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The fall of Engineering

Posted on Mon May 9th, 2022 @ 6:04pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose

750 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Engineering


Several strange ships seemed to simply 'pop' out of no where either side of the Federation Task Force whilst they were at warp. Bright green disruptor style beams and some sort of torpedoes struck all three ships, aiming mainly at the Nacelles.

The port nacelle on the Armitage exploded causing the ship to spin out of the warp field, throwing the ship out of subspace while the other two carrier vessels continued to take fire.

The Elachi vessels continued their assault now focusing on the Oceania's engines. Bright blue plasma began to flood from the ships nacelles as she also dropped out of warp, returning to normal space her main warp drive disabled.


Hobb listened with half an ear to what the Captain was saying, concentrating on the matter/anti-matter intermix. The Chief Engineer was hurled from his feet as the attack started, rolling across the deck as the inertial dampers were overwhelmed and the ship spu out of warp.

He heard as much as felt the strain of the torsion on the ship, worry for himself, his crew and his ship rushing through his mind as the ship spun, pinning him to the floor.

Someone, somewhere, got the ship under control, and Hobb staggered to his feet, observing the sparking consoles around him, and the plumes of coolant, steam and other chemicals that were venting from ruptured cables and pipes around Engineering.

'Fix those leaks!' he bellowed as shakily made his way around Main Engineering, doling out orders to the damage control team in a staccato manner. He hit his commbadge. 'Captain, someone better have a good explanation what just happened to my ship!'

"Looks like comms are down" Ensign Haroway shouted over the noise as she tapped at her console. "We got hit by it seems like some sort of weapons fire"

Growling a few choice Andorian epithets he had picked up over the years, and jabbed at his console, 'it's pretty bad,' he shouted across to the Ensign, 'get a team, and get them out to reestablish internal comms - no telling who needs what. Got sensor readings?'

Haroway shook her head. "I'm not getting anything. Whoever hit us, hit is good" she replied back. She rushed over and grabbed a tool kit and a few engineers. "We'll be back Chief!" She called as she led them towards the doors.

'We'll need to physically reroute the sensors through one of the tertiary junctions,' Hobb muttered to no-one in particular, rolling up the sleeves on his jumpsuit and grabbing his own toolkit. The Core was stable, and his teams had Engineering in hand. Hobb set off at a jog, his burly figure cutting a path through the dissipating smoke.

Reaching the doors to Engineering, he took a left and headed towards a maintenance shaft so he could climb up to the junction. Grumbling under his breath, he grabbed a heavy wrench for jimmying the doors open if the power failed.

The sound of transporters began to echo around the area as Tal Shiar accompanied by Elachi began to beam aboard, disruptor rifles ready to fire.

Growling a particularly choice Tellarite epithet about the Universe and her mother, Hobb did an about face, sprinting back to Main Engineering. 'Look alive people! We've got hostile beam-ins!' He looked about his domain wildly, 'leave the repairs, get your phasers!'

Haroway stopped just before the doors. They burst open with several Tal Shiar soldiers rushing in. She and her team managed to just duck out of the way under some nearby consoles as the Romulans opened fire indiscriminately on the engineers.

The firefight erupted quickly between the Tal Shiar and Starfleet officers. Beams of orange and green darted across the engine room. Some of them meeting their marks and striking down either the Starfleet Engineers or the Tal Shiar.

"Harroway to Hobb" Harroway said as she held her position behind one of the consoles. "How long can we hold here?" she asked.

She got her answer pretty quickly as several more Tal Shiar soldiers managed to break through and before she knew it, the tip of the rifle was in her face.
"Surrender now and we won't kill you. At least not at the moment" the soldier said.

They rounded up the engineers pretty quickly and started escorting them at gunpoint towards one of the cargobay. Engineering now belonged to them.

Posting by

Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose
Chief Engineering

Ensign Harroway


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