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Chatter in Pilot Town

Posted on Fri Jan 23rd, 2015 @ 1:36pm by Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant K'Eltora

961 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Expeditious expectations
Location: Fighter Bay

Silica Tetsuhiko laid on her back, her legs sticking out from under one of the Tokyo's fighter crafts. Every now and again a hand would shoot out and reach for one of the spanners or tools that were laid down by her legs. She was a small young looking girl fresh out of the academy, with brown hair tied up in pigtails with red ribbon.

K'Eltora walked into the Fighter bay looking at the crafts. Though she normally was not a pilot, she did want to see what these ships were like.

There was a loud bang and a clang as a spanner dropped to the floor.
"Oh" a little voice said as a hand reached out from under the fighetr to find the spanner, she was feeling around for it but not able to find it.

K'Eltora noticed the hand and the object she was looking for. She reached down, picked it up and placed it into the hand.

"Thanks" The voice said as she grabbed it, for a few seconds klinking could be heard. Then she young girl shot out from under the fighter. She was wearing a standard fighter pilots uniform. "hi" she said with a smile.

K'Eltora lifted an eyebrow in confusion and said, "Hello. Are you sure you're old enough to be doing this?"

"Perfectly" the young girl said with a smile. "Although this is my first assignment, I'm now an ensign" she replied with a grin. She seemed to be very happy that she had got an assignment.

K'Eltora nodded. "I see. Well, what can you tell me about this ship, Ensign?" K'Eltora straightened a little, the sound of leather crunching and creaking as she did so.

The young girl nodded. "Well she's a Ratpor Class Attack Starfighter, she has good speed at roughly warp four, ablative hull armour. She's got dual phaser cannons and micro-torpedo launchers, type U if i'm not mistaken. Oh and she's awesome to fly" she explained as she pulled herself up, and suddenely felt tiny next to the klingon.

K'Eltora nodded. "I see. May need a crash course on the controls on how to fly her, but I can shoot any weapon you give me."

"Are you a fighter pilot like me?" she asked curiously.

K'Eltora shook her head. "No I'm Tactical Officer with some pilot training. Need it in case someone goes down."

"Oh" she said. "Well, I'm Silica Tetsuhiko, one of this ships younger fighter pilots" she introduced herself with a smile.

K'Eltora nodded. "Lieutenant K'Eltora of the Klingon Defense Force. On loan so I can be with my mate."

Silica couldn't help but smile. "I've never met a Klingon before now" she explained. "Are you really as good as they say you are at fighting?"

K'Eltora smirked. "Don't know what they say about me personally, but I am a very good fighter."

Silica just beamed at her. "Well I'm not a big fighter... but I'm a very good pilot" she explained. She didn't look like she could hold out much in a physical confrontation as she had a light build, but she did look like she was suited to flying a ship.

K'Eltora smirked. "Who told you that?"

"I got top grades in flight school. Thats why I got this assignment. I was the top of my class at graduation" Silica replied with a smile.

K'Eltora groaned. "No kid. Who told you're not a big fighter? To me that says you're not a good fighter, am I right?"

"Oh" Silica said. "Well I'm not very good with hand to hand. I have a fairly accurate shot with a hand phaser. The only thing I can shoot is fighter phasers" she replied with a smile. "On ground, I'm pretty much useless".

K'Eltora asked, "So Karlassa could take you down with one hit?"

"Karlassa? Who's that?" Silica asked cocking her head to one side in confusion.

K'Eltora smiled. "My four-year-old. She's Bajoran."

"Well... If shes only four. I don't think she could, isn't she just a child?" she took a pause "Unless she's some sort of sword wielding ninja that can stab me in the stomach" she laughed.

K'Eltora frowned and said, "She's not a ninja. She's a warrior."

Silica raised an eyebrow. "Ok then" she said. "I'm just a simple fighter pilot. I'll probably never have children, I was told that a Fighter Pilot doesn't often live past thirty" Silica replied.

K'Eltora said, "I don't like the sound of that. Then again, today is a good day to die. But what if I trained you in hand to hand combat?"

"Oh I don't know" Silica said. "You'd probably be able to push me over just by breathing on me. I'm only a small person"

K'Eltora asked, "Need I remind you of Karlassa?"

Silica just smiled "I guess you're right" She said. "Oh, I forgot to ask. What Squadron are you assigned to? I'm flying in the 'Krista' Squadron. I'm usually on Port Wing in standard formation" Silica asked.

K'Eltora smirked. "Same as you kid. When I'm not on tactical duty."

"Oh good. You're my wingmate!" she replied with a cheerful smile. A loud bell began to ring across the bay. "Oh, I better get going. That bell means they need me in the other bay. I'm also one of the mechanics for these fighters" she explained. "I'll see you around, maybe in the pilots lounge later!"

K'Eltora said, "Maybe. Though, I'm not sure if it's kid friendly." She laughed.

Silica ran off in the opposite direction, she looked back with a smile and gave K'Eltora a wave. Then she disappeared as she turned to enter into another bay.

K'Eltora walked off. "This should be an interesting ship."

Posting by

Lieutenant K'Eltora
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko
Fighter Pilot


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