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Clearing the Air

Posted on Fri Dec 9th, 2022 @ 6:14pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

1,090 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa

Taiga paced up and down as she waited in the lobby. It was obvious she was becoming more and more impatient. Ryuuji watched from a nearby chair as she wore out the flooring. "Don't worry. They'll be here. There's no need to think they won't be"

"He's always late though! Why did I even invite him?!" Taiga asked sharply. The doors of the lobby swished open and a tall smartly dressed man strode into the hotel. Len Aisaka looked around as he lowered his sunglasses. He spotted Ryuuji sitting on a chair and approached slowly.

"Why hello there Ryuuji," he said. "I guess Taiga is waiting for me upstairs?"

"Turn around..." Ryuuji said simply. Len turned around to find his daughter stood staring at him from a few feet away.

"I know I'm small, but seriously how the hell can you miss me when we're the only ones in here?!" she asked with a slight growl. Ryuuji shot her a 'behave yourself' look from behind Len. A shudder went down Taiga's spine, Ryuuji was giving her a look she didn't like, one that always put her back on the right path.

She cleared her throat. "Anyways... Its... nice to... well..." she looked away. "See you again I guess..." she muttered. Len smiled as he walked over to this daughter and pulled her into a tight hug.

"I know we haven't been on the best of terms lately Taiga. I'm sorry for being such a jerk, especially through that trial. I don't suppose you've heard from your mother have you?" Len asked curiously.

"Yeah. She's coming tomorrow..." Taiga replied. She hadn't forgiven him for how he had reacted. But now at least was a time they could clear the air together.

"So, what would you like me to do?" Len asked curiously as he placed his travel case on a nearby table.

"We want your blessing" Ryuuji said simply. "And before you ask, Taiga has found someone to walk her down the aisle."

"Did you not want me?" Len asked.

Taiga started to blush. "I wasn't sure if you were able to make it or not. So I made... alternative arrangements..."

"I see. A clever precaution. Exactly what I'd expect from my daughter" Len replied simply. Ryuuji took his travel bag and led them over towards the hotels elevator.

"I'll show you to your room. Plus, Taiga has to go meet with Minori for a few things" Ryuuji explained. Taiga nodded in response as the elevator doors opened. Len stepped in smugly followed by Ryuuji.

"I'll see you later for dinner" Taiga said to both of them just before the doors closed. The elevator began to rise slowly into the building.


The elevator came to a gradual stop, the sound of its emergency latches sliding into place echoed around the silent car. Ryuuji dropped the travel case and turned to directly face Taiga's father. Height wise they matched and were more or less eye to eye.

"Len. I need to speak to you. Man to man."

Len seemed to simply smirk. "Whats on your mind kiddo?" he said placing a hand on Ryuuji's shoulder. Ryuuji simply brushed the other mans hand off.

"I'll be honest. I was against you being here for the wedding. But as Taiga wanted her family here, I couldn't say no. Therefore I am putting up with you for now" Ryuuji told him his eyes narrowing slightly. "I know how much you hurt Taiga when she was younger, how she was always pushed aside for your own selfish desires. I understand that you weren't just a bad dad, but you were an awful dad to her"

"That was a long time ago Ryuuji..." Len began.

"Well time doesn't matter. She is still your daughter. I disagree with your prescence, but I understand the need for family. I will be marrying your daughter in a couple of days. Taiga wants your blessing, as much as she doesn't get on with you, you are still her father. I don't need your blessing, because frankly it doesn't mean much to me. My life belongs to Taiga, and she is my life."

Ryuuji took a deep breath. "What I am trying to say is that I don't like you. However I will respect you. But I will endeavour to care for our children better than you did for Taiga. I will never desert them or push them aside."

"Is Taiga pregnant?" Len asked simply.

"No. Not yet at least. But I will tell you this only once. Any future children we do have, and we have been wanting children for a long time now. Will they know their grandfather Aisaka? Or will they never see him?"

"What do you..."

"Answer me" Ryuuji demanded. "I am giving you an opportunity for a second chance. When Taiga and I have children, I want you to try to be a grandfather they look forward to seeing. Not one that they don't know, do you understand?"

Len nodded. He removed his sunglasses and wiped his eyes. "Ryuuji. I will do my best for any grandchildren you bless me with. I know I've been a bad dad, but the fact that you're willing to give me that chance reassures my heart at times"

He turned away to look at the wall. "You're perfect for Taiga. I know that you adore her and she needs you more than she needs me. I think thats why I feel comfortable leaving her under your care. However..." he turned back to face Ryuuji. "I will do my best to be part of the family again. I just need a chance."

"You've had them in the past Len. Don't let this be your last. Show Taiga just how much she actually means to you. She is still your daughter and right now she is making one hell of a big step in her life. I only ask that you support her" Ryuuji responded.

"I will Ryuuji. I promise. Thankyou for being honest and blunt with me. I would rather prefer that than dancing around the bush..." he held out his hand. "May I have the honour of calling you my son-in-law"

Ryuuji took his hand. "Of course" he shook it firmly before ordering the lift to continue. The doors opened and both men stepped onto a different floor, with slightly different feelings and clearer air about each other.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief
USS Tokyo

Len Aisaka


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