes locked with his. "Put aside what happened in the past, we can't change that. However what you do now will impact your future. What is best for your people?"

"What's best for my people is the originally agreed-upon deal." Tatsuo stated. "If you think I'm being rash right now, my crew will revolt the moment you try and take direct command of them. We fought the Saviors long and hard to be out from under their thumb, and they won't take being put under someone else's thumb very kindly..."

"I'm going to make this clear. Either you and your crew fall under the command of this ship and me. Or I'll just leave without you." Taiga said to him simply.

"Well, if that's the way it's going to be, Lancaster, then I'll need to tell my crew you've gone back on your word." Tatsuo said, calling Taiga by the name of the Saviors' leader. "You'd better pray that me telling them you have no plans to string up one or two of us as an example is enough to dissuade them from coming here locked and loaded."

Taiga held up a hand. "Tell me Mister Tatsuo. Have you given up your allegiance to Starfleet? Have you gone back on your vows?" she asked simply.

"I made a vow as a security officer to keep my comrades safe." Tatsuo said. "Captain Reizei refused to stray from Starfleet's principles until she passed away. Commander K'rala tried to get us home by any means necessary, and he paid for it with his life. I've led by trying to strike a balance between Captain Reizei and Commander K'rala. Missus Taiga, you can try and trumpet Starfleet all you want, but a simple fact of the matter is that on this lawless world, compromises must be made! I've done things I'm not proud of, I'll admit it, but everything I have done has been to keep us alive all these years! If keeping people safe counts as going back on my vows, then yes, I have done so. but you wouldn't be here talking to me if I refused to like Captain Reizei!"

"I see..." Taiga said as she held out her right hand. "So on this side you can be brought up on charges of breaking the fundamental priciples of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets. You didn't stick to your values and you disgraced the uniform." she said. She then held out her left hand. "Or, on this side you fall under my command as a superior ranking officer. Unless you wish to add to the list and add 'refusing to follow orders' to it." she placed both hands on the table in front of her.

"Listen. We need your ship and its parts. You say this is a lawless world, which it is. So, if I decide to abandon my Starfleet morales and decide to take what I need from you for the 'good of my crew'. Then what will you do? Stand here and spout bullshit at me? Act like some sort of superhero?" she paused for a moment. "I'm going to make this very clear Mister. You will relinquish command of your vessel and your crew to me, and we will work together to get off this planet. Otherwise, I will consider you an enemy." she paused once again. "And as you stated, this is a lawless world and I will do anything to protect my crew. If that includes breaking a few of my beliefs... I can live with that."

"Captain:" Chiyo said sternly. "If you consider my fiancé an enemy, then I will turn the full fury of your marine detachment against you. Because I stand by family, and if that means committing treason, then so be it!"

"Is that a threat Major?" Taiga asked.

To be continued...


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