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Torturing Taiga

Posted on Tue Jun 7th, 2022 @ 10:40am by Captain Taiga Aisaka

1,395 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Ready Room

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Taiga shook her head as she propped herself up. "I won't. I won't betray the Federation!"

Tibar sighed. "Fine" he took the disruptor rifle out of the guards hands. He began to tap at the buttons on the control. "You see, our rifles are not just weapons. We can alter their settings, much like your phasers Captain. However, the difference we have is that on its lowest setting. It won't kill you, but it will hurt. A lot!"

He pointed the rifle at Taiga. "Now, tell me how to unlock the computer. Or I shall be forced to use this!"

"I can't" Taiga snapped back. "And if I could, I wouldn't!"

"Fine. You've decided your fate" his finger pulled back on the trigger, a blast of green disruptor fire struck Taiga.

And now the continuation...

Taiga screamed loudly as the disruptor fire struck her body, intense pain erupted through her body. Her vision seemed blurry as she was pulled up off the floor and thrown into her chair again. Where Tibar had shot her a smouldering hold in her uniform was now evident. The smell of burning cloth and flesh filled the room as her vision began to return to normal.

"Will you tell me now?" Tibar asked.

"Do your worst!" Taiga replied simply.

Rolling his eyes, Tibar pointed the rifle at her again. "You know, I admire your loyalty to Starfleet Captain. I wouldn't expect anything else. However, its not going to save you!"

The disruptor fired again, hitting Taiga in the shoulder. She winced in pain as it struck her, once again burning a hole in her uniform. Luckily the uniform provided some sort of protection against the fire. "I see that you're being brave with your own life. But what about others?"

He beckoned with a finger to one of the guards. The ready room doors opened and they dragged in one of Taiga's crew. Taiga recognised the young man as Ensign Ferdinand, one of the relief officers who had been recently assigned to bridge duty. He was fairly beat up from the fighting.

"Do you recognise this man?" Tibar asked.

Taiga nodded. "Thats Ensign Ferdinand. The Tokyo is his first assignment...". She looked at the young ensign, it was only the other week that she had completed the paperwork for him to be put on bridge duty. She remembered that he had worked hard to serve on the bridge, his ambitions was to one day be in the center chair. The interview she had conducted with him had shown him to be an enthuastic and motivated officer.

"So, Ensign" Tibar said turning to the young man. "Tell me, are you ready to die for your captain?"

Ferdinand didn't reply. He held his head up high much like Taiga.

"Staying silent huh..." Tibar said as he drove the butt of the rifle into the mans face. "Its a shame, you seem so young, so much potential. Its a shame that you had to end up like this?".

Ferdinand looked up, blood bleeding from his nose. His eyes locked with Taiga's as Tibar pointed the rifle at his forehead. "You can save him Captain. Just tell us how to unlock the computer. Once we have the information, we'll grant you all a quick death. Either way, you lose"

Ferdinand gave Taiga an understanding look. She knew as well as him that they had made the oath to serve the Federation with their lives if necessary.
"Shame..." Tibar said as his finger pulled back on the trigger. A bright flash of green light struck Ferdinand. His body now limp and lifeless fell to the deck, a large wound on his firehead from the impact. He laid on the deck, his eyes staring out up at the ceiling.

Taiga simply sat there, a cold sweat ran through her body. She had never seen someone being murdered right in front of her. Ferdinand had been a good officer, and he had given his life for his service to Starfleet. It was a waste of life and something she hated.

"He died for what he believed in" Taiga said simply. "He didn't regret it..."

Tibar turned his attention back to Taiga. "I see you're more than willing for me to kill your crew. You really want to sacrifice them for what you believe in?"

"Everyone on this crew took an oath to Starfleet and to serve The Federation. He knew the risks"

Tibar pondered for a moment. "Hmm..." he placed the rifle down on Taiga's desk, from off of his belt he took a long knife. "From our intelligence, you blame Romulans for the loss of your first child"

"Thats nothing to do with you!" Taiga snapped sharply.

"Oh it has everything to do with me..." Tibar said as he approached Taiga with the knife. He grabbed the cuff of her uniform and slice down her uniform with the blade. Her uniform was cut easily revealing Taiga's small body underneath. "You really are puny aren't you. No wonder you couldn't bear a child"

Taiga's fists clenched, she tried to stand up, intending to punch him out. However she was held back by the Tal Shiar guards. Tibar ran the blade of the knife gently down Taiga's torso, its sharp edge caught on her navel causing Taiga to wince. Finally he stopped just below Taiga's navel over where the womb would be.

"What would you do if I decided to stab you here? It wouldn't kill you right away, but if you survived, the damage would be enough to prevent you from every having a child" Tibar said an evil smile. "It would be worse than being dead, to take away your hopes and dreams"

He pressed hard, the knife slowly starting to penerate the skin. Taiga let out a loud scream as the blade was slowly pushed into her lower stomach. Tibar only penetrated a few milimeters, enough to cut the skin. Blood began to trickle down her lower stomach.

"Now tell us. Where can we find the information. For every wrong answer, I shall push this deeper into you. What will happen first, will you crack, will I destroy your chance of ever reproducing, or will you accept it and you die?" he pushed it in a little further, Taiga giving out yet another scream.

More blood spewed out from the knife wound. "No.. I won't...!" Taiga spluttered. The intense pain running through her body, heat running up her spine causing tears to run down her face.

"Not long now" Tibar said as he pushed the knife in a little deeper causing more pain.

"OK!" Taiga exclaimed. "The information! Just don't!" Taiga cried out.

Tibar took his hand off the knife, allowing it to fall to the deck, splattering Taiga's blood on the carpet. Taiga broke her hands free, clasping them to the wound on her stomach. Pain rushed through her body. "Its... its... not on... Tokyo..."

"Where is it?" Tibar demanded.

Taiga took a deep breath. "You won't kill me... if I tell you?"

"There's no guarantee" Tibar replied. "But if you live, I won't take your chance away to have the child you so desire" he leant against the desk again.

"The information was... never aboard the Tokyo. But..." she paused as she looked up. "If you spare my crew. I will... tell you"

Tibar considered what Taiga said for a moment. "I tell you what Taiga" he said coming close to her. "If you tell me, then I will spare your crew. But I might take this ship. It still holds many secrets, we'll drop you on some habitable planet or moon. Either that or we'll put you to work. I can show mercy"

"Pr...Prowler..." Taiga said simply as the pain spread through her body.

Tibar smiled. "Thankyou Taiga" he turned to one of the guards. "Find this 'Prowler'. Destroy it, if anyone tried to stop you. Kill them, regardless of the arrangment I made with Captain Aisaka" he looked back at Taiga. "You should apply pressure to that wound. You don't want it getting infected, or to bleed out much more"

With that said he turned towards the door. "You made the right choice Captain. Now lets see if your crew agrees..."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Tibar
Tal Shiar Commander


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