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From A Captain to a Commander

Posted on Sun Jan 11th, 2015 @ 11:39am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Leo Fox

638 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Expeditious expectations
Location: USS Tokyo Captain's Ready Room

Leo walked onto the bridge and glanced around,not seeing the commanding officer. He beeped on Captain's ready room.

Taiga was sitting in her chair behind her desk. "Come in!" she said.

Leo stepped in,waited for the door to close and he snapped to attention,saluting. "Captain Fox of Starfleet Marines reporting for duty Commander."

Taiga looked up at the man in front of her. "So you're a Marine huh?" were the first words that came out of her mouth. "Starfighter or ground?"

Leo nodded slightly,he loved the fact his CO was direct. "Ground Missions. Though I am qualified to lead both ground and starfighter from a remove HQ either on a ship or ground base."

Taiga nodded and turned to the console on her desk. Most Starfleet Captains did this on reporting in sessions so she thought that she would do the same.
"How many hours have you logged on ground and space?" she asked simply. "This is a Rapid Response Attack Carrier so I need to know what my crew can do".

"Two hundred hours flight and over 2 thousand ground. I mainly specialize in hand to hand combat and long range target removal, some people call it sniping."

Taiga nodded. "Ok" she said. "Thats good enough for me. Will you be willing to command a possible air group should the need arise?" she asked curiously.

"I can do it from the ship. But if I go out as well and I'm taken out somehow, the entire group has no structure and no commands. I feel more comfortable on the ground way. I'm not one for heights. That reminds me.." he reached behind him and pulled out a phaser pistol. "It's customary for a marine to give his commanding officer a gift. Usually a weapon. This is the Mark X Phaser Pistol. Three round burst, silencer,laser sight, augmented frequency modular adapter for against the Borg, and a sensor that goes off when cloaked unprogrammed entities are around. Perfect for stealth,anti-stealth and picking a fight with the Borg. " he gave slight bow as he offered it to her with both hands. "I am honored to serve. Trained my Marines. Lead by Starfleet. The best of both worlds is truly a Marine. And here on Toyko,assigned or not, I have home."

Taiga wasn't expecting that at all. She took the pistol from him and looked it over carefully. "Erm, thankyou" she said. "My first suggestion would be to report to the Marine Barracks. You will be commanding not only ground marines, but airfighter marines" she explained.

Leo nodded and stood up. "I checked in there first actually." he handed her a padd from his pants side-pocket. He was in battle-ready uniform. It looked like normal starfleet uniform but green with leg pockets and side holster with a pistol. Only officers could get away with the pistol though. "Here's a list of stuff I really think we should get before we depart. Most of it is on the Starbase, the rest should be coming from Marine HQ by tonight. "

Taiga took the PADD and glanced it over before handing it back to him.
"Run this by the Quartermaster" she said. "He should be able to aquire what you want" she explained simply.

"You got it Commander." he gave a slight bow as he took back the PADD. "Permission to begin my duties."

"Granted" Taiga said simply.

Leo gave a final low respective bow. "Then I shall take my leave Commander, see you first thing in the morning with a status report." he turned heel and left promptly,having lots to do.

Taiga watched him go and tilted her head slightly. She was curious at what the new marine commander would do next.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Captain Leo Fox
Marine Commanding Officer


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