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Trying to carry on (Backpost)

Posted on Fri Jan 6th, 2023 @ 7:38pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek

1,129 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Captain's Readyroom

Taiga was in her ready room going over last minute reports and paperwork before she handed command of the ship over to the dry dock crews. She was looking forward to her three weeks of shoreleave.

Lt. Yuvek stepped onto the Bridge and stopped to examine it for several moments. This was really the first time he had been back to the Bridge since the battle with the Romulans left him with a sizeable hole in his shoulder.

The structural damage was in the process of being repaired fully. However, as he looked around, he still could see the slightest imprint in certain portions of the carpet where bodies were laid strewn across the Bridge. It wasn't the first time Jasad had watched people die in combat, he was an orphan of the war with Klingons and then the Federation-Dominion War. Cardassians, Klingons, Jem'Hadar, Humans, and now Romulans. . .he was becoming quite familiar with the look of death on the face of each race.

He made his way across the Bridge and over to the Captain's Ready Room and pressed the chime button.

"Enter" Taiga called simply. She placed the PADD down on her desk and sat back in her chair. She needed the distraction from all the paperwork, and a visitor was the best excuse.

Lt. Yuvek crossed the threshold and entered the Captain's readyroom. "Ma'am" he nodded curtly, acknowledging the superior officer. "I wanted to report to you and inform you that I will be done with my convalescent leave sooner than anticipated and will be prepared to return to duty immediately." He stated.

In actuality the medical staff had directed him to take 12 full days off of duty to recuperate after the battle with the Tal'Shiar. However, it had taken everything inside of the Cardassian to not go insane just sitting within his quarters for the first four days. He was more than certain that he was ready to return by the 6th day.

"It was my intention to assist with the repairs of the propulsion system, considering how heavily damaged it was in the battle." He said, searching for a valid excuse to dive back into his work and not be forced to be alone with his own thoughts.

"Are you sure?" Taiga asked. "This ship will be over run by yard engineers, specialists and damage control teams. Its going to be... well, to be honest, a building site"

"I grew up on post-war Cardassia, ma'am. If there is one thing I'm used to seeing, it's Federation Engineers running around fixing things." He replied simply.

"Besides, I beleive I can be of more service assisting in the getting the ship back in fighting shape than I could by lounging around on Risa." He added.

"Has there been any word on what our next mission will be?" He inquired.

Taiga shook her head. "I've only received orders for our new patrol area, but apart from that no" she replied. "If you wish to stay behind, that is your choice. But do remember that you need to make time for yourself too".

Lt. Yuvek sighed inwardly. He had spent *more than enough* time with himself. "Perhaps ma'am," He said, trying to dodge the issue.

"What will our new patrol area be exactly?" He asked, obviously more concerning about where he will be piloting the vessel in the near future.

"We will be assigned to what Starfleet calls 'The Triangle'. Starbase 234 is the command base of that sector. If you're unfamiliar with it, the area of space boarders not only the Romulan Star Empire, but also the Klingon Empire. Its an area in need of some extra security and we've got the job." Taiga explained.

"The Trianlge. . ." Lt. Yuvek said, recalling a briefing he had read about the area of space. "There is not a lot of Starfleet facilities within the area. It's mostly civilian trade routes." The Cardassian said.

"We're going to be guarding civilian trade routes?" He asked incredously. "The amount of firepower we care and we're being tasked with being a. . .a...." He said as he struggled to find the right Human phrase.

". . .a sheep herder?" He finally said, clearly not happy with the news that he would be piloting a giant watchtower.

Taiga let out an audible sigh. "You worked it out too huh..." she said in response. "It seems that we've attracted far too much trouble than we're worth. I believe Starfleet are sending us there for us to lie low for a few months. After all, we have taken the focus light off the rest of the fleet. And heavens forbid that the USS Enterprise doesn't make news..."

"We have the firepower for an entire fortress onboard! Not to mention a full compliment of Fighters. We should be the focal point of a task force, not wasting our time chasing off Orion pirates from dilithium freighters." Lt. Yuvek said with obvious anger in his tone.

"We should be out there on the front lines sending a message to the Romulans that there is a price to pay for their attack on us and the destruction of the Oceania!" He said bitterly.

"I couldn't agree with you more" Taiga replied. "It does seem however that the Tokyo is too well known by the Romulans. Starfleet believe we'd be best away from them for a while. Although this new area isn't exactly going to be a walk in the park. No doubt we'll bump into a few rowdy Klingons here and there..."

"Is there any other kind?" The Cardassian replied ruefully. He had enough experiences with Klingons to understand that by their very nature they were violent, manipulative, and desired nothing more than to violently conquer whatever was within their vision range.

In the 20 years since the end of the Dominion War, many saw Klingons as allies of convenience. Too weaken by the devestation of the Dominion War to actually pose a threat against the Federation or even the Romulan Empire, but still dangerous in their own right.

Taiga shrugged. "Klingons will be Klingons" she replied. "I think we'll have enough excitement in the area. We might not necessarily be leading a task force, but we will still be a show of force in the area".

Lt. Yuvek nodded. "Very well ma'am. If there is nothing else you need of me, I'll be in tending to secondary propulsion." He said.

Taiga nodded. "Very well, dismissed" she said in response allowing the helm officer to leave. "Oh and Mister Yuvek. If you're not joining us on Risa, don't over work yourself too much. Take a little time off where you can... You can consider that an order..."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Jased Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Tokyo


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