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At the end of the disruptor

Posted on Tue Jun 7th, 2022 @ 10:00am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Edited on on Tue Jun 7th, 2022 @ 10:00am

1,357 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Various

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

The viewscreen had been split and now showed the other two Armitage Class ships, the Armitage and Oceania. Both ships were heavily damaged and drifting. Surrounding them were Tal Shiar and Elachi vessels.

"Why?" Taiga spluttered.

"Just choose one. Or I will choose one for you"

Taiga shook her head. "I'm not going to choose who lives or dies!"

"But isn't that part of being a Starfleet Captain. Being able to order your people to their deaths if needs be?" The Commander replied. He seemed to enjoy antaganising the Starfleet crew.

Taiga remained silent.

"Such a shame Captain" he tapped his communicator attached to his wrist. "Choose one of the other Starfleet ships. Destroy it"

Quickly and efficiently, the Tal Shiar and Elachi ships began to fire on the crippled USS Oceania. Taiga watched as the disruptor struck the ship, blasting holes into the hull, causing more damage. Through the breaches the ships crew could be seen being sucked out into space, the relentless assault didn't last long before the entire ship was engulfed in a huge fireball. After the explosion had dissipated all that was left of the Starship Oceania was floating debris.

And now the continuation...

Taiga watched in horror as the Oceania was reduced to nothing but debris. It didn't seem like any of the crew had even the slightest chance to escape their fate. Over a thousand Starfleet Officers, crew and civilians now dead at the hands of the Tal Shiar.

"Put these into a secure place" The Tal Shiar Commander ordered pointing to the bridge officers. "Have our ships start towing this ship to our base in the Neutral Zone immediately"

He turned to Taiga. "As for you. You will unlock the computer before we get there. We'll rip apart either your ship or your mind until we get what we want, Aisaka"

[Somewhere in the bowels of the ship]

Alora's PADD buzzed to alert her of an incoming signal. She'd been keeping to areas of the ship where her life sign couldn't be picked up by internal sensors. She made sure she was in one of these before looking at the message. It was short and to the point. The Prowler got off the ship and past the Tal'Shiar without being detected. However, Lex hadn't gone with them. He was going to wait with another shuttle to get Alex and Alora off, too. She looked at the message for a long moment, then sighed. If only it were that easy. She wasn't even sure where Alex was at the moment. She'd been unable to contact him and she was getting concerned.


The Tokyo shook slightly as it was grabbed by a tractor beam. The Tal Shiar Commander smiled as he made his way over to the command chair. "Crew of the Starship Tokyo. This is Commander Tibar of the Tal Shiar. We have taken your ship and we have your Captain now. You are all now prisoners of the Tal Shiar and enemies of the Romulan Star Empire. For those still fighting, surrender and your deaths will be quick"

There was a pause as Tibar took a breath. "I admire your gallantry and loyalty to your Federation, however it is useless. We have already killed your Chief of Security, and we will begin to execute more members of your crew, one by one, I'd you continue to resist. Starting with Captain Taiga Aisaka"

He cut off the channel and looked down at Taiga. "Don't worry Captain. Your crew will stop resisting... But I'm not going to execute you just yet" he said cracking his knuckles. He turned to one if the guards. "Take her to the Ready Room. Keep her confined there, don't allow her any chance to resist!"

[Somewhere in the bowels of the ship]

Alora felt the ship shake and pulled out her PADD to find out what happened. The Oceana, she thought, her heart heavy. None of this made sense to her. The proof that the Tal'Shiar had been working with the Elachi and was responsible for the destruction of the Romulan colony was no secret.

Then she heard the message over the comm system. Alex was dead? No. She couldn't accept that. She wouldn't accept that, not after everything they'd gone through. This had to be a ruse. Alex was brilliant at getting out of the toughest situations.

Alora knew she couldn't just ignore what she heard. She had to find where this supposed body was and verify it for herself.

[Ready Room]

Taiga had been thrown into one of the chairs of the ready room and the barrel of a disruptor was pointed at her face. She could see out of the corner of her eye the stars moving outside the window as the Tokyo was being pulled deeper and deeper into Romulan space. She sat there quietly, not interacting and she held her head high.

Tibar entered the room and smiled as he saw Taiga. He made his way over to her desk and looked at it. She picked up a photograph of a younger Taiga and Minori. "How nice. Look how young you were. You look like ensigns here, I'm guessing that you and Captain Kushieda went to the academy together"

She looked at him, her eyes narrowing.

"Well, it doesn't matter now" Tibar said as he threw the photo frame across the room. It impacted the wall shattering the glass. "Now tell me Taiga. How do we unlock the computer? How do we get the information about the attack on Alvatar Colony?"

Taiga simply shrugged. "I don't know. I'm a Captain, not a computer specialist. Why not track down Commander Alora and ask her?"

"Ah, the elusive Orion. Unfortunately, we haven't yet located her. However if my men do find her. We shall not hesitate to 'ask' her" he began to interwine his fingers together. "But you know what information you're after..."

"You want to believe that we attacked the Colony. The trial was a sham, you're own agent messed up. Now you want to present to the senate that we did attack to bring us into a war" Taiga replied simply. "Why would you want such a war?"

"Thats above my pay grade as you Humans say. Lets just say there is more to this than just the Federation Council and Romulan Senate" Tibar told her coldly. "However, those higher up need that information. We tried to be diplomatic, but you decided to murder the Ambassador to protect yourself. How very Romulan of you" he began to approach slowly.

Leaning over her until they were eye to eye, Taiga could feel his breath of her face. It was an invasion of her personal space. "I know that you know. I have no problem with ripping apart your precious ship, or your crew to find out"

"I couldn't tell you if I knew" Taiga said simply.

Tibar straightened up and turned around. "Too bad"

He swung around quickly, the back of his gloved hand striking Taiga across the face knocking her clean out of her chair. Taiga fell to the deck, her head impacting the deck. "You don't think I wouldn't force it out of you!" he said his voice raised slightly. "Now tell me!"

Taiga shook her head as she propped herself up. "I won't. I won't betray the Federation!"

Tibar sighed. "Fine" he took the disruptor rifle out of the guards hands. He began to tap at the buttons on the control. "You see, our rifles are not just weapons. We can alter their settings, much like your phasers Captain. However, the difference we have is that on its lowest setting. It won't kill you, but it will hurt. A lot!"

He pointed the rifle at Taiga. "Now, tell me how to unlock the computer. Or I shall be forced to use this!"

"I can't" Taiga snapped back. "And if I could, I wouldn't!"

"Fine. You've decided your fate" his finger pulled back on the trigger, a blast of green disruptor fire struck Taiga.

To be continued...


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