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Meetings of the Minds

Posted on Mon Feb 23rd, 2015 @ 8:12am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & T'Shenn & Captain Leo Fox

1,095 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Expeditious expectations
Location: Observation Lounge

Taiga stared out of the windows of the Observation Lounge which was based at the back of the ships bridge. The curved hull ran down between the two pylons which held the nacelles and she could see shuttles and several of the ships fighters swooping down to enter the large shuttlebay under the saucer.

Several Department Heads had already reported in by now. She had also just recieved orders on their first patrol route and their first mission. She tapped her comm badge.
=A= Senior Staff to the Observation Lounge =A= she said simply. She had no need to be polite, she ran things straightforward and to the point. She had no time for bullshit that complicated problems, she had decided that this was how she was going to run her ship.

T'Shenn walked in with a PADD in her hand and a biscuit in her mouth. She was typing a few things while eating.

Leo walked in looking determined and rather upset. Wearing his Marine uniform and sidearm. Grumbling something about new trainees being stupid.

Once everyone had arrived at the table Taiga looked up from her chair. She stood up to make herself seem taller.
"Ok. Before we start there are a few things you should know about me" she started with. "I am not here to babysit you all. You are all Starfleet Officers and I expect your best work at all times. I also do not deal with any bullshit or problems that do not concern me" she explained.

Seeing the looks on their faces she knew she had to explain further. "Because of this I do not waste time. I will tell you how it is. I will not dance around any bushes, and I expect you to do the same. In this room things will be to the point and will be the truth. Because of how this ship operates any time that is wasted could cost lives and if anyone is found wasting time, either mine or anyone elses on this ship and people lose their lives because of it. Then they will lose their commission by my hand. Do you all understand?" Taiga asked looking around the room.

"Understood Captain" Leo said.

"With that said" Taiga said. "Our first mission will be very simple. There has been several illegal contraband being smuggled over the border near the Romulan Neutral Zone. We will be attempting to stop these goods from entering our space" she explained.

During the meeting, there was one person who had chosen not to sit. Instead, she stood at ease near the door that was closest to the Captain, a leather jacket hung loosely over her uniform to conceal two 21st century hand guns. She had been quiet up to this point, but chose now to speak her mind. "With all due respect, Commander, nothing in Starfleet is ever simple." Daxer said simply. "Especially when it comes to Romulans."

Leo rubbed his face into his hands,trying to withhold a remark about people wearing whatever they please and screw the regulations. "The Marines are trained for Romulans Commander, problem is we're still working out flaws in the equipment that picks up personal cloaking fields. Until we do a cloaked strike team could beam in and not be found until they're gone."

"I see" Taiga said. "In that case, I want all departments to run drills. There is a possibility that the Romulans may be behind this, and it could simply be a few captains wanting to make extra credits" she stood up and crossed over to the viewscreen at the end of the room. She pulled up a schematic of the area.
"We have permits and warrants to search any ship we deem necessary in this zone" she said tapping a button which highlighted a large area of space. "We leave tomorrow morning at 07:00 sharp. I want all departments ready. We are still waiting for a few of our department heads, that is onvious from the emptiness of this room. They will join us en route" Taiga explained.

"Any questions?" she asked looking around.

T'Shenn nodded. "I know this is probably going to sound crazy, but with the cloaking fields making it hard for us to see them, what about smell them? I don't know about the rest of you, but Romulans emit a personal body odor that I can smell."

"Most of us here probably can't sniff them out, Lieutenant." Daxer replied. "However, it may be possible to detect cloaked individuals using sensors modified to detect air displacement, then compare it to the COMM badge signals of those registered on this ship. For now, I believe this could be a viable alternative, until the equipment flaws are taken care of."

Taiga sat there leaning back in her chair. "Ok, so we do some fancy sensor thingymajig, or we simply go in sniffing" she said. "We will be looking for illegal contraband, there may not be any hitchikers aboard" she explained.

Jennifer looked at Taiga with a raised eyebrow. "Fancy sensor thingymajig?"

Taiga looked over at Jennifer. "Do I look like an Engineer to you?" she asked simply.

"Do I?" Jennifer replied simply."Myself, or Mr. Takasu could easily make the required... sensor modifications."

Taiga glared at Jennifer. She slapped her hands down on the table and stood up looking around. "We launch at 07:00 hours tomorrow as I said before. You all have until then to do what ever you feel like in order to get the mission done. I don't really care what you do as long as it gets the job done. Dismissed"

T'Shenn nodded as she stood up and headed to her quarters. A night before a mission to spend with her family, she wanted to enjoy it.

Jen made it a point to be the last department head out of the room. After the rest of the department heads left, she silently left, heading to Engineering to start on the sensor modifications.

=A= Aisaka to Daxer. I would appreciate it if you would stick to standard Starfleet Uniform Regulations. Please keep that in mind since you are Executive Officer =A= Taiga's voice said from Jennifer's comm badge.

Jennifer sighed as she tapped her COMM badge. =A= As you wish, Commander. =A= She changed direction to head back to her quarters, where she could get rid of the jacket. If the Captain wanted her to wear a standard Starfleet uniform, then Jen would just have to deal with her weapons being visible at all times... for the first time in her career.


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