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Captains Log - Descent Epilogue

Posted on Fri Jul 21st, 2023 @ 12:17pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka

463 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Descent

Captains Log.

Its been a long couple of days here on the Tokyo. After I was captured by the Elachi, Commander Johnson destroyed the Gamma Zednor Station. This did prevent it from crashing into the planet below and damaging the ecosystem.

The Tokyo has been joined by two other Federation ships. The Hospital Ship, Denmark arrived yesterday. We have offloaded all of the cadets and injured to them. Also the people who were being transformed or were impregnated by the Elachi were also taken by the Denmark. They believe they can reverse the process safely and bring everyone back to who they are supposed to be.

Speaking of babies. The Tokyo crew whom were captured were not impregnated like the others. It seems that the Elachi did not start the process on us. However we now know that the Elachi have access to Romulan technology, this makes them even more dangerous.

The starship Myogi showed up briefly. Thank god it was only brief, but they did render some assistance with the capture of the Elachi transport ship. The Starship Swindon has arrived and will tow the Elachi ship to the nearest Starfleet shipyard. Starfleet Intelligence can learn a lot about Elachi technology from that ship. They hope to be able to find ways of combatting their weapons and beaming technology.

We firmly believe that the Asteroid that impacted the station was created by the Elachi. It makes sense when you think about it. The station was crewed by young capable Starfleet Cadets and officers. Perfect for the Elachi's needs. Turning people into 'nurseries' or transforming them against their will still makes the hair on my skin stand up. Frankly I find it disturbing and un-natural for a species to do this. I don't know where the Elachi come from, but I know that I never want to go there.

The repairs to the Tokyo are almost complete. Luckily we only suffered minor damage when we were attacked. Engineering have told me we should have full warp drive capability within the next few hours. Starfleet have ordered the mission logs to be sealed about this incident. The Tokyo will be resuming course for Starbase 234 for deployment in the sector.

I only hope that we don't run into anything or anyone else along the way. It's going to take a couple of weeks at cruise speed to reach the starbase, that gives everyone enough time to relax and chill out a little. I think we need it after all thats happened.

Anyways, once our engines are back online we'll be leaving the Gamma Zednor System and returning back to our normal routine. If there's such a thing as 'normal' on this ship...

End Log

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo


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