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Back together again

Posted on Fri Dec 9th, 2022 @ 6:14pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Kagami Izumi & Captain Minori Kushieda & Captain Yusaka Kitamura & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

1,031 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa Hotel/USS Kirishima

In a blinding flash, the brand new Odyssey Class USS Kirishima dropped out of warp in the Risa system. The Odyssey Class was Starfleets newest deep space exploration cruiser and boasted some of the most advanced technology the Federation had ever seen.

Standing in the center of the bridge was a smart looking captain. Captain Yusaka Kitamura was tall, towering over the smaller officers. He adjusted his glasses as the planet Risa came into view.

"Helm, take us into standard orbit. Have our guests meet me at the transporter," he ordered simply with a smile.

"Aye Captain" The Bolian lieutenant at the helm answered.


Taiga stared over the beautiful bay below from her balcony. The aqua waters below lapped peacefully at the soft sand of the beach below, as a slight breeze rustled the leaves on the palm trees.

Her attention was taken from the view as a knock at the door echoed through the room. She turned, Ryuuji was already moving over. She couldn't help but smile as the door opened.

"Ryuuji! Taiga!" Yusaka said as he walked in. He embraced Ryuuji with a handshake and hug. He looked over the room and Taiga who simply smiled at him.

"Yusaka you made it." Taiga smiled.

"Indeed" he replied. "Oh, and I brought a few friends..."

Standing in the door way were three women and a young girl. One of them stood proudly, wearing a command Starfleet uniform, red hair and as always wearing a huge smile. Minori Kushieda rushed over and instantly pulled Taiga into a huge hug.

"Oh Taiga! I'm so happy!" she said before releasing the smaller woman.

"Hope you don't mind we hitched a ride. Captain Kitamura was kind enough to bring us here?" one of the other woman said. Her purple hair had been tied up in the form of twin tails, and the other woman looked exactly like her except her hair was shorter and only down to her shoulders. The young girl, with bright teal coloured hair and dark eyes also followed.

"Not at all. I'm glad you're both here," Taiga said as she smiled at Captain Kagami Izumi and her twin sister Commander Tsukasa Izumi. "And this must be Hatsune?".

"Yeah, she's four now. She's looking forward to the next few days here," Kagami replied. The young girl seemed nervous to be in a room full of many different people she had never met before.

Taiga crouched down to Hatsune's level. "Hello Hatsune. I'm Taiga" she introduced herself holding out a hand. Before she knew it the young girl had flung herself into her arms and was hugging her tightly. It did take Taiga a little bit by surprise, she had only just met the girl.

"She said she really wanted to give Auntie Taiga and Uncle Ryuuji a massive hug when she got here." The younger Izumi Twin, Tsukasa said. Taiga couldn't help but smile as the young girl finally let her go and returned to her mother without another word.

"Use your spoken words Hatsune..." Kagami said looking down at the younger girl. The girl seemed to frown as she turned her attention back to Taiga. "Thankyou for having me..." she said with a bow.

Kagami couldn't help but smile. "She's still learning when to use her Betazoid abilities. Sometimes she gets mixed up," she explained.

Ryuuji made his way across the small entourage of people and stood next to Yusaka. "We've reserved rooms for you all," he explained. "I imagine you'll want to get out of those uniforms before we head down for dinner."

Yusaka laughed as he patted Ryuuji on the shoulder. "Indeed, as nice as these uniforms are. They're not the correct attire for Risa. Plus, we're all off duty for the next few days."

Ryuuji led the group out of the room, however Minori didn't follow. "I'll catch up with you in a minute!" she called after them. Once the others had left she slowly closed the door.

"Taiga..." she said slowly approaching her.

"I know what you're going to say..."

"You could have been killed. We lost a lot of good people, the Oceania, Captain Nakamura..."

"I know Minori." Taiga replied. "But it wasn't our fault. We did everything we could. Now we move on, life goes on"

Minori sighed. "Yeah, it does. I know you've both had this planned for such a long time. I'm honoured to be helping where I can. Are you sure you want to do this now?"

Taiga nodded. "Yeah I do. We still have a few more people to come yet. My... Parents included..."

"You want your parents here?" Minori asked stepping back in shock and surprise.

Taiga lowered her head. "Yeah, they need to know that I can live my life without their help. Plus, I'm still their daughter. I want this to be a fresh start with them and us. When Ryuuji and I have children, I want them to know that they're not from a broken family like I was"

Minori sighed, she placed a rassuring hand on Taiga's shoulder. "I get it. I really do. I wish you the best of luck, and I'm sure any children you and Ryuuji have will be perfect in their own way, regardless of their family background"

With a smile, Minori headed towards the door. She grasped the handle, but before turning it she looked back at Taiga. "Don't worry, everything is going to be alright. We're all here now. You know we'll support you in your decisions and help your dreams come true." With that said she swung the door open and disappeared down the corridor.

Taiga stood there smiling, her friends and family were here. What more could she ask for, the next few days would be days she would remember for the rest of her life, hopefully.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief
USS Tokyo

Guest Starring

Captain Yusaka Kitamura
Commanding Officer
USS Kirishima

Captain Minori Kushieda
Commanding Officer
USS Armitage

Captain Kagami Izumi
Security & Tactical Instructor
Starfleet Academy

Commander Tsukasa Izumi
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Zeus

Hatsune Izumi
Child of Kagami Izumi


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