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The Start of the end

Posted on Mon May 9th, 2022 @ 5:49pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Edited on on Mon May 9th, 2022 @ 5:51pm

1,726 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Various

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Computer. This is Captain Taiga Aisaka. Commander of the Federation Starship Tokyo. Activate Auto Destruct sequence, authorisation Aisaka Pie, Alpha One, Five, Zero. Code; destruct. Two minute silence countdown..."

The computer beeped to indicate it had recognised her input. Taiga took another deep breath.


And now the continuation...

There was a small delay. "Unable to initiate self destruct sequence due to damage to secondary command processors" the computer replied simply.

In some sort of way it was a relief to Taiga, but she also felt sick. The Tal Shiar could now take her ship and crew. To her she had been defeated, backed into a corner and now she had sacrified everything for nothing.

She looked around the bridge helplessly as the access doors finally gave through and several Tal Shiar soldiers rushed in rifles aimed at the Tokyo crew. Instantly the Starfleet crew drew their weapons in response.

Taiga held up her hand. "Put your weapons down" she said as she dropped her phaser. 'I've failed. There's no point in fighting now, I've lost this fight..

"We get it" Taiga said to the Tal Shiar. "We've lost. We surrender. Just spare the lives of my crew. Surely you can show some mercy?". She scowled at the Romulan who held a rifle pointed at her. "You have the ship, what else do you want?"

As the Romulan Shock Troops or Soldiers or whatever they called themselves began to flood onto the bridge, Lt. Yuvek closed his eyes and exhaled as he began to rise to his feet.

He realized that with the computer's inability to self-destruction he realized that the only option left was to fight until the bloody end. It was not how he saw his life ending, but he knew that with Captain Aisaka's back agaisnt the wall, there was no way she would give up her ship without a fight. . .

. . .but she did.

Lt. Yuvek blinked several times as he tried to proces the command given by the Captain. Did she really have that much faith in the Romulans to spare their lives simply because they had the advantage? What was to stop them from merely executing them just to send a message to the Federation? He didn't know, and at the moment, he didn't have too many choices.

The Tal Shiar gathered the bridge crew in the center of the room, their rifles pointed at them still. The turbolift doors swished open and a Romulan Commander walked out, his head held high.

"This is a nice looking ship" he said simply. "Its a shame that we'll have to rip her apart yo reveal its secrets".

He looked down towards the crew. "Ah, the infamous Captain Aisaka..." he said stepping towards them. "Your crew gave a good fight, but now it's over. We're taking this ship to one of our bases. The information regarding the Elachi will be found and destroyed" he turned his back on them as if to examine the rear consoles.

"You did all this. Just to cover the truth?!" Taiga snapped vacation.

The commander turned slowly. He towered above Taiga, which wasn't hard to do. Slowly he raised his hand high into the air before bringing it back down quickly, striking Taiga across the face.

"You are lucky we haven't executed you yet" he told her coldly. "Your crimes against the Empire are many, I know more about you than most Miss Aisaka. You'd do well to remember your place"

She glared up at the Commander. "Go to hell!"

That didn't settle well with the Commander. His eyes shifted to two of the soldiers, each which grabbed Taiga by the arms pulling her away from the others. They forced her down onto her knees in front of the Tokyos command chairs.

"I warned you" the commander said. This time he raised his foot, before slamming it across her face. Taiga was thrown by the force to the deck, her face coveted in blood from a now broken nose and bust upper lip.

"Unlock the computer" he told her. "Or else. Someone is going to get hurt"

The sound of of the Romulan's boot coming down on Captain Aisaka's face made a sickening loud noise. It was so loud that several Officers on the bridge winced slightly. It even caused the Romulan standing before Lt. Yuvek turn his eyes towards the downed Starfleet Officer rather than keep his focus on the Cardassian before him.

Lt. Yuvek used the momentary distraction to bring his left foot down hard into the kneecap of the Romulan, causing him to collapse to one knee. Lt. Yuvek crossed the two step gap between them and brought the heel of his hand into the bridge of the Romulan's nose. As his head snapped back, Lt. Yuvek wrestled the disruptor from his grip and slapped the butt of the weapon into the side of his skull, knocking him to the deck.

"Drop your weapons, or I wi-wi--I'll kill him!" The Cardassian said nervously as he kept the barrel of the disruptor lodged against the bleeding Romulan's temple.

He wasn't exactly sure what his ext action was going to be, but the anger he felt at seeing his Commanding Officer being beaten would not let him stand by idly.

"Do so if you wish Cardassian. In return..." he pulled out a disruptor pistol. "I shall randomly pick one of your crew to replace him. The choice is yours, what will you choose?"

Lt. Yuvek breathed deeply as he looked around the bridge. He knew there was no way that he could kill the Romulan in front of him, and the Romulan Commander all before his other Shock Troops opened fire on him. He knew that the Romulan had the upperhand.

"Fine!" He said as he deactivated the weapon, draining the power module before unceremoniously throwing it directly into the face of the already injured Romulan on the ground.

"Good choice" The Tal Shiar Commander smiled.

[Fighter Lounge]

Phyllis tried to reach Bobbie Sue, but there was no response. She glanced at Marcus and tapped her combadge. "D'lar to Dillinger. Bobcat was evacuated when the fighter bay blew. She's in your fighter but I can't reach her."

If Speedy couldn't save Bobcat, Sorceress was going after her.

[Deck 3]

The Romulan onslaught had cut off Chiyo and the Marines on Deck 3 from Knight and his security forces. Chiyo had established a temporary command center in some unused visitors' quarters. Chiyo knew the position wasn't holdable for much longer, and she was holding out hope that perhaps Knight and security or even another group of Marines had managed to break through the siege to relieve Chiyo's thinly stretched force.

2nd Lieutenant Clostermann entered the quarters and sealed the doors behind her:

"Captain Shimada:" She reported. "Our last checkpoint in the hall was just overrun; it's only a matter of time before they're on top of us: I'd suggest we surrender before they kill us all!"

"Your suggestion is noted; Lieutenant:" Chiyo responded. "However, our orders are to hold the line at all costs: Besides, to surrender to the pointy ears is as good a death sentence as fighting to the last man."

The sounds of fighting outside intensified for several minutes before things suddenly became eerily quiet.

"Chiyo Shimada:" A romulan called into the doors. "My superiors request your surrender. If you do, we can avoid further senseless bloodshed: If you refuse... Well, I'd hate to think of the children who would grow up as orphans..."

Had the Romulan not brought up the matter of the children on board, Chiyo would have sent a response to the Romulan to go to hell. However, the mention of the children; combined with the fact that Liz was absent and morale among the marines was tanking hard, was enough to sway Chiyo's decision-making.

"Open those doors;" she ordered.

"What??" Perrine screeched.

"Do it!" Chiyo repeated.

The doors to the quarters swooshed open to reveal a smugly grinning Romulan Officer; several Romulans entered the quarters, rifles drawn, quickly encircling the small gathering of marines in the makeshift command center.

"Now that's more like it:" The Romulan officer said, stepping over the threshold. "Chiyo Shimada of the Federation Starship Tokyo; you are hereby being placed under arrest for crimes against the Romulan Star Empire, including conspiring with a known mass-murderer."

The officer turned to the soldiers pointing their rifles at the marines.

"Take these ones to the cargo bay we've secured to await their interrogation." He ordered.

As the Romulan foot soldiers led Chiyo and the Marines out of the room, the officer tapped his combadge:

"This is Centurion Rondubo reporting:" He spoke. "Deck 3 is now secure."


"Good" the Tal Shiar Commander replied. "Have all the Starfleet crew sble to see a viewscreen. I want them to see this" he ordered simply.

"Captain Aisaka. Your reluctance to give us the information we need has caused me to take desperate measures" he said simply. The Tal Shiar soldiers had moved to access several of the consoles around the bridge.

"Choose one"

The viewscreen had been split and now showed the other two Armitage Class ships, the Armitage and Oceania. Both ships were heavily damaged and drifting. Surrounding them were Tal Shiar and Elachi vessels.

"Why?" Taiga spluttered.

"Just choose one. Or I will choose one for you"

Taiga shook her head. "I'm not going to choose who lives or dies!"

"But isn't that part of being a Starfleet Captain. Being able to order your people to their deaths if needs be?" The Commander replied. He seemed to enjoy antaganising the Starfleet crew.

Taiga remained silent.

"Such a shame Captain" he tapped his communicator attached to his wrist. "Choose one of the other Starfleet ships. Destroy it"

Quickly and efficiently, the Tal Shiar and Elachi ships began to fire on the crippled USS Oceania. Taiga watched as the disruptor struck the ship, blasting holes into the hull, causing more damage. Through the breaches the ships crew could be seen being sucked out into space, the relentless assault didn't last long before the entire ship was engulfed in a huge fireball. After the explosion had dissipated all that was left of the Starship Oceania was floating debris.

To be continued...


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