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'till death do us part!

Posted on Fri Dec 9th, 2022 @ 6:15pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Kagami Izumi & Captain Minori Kushieda & Captain Yusaka Kitamura & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer
Edited on on Fri Dec 9th, 2022 @ 6:19pm

2,319 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa Hotel Hall

Taiga stood there staring at herself in the mirror. The white dress was meant to represent purity and innocence. It didn't seem to match Taiga at all. Her heart pounded in her chest as she stood there gazing at her appearance, the bouqet of pink roses sat on the side waiting for Taiga to carry them.

"Looking very beautiful," Minori said as she ran a brush through Taiga's long blonde hair. Minori herself wore a light pink dress, it was simply just like Taiga's and showed off her curves nicely too.

"I hope Ryuuji likes it..." Taiga sighed. "I hate dressing up like this..."

"Taiga, you're a very lucky girl. But he would marry you in anything. He's not the type of man who marries a girl for her looks or how she dresses. He loves you for who you are Taiga. If you turned up in a T shirt and Shorts, he would still marry you there and then" Minori explained to her. She finished running the brush through her hair and gently placed a collection of white flowers amongst her hair.

Kagami and Tsukasa stood there and smiled. "You'll be fine Taiga" Kagami said. "We're here for you".

"Are you ready to go Taiga?" Minori asked.

Taiga nodded. At the moment the few guests they had invited to the ceremony had already taken their seats in the hall. Taiga had been getting ready in a side room before she was due to walk down the aisle. She was waiting for the only person she had trusted to walk her down the aisle, at least someone who was willing to do that honour.

As if on cue, Jen rounded the corner into the room. Unlike Taiga, she was wearing a gray full-body suit. She stood looking at Taiga in an at-ease stance. "They're waiting." She said simply, then raised an eyebrow. "Are you you ready?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Taiga said as she turned to Jen. She glanced back at Minori who was ready to walk behind her, Kagami and Tsukasa the other two bridemaids were waiting outside the door too.

"Then we shouldn't keep them waiting any longer." Jen said, stepping aside to let Taiga exit the room first. Once Taiga was out, she would step up to walk her down the aisle.

[Main Hall]

Kitamura stood next to Ryuuji, he nearly matched him in height. His matching light grey suit, complete with a baby blue tie made both of them look very smart. He turned and seemed to brush off some dust from Ryuuji's shoulder.

"How you feeling?" Kitamura asked.

"Nervous," Ryuuji replied with a smile. "But I'm excited to finally be doing this. We have been together for fifteen years." He turned and looked back towards the front of the room. It wasn't anything special, however it had been set out in a Shinto traditional way.

The altar that had been set up had been decorated with various tropical fruits, vegetables and food items. Taiga and Ryuuji had opted for a traditional Japanese Shinto ceremony, it seemed like the right thing to do, at least for them it did.

To the right of the Altar stood a Shinto Priest, dressed in traditional clothing and a Shrine Maiden stood waiting on the right. Although the traditional ceremony had changed over the years with influences from other religions and marriage ceremonies, the general concept stayed the same.

The doors at the back of the room opened and traditional Japanese music began to play. It was quite relaxing and the guests all rose to their feet.

As Taiga stepped out into the corridor, Jen fell in line beside her, offering an elbow. To Jen, it was clear to see that the shorter woman was nervous, perhaps even scared, as she whispered. "You've got this Taiga."

"Uh huh..." Taiga replied nervously as she took Jens arm. The doors to the main room opened. Taiga looked down the aisle, it seemed longer than before, and at the end stood Ryuuji awaiting her.

"One step, then another..." Jen whispered, as they stood there, looking on; the others in the room staring back at them. "Just keep moving forward, and things will be fine... Promise."

"I hope so," Taiga replied in a whisper. "Thankyou for doing this." She added as slowly they began to walk down the center of the room. Taiga could feel the butterflies fluttering in her tummy as she walked, her heart pounded and she could feel her legs shake a little. She had commanded a Starship into battle, being in violent firefight and even met her mirror self, but none of this compared to this. This was scary, but yet she felt excited but nervous of what was to come.

"You're welcome." Jen replied. After a few more steps, Daxer's close proximity allowed her to sense Taiga's increased levels of anxiety. "When I was assimilated, Ryuji stood his ground against me. He said you'd come, and against all odds, you did... Not just for me, but for him. You saved our lives, and after everything you've both been through, you deserve this."

"I can't not go to him now then," Taiga replied with a smile as they finally approached the alter.

The Shinto Priest stepped forward and addressed the room. "We are here to join these two together in matrimony. Who gives away this woman?" He asked looking over at Jen.

"I do." Daxer said with a nod. "Jennifer Daxer."

The Priest nodded. "Thankyou Jennifer Daxer" he said with a bow. Ryuuji stepped forward to take Taiga from Jen, allowing her to sit down for the official ceremony.

Jen let go of Taiga, stepping back to take her seat. She hadn't originally planned to run into Taiga, much less participate in a wedding, but she certainly wasn't complaining about the circumstances.

The priest smiled and stepped up towards the alter. He ran his hands over it. He was beginning the traiditional ceremony of San-San-Ku. He then turned to face Taiga and Ryuuji who were stood together.

"The alter has been purified against any benevolent Kami" he announced. "We shall now proceed with the San-San-Ku ceremony" he told them as he inivited them forward. He took position behind the alter and lifted a bottle of Sake from behind it.

Three cups sat on the alter, there was a small cup, a medium sized one and slightly larger one. They were plain white with no decoration on them and sat in the very center of the alter. Gently the priest opened the bottle of Sake and poured a small amount into the smallest cup. With both hands he lifted it and offered it to Ryuuji.

Ryuuji bowed as he took the cup, and then took a sip of the sake inside. Gently with both hands he held it out to Taiga. Taiga then bowed before taking a sip of the sake and passing it back to the Priest. The cup was then placed with the others as he filled up the medium sized up, this time he offered it gently out to Taiga.

Bowing once again, Taiga took the cup and took a sip from the cup. She then held it out for Ryuuji. He took it and drank from the cup like before. Finally he passed it back to the priest. The final and largest cup was filled and passed this time back to Ryuuji. Ryuuji once again took a drink from the cup and like the first time held it out to Taiga who took the final drink before handing it back.

The San-San-Ku traditional within the religion of Shinto is to some a representation not only of love and a joining between the man and woman with the first two cups, but the third cup is said to represent fertility and the creation of children and family. It was said that the words San-San is a homonym for "birth after birth" to represent fertility.

The priest then summons them closer to the alter. Ryuuji takes Taiga's hands and turns to face her.

"Taiga" Ryuuji began as he stared into her hazel eyes. "Fifteen years ago, I was a lonely man, an outsider. I met you, with a little thanks to our friends. You have shown me the importance of finding someone I can be with. We have been through so much, not just as Starfleet Officers, but as a couple and as people. I promise to cherish you, keep a lid on your temper and be the best husband that you deserve. I know we've had our disagreements, however I hope you can agree that we should be together forever" Ryuuji paused. "Taiga Aisaka, I love you more than anything else in this galaxy and far beyond. I cannot imagine a single day without you in it. I offer not only my heart but my warmth and embrace for eternity".

A single silent tear had escaped Taiga's eyes. She looked up at Ryuuji and smiled at him, her heart was pounding and she could feel a warmth building up inside of her. She nodded at him, all she wanted to do was jump into his arms and be held. But now she had to stand there and listen to him. It was tradition that the bride didn't say any vows, but the vows from the groom were for both of them.

Ryuuji looked over at Yusaka and Minori. "Yusaka, Minori" he said with a smile. "I want to thankyou for your help today. Both of you are our nakodo. You have guided us both through these years and made today possible. I will care for Taiga with all my heart and give my life to her" he told them both before turning back to Taiga.

The priest stepped forward and placed a hand on Ryuuji and Taiga's shoulders. "I have witnessed your vows Ryuuji. Do you accept his vows Taiga?" he asked.

Taiga nodded simply. Yusaka stepped up and with a bow to both of them offered them two golden rings. Ryuuji took the smaller ring and slid it onto Taiga's ring finger. Taiga looked up and smiled at Ryuuji as she took the larger ring and slid it onto his ring finger.

"Forever and Always..." Ryuuji whispered to Taiga. Taiga nodded "Forever and always..." she whispered back at him.

"I hereby declare that you are now man and wife." The priest said. Both Taiga and Ryuuji, still hand in hand turned to face the alter. Both Taiga and Ryuuji bowed with closed eyes as they released each other, to pray.

Several prayers were spoken out by the Priest to bless the marriage. The gods Izanagi and Izanami were honoured in the traditional prayers. According to traditional Shinto tradition, Izanagi and Izanami were the married gods of 'The First Wedding' and were called upon at weddings to reflect a harmonious balance and to help maintain a respectful home and creation of children.

Once the prayers were done, Taiga took Ryuuji's arm as music began to play. Slowly both of them took a step towards the aisle that Taiga was walked down earlier. "Ladies and Gentlemen." The priest said as he held a Japanese Evergreen flower in his hand. Gently he placed it on the alter as an offering to reflect gratitude to the spirits who had blessed the union.

He then turned to the room. "I present Taiga and Ryuuji Takasu!" he announced. The room which was mainly closed friends and family burst into applause and cheers of 'Kampai!' as Ryuuji led Taiga down the aisle towards the door. The couple were showered in confetti as they walked.

Taiga felt safe as Ryuuji guided her down the Aisle towards the door. Now came the fun part, the reception where they would hear speeches, have food and drink, not to mention the one thing that made Taiga the most nervous; the first dance. But for now she was enjoying being the center of attention as Ryuuji held her close. She could feel the warmth in her heart spreading through her body as she allowed herself to be guided by the man she loved.

They had finally done it, they had finally gone ahead and shown the universe that they will be together forever. The marriage was much more than just a simple contract, to them it was a sign of eternal love and the creation of a new family, one that together sailed the stars aboard a Starship. This was their day, this was a day they will never forget.

"Hey Ryuuji..." Taiga said softly as they approached the doors. "I need to tell you something..." she said blood rushing into her cheeks.

"Oh?" Ryuuji said as he looked down at his new wife. "Whats that?"

"'Till death do us part..." Taiga muttered.

Ryuuji smirked. He leant down and with his other hand lifted up Taiga's head by her chin. He looked endearingly into her eyes before moving in closer and kissing her passionately. "'till death do us part. But lets hope thats not for a long time..."

Taiga couldn't help herself. She reached up and jumped up into his embrace, allowing herself to be carried. "Ryuuji! I really love you!"

"Same here Taiga. Nothing can stop us now!" he said as he kissed her again. He carried Taiga out of the room, to the surprise of the guests. However this was their moment and their day, they could end it however they wanted. Plus, when was it ever Taiga Aisaka's style to do things by the book?

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief
USS Tokyo

Commander Jennifer Daxer
Starfleet Intelligence - Undercover Division
Guest Star

Captain Yusaka Kitamura
Commanding Officer
USS Kirishima

Captain Minori Kushieda
Commanding Officer
USS Armitage

Captain Kagami Izumi
Security & Tactical Instructor
Starfleet Academy

Commander Tsukasa Izumi
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Zeus


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