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Old Friends, New favors

Posted on Fri Dec 9th, 2022 @ 6:14pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer
Edited on on Fri Dec 9th, 2022 @ 6:20pm

1,237 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa

Having finally closed the case on her own attempted assassination, and bringing the culprit to justice, it had been decided that Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer needed some time off, and her superiors refused to take "no" for an answer on the matter of shoreleave.

Realizing she actually did need some time to relax, the Vulcan operative had chosen to visit Risa, so borrowing her parent's runabout, she now brought it to a soft landing in one of their hangars. She wore blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket as she stepped out of the runabout.

It didn't take long for 3 Risans to approach her in greeting.

"Welcome to Risa." The youngest of them said. She was a girl maybe 18 years old, with long blonde hair, and a gentle smile. "We have plenty of relaxing activities here, or if you prefer, one of us can be your guide."

"That will not be necessary." Daxer replied simply. She pushed the hair from her face, revealing the existence of a Borg Ocular implant as she continued. "I would like some quarters though."

"Not a problem." The girl replied, reaching out to lead Daxer by the hand. "I'd be happy to show you where they are."

"Yes, I'll need that too" the voice of Taiga Aisaka said as she stood at the desk. She was clearly going over several things with the Risian behind the desk as if organising something.

The woman reached into one of the pockets in her skirt and pulled out a PADD. "This is the list of who is going to be there. I believe that Ryuuji organised for their rooms. However, there may be a few alterations..."

As Jen passed nearby, the sound of her old CO's voice was unmistakable. Signaling the girl leading her to wait a moment, Jen approached Taiga from behind, stopping only a few feet from her. "Taiga Aisaka." The Vulcan said simply, still looking at the short woman facing away from her. "You're the last person I expected to find on a pleasure planet."

Taiga froze before turning around slowly. There stood her old executive officer and once chief of security, Jennifer Daxer. A smile stretched across the face as she lunged forward and pulled the woman into a tight hug.

"You got my message?" she asked. "Wait..." she broke free and raised an eyebrow. "You did get the message right?"

It felt odd to Jen, being hugged so tightly, especially by someone so short, but she ignored it as she stepped back to reply. "I received no message, except from an Admiral insisting that I take shoreleave." she explained with a raised eyebrow. "Apparently, bringing justice to one's own would-be assassin is grounds for forced shoreleave."

"Same here. But with my ship in drydock for three weeks, and after undergoing torture by the Tal Shiar and losing a good chunk of my crew... I'm just glad to be away from it for a while," the shorter woman explained. "And I sent the message a few days ago, obviously Starfleet felt you didn't need it..." she let out an audible sigh.

"Are you busy?" Taiga asked. "I need to talk to you about something..." she paused. "Non-Starfleet related."

Jen turned to the girl who'd bee leading her. "I'll have my friend show me to my quarters." she said. "Just need to know which room."

"It's room 3-B, in the second wing of the visitor building." the young girl said with a smile. "I hope you enjoy your stay on Risa." She said, then walked off.

Jen turned back to Taiga, giving her a slight smirk. "We can talk on the way." She said. "I don't feel like being bombarded by all these happy pleasure people, at least not yet."

"That'll happen..." Taiga said as they set off walking. "So, I sent a message a few days ago to you like I said. You see..." she took a deep breath. "Ryuuji and I have decided after what we've been through that its time for us to tie the knot."

"It's possible that because I was already on my way here, they figured we'd run into each other... just like we did." Jen replied, without missing a beat. She'd found that she was a bit annoyed that such a message had not been delivered to her. "Took you two long enough. After what I saw during my assimilation, I figured it would happen eventually."

"Yeah, we've been together a long time" Taiga smiled. "It was mainly finding the right moment... But I originally asked you to join here so I could ask you something."

Taiga stopped dead in her tracks, blood rushed to her cheeks as she stood there nervously. "You see, I don't have a good relationship with my parents. My father is only ever considered with himself, he hasn't had time for me since I was a child..." she paused for a moment. "I know its strange to ask this, but would you..." she looked away for a few seconds. "Give me away to Ryuuji?"

With Taiga being so short, Jen hadn't even noticed she'd stopped walking, until she clearly heard her voice behind her. She stopped, turning to face her old CO with a raised eyebrow. "It's a bit of an unusual request, but I don't see why not." She replied. "When is the wedding?"

A small smile stretched across Taiga's face, she expected such a logical and emotionless response from the woman. In some strange way she had missed it. "Usually one says 'I'd be honoured' but thats ok" she replied with a genuine grin, something which not many people say on Taiga Aisaka's face. "Three days from now. Its only going to be a small private ceremony, friends and family only," she told her. "I can send all the arrangements to you, thats if... it doesn't get in the way if your own plans?"

"Assassins don't much like being tracked down. Since I left the Tokyo, I've been beaten, stabbed, and shot at." Jen explained, lifting up the lower part of her t-shirt to reveal a scar from a rather nasty stab wound. "My only plans while I'm here are to relax, and enjoy myself. If you forward the information, I promise I'll be there... I wouldn't miss it."

Taiga nodded. "Good" she said. "I'll let you get to your room. How about you join us for dinner later if you have no other dinner arrangements?" she asked. She was truly happy that she could ask Jen, she did not want anyone else as they had a special type of relationship that went beyond duty.

"Dinner it is then." Jen said, finally giving Taiga one of her rare smiles. After all the time that had passed since they last saw each other, Jen still considered Taiga one of her closest friends. "Forward that information to me as well. In the meantime, I think I'm going to go take a nap. Didn't sleep much on the way here."

"I will" Taiga replied. "Sleep well" she added as she turned to leave. However she looked over her shoulder before walking off. "Oh, and if you want to give a speech, you're more than welcome to. You are taking the position of father of the bride after all..." she grinned.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Jennifer Daxer
Starfleet Intelligence - Undercover Division
Guest Star


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