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I'm A Starfleet Officer, Get Me Out Of Here!

Posted on Fri Jul 21st, 2023 @ 11:21am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd
Edited on on Fri Jul 21st, 2023 @ 11:21am

1,915 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Elachi Ship

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Lets go get our people back," He said simply nodding at Thomas.

Looking at the weapon. "Good luck." Thomas replied as he aimed the weapon at the group and fired... disintegrating the group within seconds.

And now the continuation...

Taiga crouched behind the bed. The signal should have alerted someone, but it all seemed too quiet. After a few minutes she eventually stood up and looked back at Talia and Yoshika. "Either that didn't work, or they didn't pick it up..." she said with a sigh. She pondered for a brief moment.

"Take a headcount of who's in here, we should know how many people they have captured. Just in case," Taiga ordered.

Yoshika was moving from bed to bed, quickly counting the people on the beds. "There's seventy five female's in here, us included" Yoshika reported. "All of them are either from the Starbase or the Tokyo. From what I can tell, all of them are at various stages of pregnancy." she explained.

Taiga nodded. "We need to get out of here, the signal must not have worked. Are there any officers in here that we can wake up?"

"I'll go look..." Yoshika said. She remembered seeing some of the personnel from the Tokyo that had also been captured. She only just hoped that one of them she could revive and wake up.

Yoshika came across an officer she recognised, it was Lieutenant Adams, the Tokyo's chief science officer. She quickly began to remove the attachments to the Lieutenant's body and started the revival process. "I found Lieutenant Adams!" she called out.

"Good. See if you can wake her up, she might be able to help us." Taiga replied.

Kylynn felt she just entered a new realm. Or something there of. Suddenly she began to feel her eyelids opening as she regained conscienceless. "What happened? and why do I feel so strange?" She asked

Yoshika gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "You were captured by the Elachi. We're still on one of their ships. The Captain is trying to find a way out of here," she explained to her softly. "Can you sit up?"

"Yeah, I believe I can" she said moving into a sit position.

"Good" Yoshika replied. "We believe that the Tokyo will be sending help any moment. We've tried to send out a signal to them." she assured her.

[Elsewhere on the ship]

The team of marines rematerialized in a holding cell. Strangely, there appeared to be no guards around, so they made quick use of a lockpicking kit one of the marines had brought with them to free themselves from the cell.

"Rudd, you take a team to go and secure the engine room." Chiyo ordered. "Liz, you and the others are with me. It's time we go find the bridge."

As Chiyo and Liz's team made their way through the Elachi ship's corridors, they found that they were strangely deserted.

"It seems security is not the Elachi's strong suit..." Liz commented.

When the Marines opened the door to what they thought was the bridge, they found instead a large room containing about 50-60 stasis vats, each filled with a male cadet or officer from the station, and each one in varying states of mutation into Elachi.

"My god..." Chiyo muttered, the color draining from her already-pale face. "No wonder this place is so damn deserted, they've got more in the damn oven. If they were to turn the ones closer to completion loose, we'd be overwhelmed in seconds..."

Chiyo turned back to her team and pointed to two junior marines.

"You two; guard the entrance to this room. Signal us immediately if something happens." She ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." The marines nodded.

Their team now two lighter, Chiyo and Liz continued their journey to find the bridge.

When they did come across it, the bridge was lightly staffed. Only 3 Elachi in the command center who weren't properly armed, and as such, it was easy enough for Chiyo and Liz to dispatch them. With the bridge now cleared, Chiyo tapped her combadge.

=A="Shimada to Rudd: We have the bridge."=A= Chiyo reported. =A="What's your status?"=A=

Rudd had just finished picking off the last Elachi engineer when Chiyo called. Like the bridge, the engine room had also been lightly staffed. Only three Elachi.

=A="Engine room is secure."=A= Hann said. =A="I must admit, this was a little too easy."=A=

=A="That's what I'm concerned about as well. Keep me posted; Shimada out."=A= Chiyo muttered.

Tapping her combadge to turn it off, Chiyo turned to Liz.

"Liz, see if you can zero in on the Captain's location." She ordered.

Nodding, Liz turned to the Elachi console and began trying to figure out how it worked, attempting to find any information the Elachi might have on Captain Aisaka and her current whereabouts. It took Liz several minutes, but eventually she found something.

"Looks like we missed another holding room..." Liz reported. "Though, holding room is the wrong word to use... It looks like some kind of... Maternity ward."

"Then take a team and go find it." Chiyo said. "After you find out where that damn music is coming from!"

As Liz had been working the Elachi console, an old Earth disco song had begun playing over the coms. Liz quickly flipped through the whole range of communications channels, but the song was playing on all of them.

"It's coming through on all channels at maximum volume: Attempting to isolate..." Liz said before an alarm began going off. "Wait a minute, I'm detecting a Federation starship dropping out of warp: It's the Myogi, ma'am."

Chiyo turned to the viewscreen in time to see the New Orleans class starship dropping out of warp.

"Hail them!" Chiyo ordered. "Before they blow us to bits!"

It took Liz a moment to figure out how to open a hailing frequency.

"Hailing frequency open." Liz responded.

"Attention, Myogi: This is Major Chiyo Shimada of the Starship Tokyo: Stand down; I repeat; stand down!"

The music subsided, and the viewscreen changed to a view of the Myogi's bridge.

"This is Captain Maho Takahashi of the Starship Myogi:" The young brunette in the right hand chair identified herself. "How may we be of assistance, Major?"

"You're a bit late to the party, Captain." Chiyo responded. "I'd suggest putting some security teams on standby and coordinating with Commander Johnson on the Tokyo about taking on refugees from the station. Once we figure out how to drop this ship's cloak, we'll gladly accept your assistance in securing the Elachi vessel."

Maho nodded.

"Understood, we'll have teams ready within the hour." She said. "Myogi out."

When the connection terminated, Chiyo turned back to Liz.

"Well, now that that's been taken care of, take a team and go find the Captain. I'll stay here and figure out how to drop our cloak." She ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." Liz nodded, turning to two of the marines. "You two; you're with me. Let's go get our captain back:"

Taiga could hear what sounded like Phaser rifles. She stood up, just to see the Marine Officers enter the room.

"Over here!" she called out waving towards them to get their attention.

Liz heard the sound of Taiga's voice, and she signaled to the marine officers to follow her.

"Captain Aisaka;" She greeted. "Are you alright?"

Taiga nodded. "Yes Captain we are." she stated as she stepped out to greet the marines. "Status of this ship?" she asked. "I presume its a ship?"

"Secure for now." Liz reported. "So long as those Elachi being mutated in the other room aren't turned loose."

Taiga nodded again. "We found Lieutenant Adams in here with us. She might be able to find a way to get us back to the Tokyo. Speaking of which, I presume that my ship is somewhere close and relatively intact?" she asked as she crossed her arms.

"Well... We weren't on board long enough to determine the status of the ship." Liz shrugged. "The turnaround from the station to here was tight, but it seemed to be intact from what little I saw of it."

"Well, you're here so that means everyone is alright..." Taiga said in response. "Where are the rest of your unit? I doubt that Commander Johnson and Major Shimada only sent a few of you over here. The Elachi are known for their relentlessness in combat."

"First Lieutenant Rudd's team has the engine room secure." Liz reported. "We've got two guys guarding the stasis room, and the rest of them are with Major Shimada on the bridge."

A little sparkle seemed to form in Taiga's eyes the moment that Captain mentioned the existance of a bridge. "I want one of your guys to stay here with Miyafuji. Help her determine the status of all the people who are being held here," Taiga ordered. She turned towards Lieutenant Adams.

"Lieutenant, I want you to come with us to the bridge. Your expertise are needed to find a way to reveal our location to the Tokyo." Taiga said.

"With all due respect captain, I believe I already know how to do so."

"Well Captain. Take us to the bridge." Taiga said.

Liz nodded, turning to the marines with her. "2nd Lieutenant, you're with Miyafuji. 1st Lieutenant, you're with the rest of us."

"Yes, ma'am." Both marines responded.

"Right this way." Liz said.

[Elachi Bridge]

From the infirmary, Liz led Captain Aisaka and Lieutenant Adams back to the bridge; a reverse trajectory from the way they had come. Chiyo turned around when she heard footsteps entering the bridge, and she saw that it was Liz with Taiga and Kylynn.

"Nice to see you again, Captain." Chiyo nodded to Taiga. "We've been trying to figure out how to drop the cloak, but haven't been able to."

"If we can get to the main control panel on the bridge. I have a kill code that should disable the cloak. I stole it from a guard before I was knocked unconscious." Kylynn explained.

Taiga looked around the bridge. It wasn't as spacious as the bridge of the Tokyo. "Well, pick a console. I have no idea which one you need." She said.

"I believe its this one right over here actually. Hang on let me try something" Kylynn said as she moved to a nearby console.

A few moments had passed when suddenly she heard a loud voice. "Cloaking device disabled"

"Well..." Taiga said as she stood there a smug look on her face. "That'll do."

"Major Shimada, hail the Tokyo. Have them beam us the hell out of here!" Taiga ordered. "I'm ready to get off this hell hole of a ship."

Nodding, Chiyo tapped her combadge.

"Shimada to Tokyo; away teams ready to beam back aboard." She reported.

Within a few seconds the away teams, including Taiga and Kylynn were engulfed in blue and white light. They disappeared from the Elachi ship as they were beamed back to their ship.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Kylynn Adams
Chief Science Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor
USS Tokyo

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd
First Seargent
USS Tokyo

Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji
USS Tokyo


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