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The Pilot's Arrival

Posted on Fri Jan 23rd, 2015 @ 1:20pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & T'Shenn & Lieutenant K'Eltora & Karlassa

1,322 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Expeditious expectations
Location: Private Shuttle to Bridge

T'Shenn piloted her shuttle to her new posting, the U.S.S. Tokyo. Like a security officer should, she read up on the crew. However, she was not the security officer. She was going to be the pilot. Old habits died hard for her though. T'Shenn reflected on how she came to be a pilot. She had taken a few years off from Starfleet to raise her daughter with her mate K'Eltora. They had adopted a Bajoran girl after their last posting on the 218. After that affair she felt she needed some time off. While she took the time off she learned what it took to be a pilot and passed Starfleet exams. She thought she could use it as a secondary career option. Little did she know it would be her primary.

As T'Shenn looked out the view port something came flying over head and landed in her lap. She looked down to see a stuffed Targ. She turned around and looked at her little Bajoran girl and then picked up the toy and tossed it to her. "You need to be more careful with your things, Karlassa."

Karlassa pouted and said, "Yes mommy."

K'Eltora chuckled sitting next to her. She was in full Klingon armor. "Kids will be kids. That means they will get into trouble a lot."

T'Shenn laughed at that. "Yeah I know. Just hope on the Tokyo there are other children so she doesn't get in trouble all the time."

K'Eltora nodded and smiled. "Me too." She leaned over and whispered, "By the way, you look sexy in red."

T'Shenn smiled wide as they came upon the Tokyo. She pressed a button and said, "This is Hefstian Shuttle T'Lusa requesting permission to dock.

"Permission granted" the voice replied. "Please use the rear entrance of the fighter bay and prepare to park in designated areas" the voice explained.

T'Shenn said, "Roger Tokyo. Coming in." She smiled as she took the shuttle in.

K'Eltora chuckled. "An actual posting aboard a ship that allows families. Sometimes Starfleet gets it wrong, sometimes Starfleet gets it right."

T'Shenn laughed then turned to look at Karlassa who was playing with her stuffed Targ. She smiled, her heart warming then she turned back to her console. She hit a few buttons and brought the shuttle in setting it down in the designated area. She smiled standing and stretching. "Ok I have to meet with the Captain. You get Karlassa and our stuff squared away, love."

K'Eltora looked at her. "Hey I outrank you." She tried to look angry but was failing miserably.

T'Shenn laughed. "I know, but I'm part of the bridge crew. Hence, why I have to meet with the Captain."

K'Eltora smiled and leaned in planting a kiss on her lips. "OK ok ok, I'll get her settled in."

T'Shenn smiled turning to Karlassa and got on her level. "Be good for momma while I go check in, ok?"

Karlassa nodded and smiled.

T'Shenn added, "And remember the rules."

Karlassa pouted. "But I wanted to see where you work."

T'Shenn chuckled. "Honey, the rules are no children on the bridge and I agree with that."

Karlssa pouted even more. "Ok mommy." She held her arms up to her.

T'Shenn smiled and hugged her daughter before heading out of the shuttle and to the turbolift to the bridge. T'Shenn rode the lift as she headed up. Once on the bridge she walked up to the ready room door with grace and dignity and rang the bell waiting admittance.

"Come in" A voice called from inside the ready room.

T'Shenn walked in and said, "Lieutenant T'Shenn reporting for duty, Commander."

Taiga was no where to be seen at first. Then she popped up from behind the desk.
"Sorry about that" she said. "I dropped something" she explained. She tried to remember who the woman was standing in front of her. "Lieutenant T'Shenn..." she said as if trying to remember who she was talking to. "You're either my new Engineer or Doctor? Or am I totally missing the ball there?"

T'Shenn smirked. "Missing the ball, Commander. I'm your pilot. Notice the red shirt?"

"Yeah of course I noticed. But colour of the shirt doesn't always say what your position is Lieutenant" Taiga responded a little fire in her voice. "You have transfer orders?" she asked.

T'Shenn nodded. She had taken the padd with her before leaving the shuttle and walked over to the Captain placing it on the desk. "You will note that it says I own blades and carry them with me."

Taiga looked at the PADD and set it back down on the desk. "Blades Lieutenant?" she asked simply.

T'Shenn smiled as she reached down and pulled a knife out of her boot. "This is just the easiest to access. You should see some of the others K'Eltora and I carry."

Taiga gave her a concerning look. "As long as they do not restrict you from your duty and are not visible I have no problem with them" she explained. "I will admit that there is a reason for wearing a Starfleet Uniform. I also want you to remember you will over be flight control and not security" Taiga said. "I know you were a security officer, but I have already had to remind people of which department they belong to" she explained with a sigh placing a hand on her forehead.

T'Shenn nodded and said, "I will try, but you can't expect me to not get in a fight if we are boarded, or if I am walking down the halls and someone runs by me that is running from security for me to not try and tackle them."

"That would make sense" Taiga replied. "Thats is your duty as an officer on this ship" she said.

T'Shenn nodded. "Just can't go around looking for trouble. I understand. Anyways, anything else, Captain?"

"Not that I can think of. I also understand you have a child with you. Please make her aware of restricted areas" Taiga explained. "A list can be found in the ships computer. With this being a carrier there are a few areas that are especially dangerous for children".

T'Shenn nodded. "I found the list on the way over and gave her the rules. She's a good kid. Most of the time."

Taiga returned the nod. "Well if there is nothing else then dismissed Lieutenant" Taiga said.

T'Shenn nodded and turned to go. She stopped at the door and said, "Permission to speak freely?"

"Go ahead. But if you speak freely and piss me off I have permission to say stuff you may not like in response" Taiga replied quickly.

T'Shenn nodded. "I read your file. You have a take no shit attitude. I find that intriguing in a commander. I would guess you're not much of a diplomat either. I cannot wait to serve with you, but I will curb my enthusiasm with caution because I don't know you besides what's in your file. I hope we can work well together, but just as you don't want me to piss you off, I request the reverse be accepted as well."

"I see" Taiga said. "Yes it is true. I don't take bullshit from anyone, thats the way I am. I can be diplomatic when it suits me. Once you get to know me Lieutenant, in time you will understand" Taiga explained.

T'Shenn nodded and said, "Yes ma'am. Well I better get my daughter settled in. I was told there would be other children."

"Understood. Report to the bridge tomorrow for Alpha Shift" Taiga said. "You have until then to settle in"

T'Shenn smiled. "Ok I am liking this. Get settled in, spend some time with the family, then some time alone with my mate." She chuckled as she headed out.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant T'Shenn
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant K'Eltora
Fighter Pilot



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