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The Captain They Couldn't Kill

Posted on Thu Dec 8th, 2022 @ 10:59am by Commander Rize Tedeza & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Edited on on Tue May 2nd, 2023 @ 4:12pm

1,383 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa

"Chino-Chan! Try this on!"

The periwinkle-haired stared at wide-eyed disbelief at the baby blue slingkini her friend was holding up. "What do you even take me for, Lieutenant?" she remarked.

"Oh, come on!" the strawberry blonde pouted. "It matches your hair!"

"That thing would barely cover my nipples," Chino pointed out. "And I'm the one who's flat as a board, remember?"

"Uwaaa~ don't be saying mean things about my little sister!" the blonde replied, wrapping Chino in a bear hug. "Only I get to say those things about my little sister!"

"Not the most reassuring thing you could've said," Chino sighed. "And for the record, I'm not your little sister."

The blonde stuck her tongue out. "Boobie! Chino-Chan's a Boobie!"

"That's quite enough, Coco," the tall, purple-haired Commander observing their commotion with mild amusement butted in. "Chino's clearly not going to be comfortable wearing that, so what's say we pick something else for her?"

"But Rize-Chan!" Coco whined. "I wanted to see Chino-Chan's belly button! She's always covering it up, even when we're bathing together!"

"If you see me as a little sister, why are you so fascinated with seeing my navel?" Chino pointed out. "It's, like, a navel."

"I'm sure Chino has one, if that's what you're worried about," Rize chuckled as she hung the slingkini back on the rack. "What's say we meet halfway? I saw a nice, two-piece swimsuit over here somewhere..."

As Rize began rummaging through the racks for the particular item she was looking for, Coco's attention was drawn to the entrance, where a familiar-looking blonde in a white sundress had just stepped through the front door, accompanied by a tall male companion.

"Hey, Rize-Chan!" she called out. "Isn't that Taiga Aisaka?"

Rize looked up from the clothing rack to where Coco was pointing, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"My God; it's her," she gasped. "'Starfleet's Iron Lady', in the flesh and blood..."

For better or for worse, Taiga Aisaka had become something of an underground legend amongst certain Starfleet Command circles; having survived Romulans, Elachi, the Borg, the Terrans, and God knew what else, her resilience had cemented her status as "The Captain They Couldn't Kill"- a reputation made all the more remarkable by the fact that she couldn't be more than five-foot-two and a hundred ten soaking wet. Rize, obviously, had a great deal of respect for her, both for what she had been put through and how she triumphantly overcome each and every obstacle in her way.

"She looks sort of like a lolita," Coco guffawed, evidently unfazed by the fact she was in the presence of a living legend. "She kind of reminds me of Chino-Chan!"

"I am deeply offended by your remark, Lieutenant," Chino commented disapprovingly.

"Coco!" Rize scolded. "You can't just say that! Do you realize what that woman over there has done for the Federation?"

Coco furrowed her brow in complexion. "Um... programmed pork buns into the replicator?"

Rize pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Coco, how have I failed you so miserably?"

"Wait to go, Einstein; now we're going to get a lecture," Chino mumbled.

However, before Rize had the opportunity to delve into the life and times of one venerable Taiga Aisaka, Coco spun around on her heels and scurried off in Taiga's direction, chanting her name as if it were a nursery rhyme.

"Coco, wait!" Rize called out to no avail. "Ah, shit..."

"Taiga Aisaka~ Taiga Aisaka~"

Taiga wasn't really expecting for someone to be calling her name. She froze as she looked around before spotting the younger woman approaching her.

"Are you a lolita?" the blonde asked, crooking her head to one side oh-so-innocently.

Taiga blinked a few times. "Excuse me?" She asked her fists clenching. "What did you just say to me?!"

"Are you a loli-?" the blonde began to repeat herself, but evidently didn't get the opportunity to finish the question before Taiga promptly cut her off.

It was fast, Taiga lunged forward and grabbed the other woman by her collar. "What the hell thinks you can ask someone that?!" She said in a raised voice.

"Shit! Coco!"

From out of the corner of Taiga's eye, two Starfleet officers- a short, periwinkle-haired girl who probably had half an inch on Taiga (at best), and a (substantially) taller purplette- rushed over to try and break up the altercation.

Taiga caught a glimpse of the officers. She quickly turned her head to face them. "Is this tiny idiot with you?!"

"She's my responsibility, yes," the Purplette sighed, shooting the idiot a dirty look. "Though, it would appear I need to keep her on a much tighter leash than I usually allow for..."

Taiga let go of Coco but made sure to give her a good shove. "And you are?" She asked abruptly, her tone of voice still clearly not pleased.

"Geh, where are my manners?" the purplette muttered, quickly bowing her head as a show of respect. "Commander Rize Tedeza, USS Europa; It's truly an honor to meet you in person, Captain Aisaka, even if my con officer doesn't have the best ways of expressing it..."

The idiot stuck her tongue out at Rize, earning herself a swift bop on the head (courtesy of the shorter girl) in the process.

"I guess you're new to command?" Taiga asked back. "One word of advice Commander. You are responsible for your people and their actions, they live and die at your hands!"

She turned back to Coco. "And you. If you can fly a God damn starship then you're clearly a graduate of Starfleet Academy. Now stand up straight and start acting your rank! Or I will run you ALL around this campus and you'll be happy about it! Got that?!" Taiga said her words stern and sharp.

"Ma'am, Yes, Ma'am!" all three of them replied, promptly standing at attention.

"Good" Taiga said in response. "Now show more common sense, especially you" she turned and looked at Coco. "If you say the wrong thing to the wrong person, you might find yourself in a sticky situation. So if you don't know the social conventions, don't bother at all. Understood?"

Coco blinked. "What's a social convention?" She asked. "Is this something I need a voucher to get into?"

"And now we're back at square one," the shorter girl sighed.

Taiga sighed loud enough for them to hear. "How did you even get through the Academy if you didn't know that..." she said placing a hand on her forehead.

"Commander, keep your crew under some sort of control for me. I'm here on Risa on holiday, I don't need any more stress here. I'm not here to babysit junior officers" Taiga told Rize. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have other stuff to do"

"I..." Rize lowered her head and sighed, evidently disappointed that this was the kind of first impression she was putting forth in front of her role model.

"Yes ma'am," she conceded sadly. "I'll see to it that these two are properly disciplined on their behavior, Ma'am."

"How exactly did I get dragged into the disciplinary aspect of all this?" the shorter girl was quick to point out.

With that said, Taiga simply turned on a heel and walked off. She sighed as she did so. "Even here on Risa, I still need to remind people that they're Starfleet Officers and not children..." she said.

"Don't feel so bad about it. Lets just enjoy the next few days" Ryuuji replied as he took her hand gently and walked alongside her.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Rize Tedeza
Commanding Officer
USS Europa

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Coco Hoto
Flight Control Officer
USS Europa

Lieutenant Chino Kafu
Chief Operations Officer
USS Europa


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