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Cargo Bay Resistance (Part 3)

Posted on Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 1:45am by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Edited on on Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 1:46am

1,316 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Cargo Bay 6 - Deck 15

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Are you deaf, Federation scum?!" One of the guards shouted, pointing his disruptor at Nozomi's head. "Keep your nose out of matters that don't concern you!"

"But that's where you're wrong, Pointy-Ears," Nozomi challenged. "When we put on this uniform, we take an oath- each and every one of us- that we will do everything in our god-given power to protect those who can't protect themselves. It's not simply a matter of choosing to save one over the other; that's not an option- never an option. And if you cowards have any objections to that, then pull the trigger and finish the job! I will die a far more honorable death than any of you ever hope to have!"

Ravek shook his head. "Kill her."

And now the continuation...

The Romulan guard aimed his plasma rifle, set on full, and shot Nozomi in the chest.

"Does anyone else have anything to say? Because I can simply end this by killing your daughter." Ravek turned to look a Chiyo. "And you won't even there to comfort her as she dies. Slowly. Painfully." He walked slowly over to Chiyo, still in pain. "What makes your life so special to his? Do you know his life? Do you know if he has someone left behind to tend to his children? Who are you to decide you're life, the life of a soldier who is taught that death is a possibility, is more important because you have a child on board?" Ravek placed his plasma pistol against Chiyo's forehead. "To you we are evil, scum of the universe, so why not become that only because you decided our lives are meaningless to yours." He slowly eased the pistol away and walked back to the Romulan group. Looking at the guard who originally threatened Nozomi. "And if you call them Federation Scum again. I will kill you myself."

"Stop this. Please" Amu begged. She had stabilized Chiyo, she would be in pain but she would survive. She looked over towards the injured Romulan. He seemed still, it was obvious she was too late to save him too.

She rushed over to Nozomi. Luckily the adrenaline she had given the ensign before had saved her, but only just. Her heartbeat was weak and her breathing was shallow. "The only one here who is killing people is you" she said to Ravek. "The Federation and Romulans have been at peace before, why do you have to kill? What do you get from this!" She asked, tears surfacing from her eyes. "I could have saved both of them" She looked at the now deceased Romulan. "His blood is on your hands, not mine"

"And now a life, you can't be there to save, is now on the line because of your Officer's mouth." Ravek replied, walking away from Chiyo, to Amu. "You took responsibility of these people, remember? They are your responsibility. They are under your care. You made us the villains here, so don't be so surprise when we simply... live up to your expectations."

Ravek walked over to the Romulan who had passed and shook his head. "You failed, Doctor. And you have no idea what you have lost." He turned to look at Amu. "Had you saved him I would have saw to it that Chiyo's daughter would have been brought here. To be with her mother. I would have also given you what you needed to save your friends all because, you proved, you stood by your words. That all life should be saved. But... you lied to me. You decided to put your priority on your friend and, as a Doctor, that goes against everything you stand for. One task. One simple task that one skilled Doctor could not fail... and you failed it. Now... others will suffer for your mistake because you couldn't see us as nothing but... what was it? Pointy-Ears?" He walked over to Amu who was treating Nozomi and held the plasma pistol down to Nozomi again. "Care to give me another speech about your high morals, Doctor?"

"I'm not going to lecture you" Amu replied simply as she felt Nozomis heartbeat becoming weaker. She looked up at him again. "I see what you are" she paused for a moment, since fell upon the room. She went back to working on Nozomi.
The Ensigns heartbeat grew slower and weaker before finally it stopped. "Not today!" Amu called out as she started chest compressions and mouth to mouth.

"Come on Ensign!" She said as she put her strength into the compressions. "Come back Nozomi!" She exclaimed. She did the want to lose anyone else. "Come on!"

People watched as Amu began to exhaust herself, but her perseverance payed off. She felt Nozomis pulse come back.
"Miyafuji..." she breathed heavily, asking the nurse to come over. "Monitor... watch..." she told her exhaustion in her voice.

"I'm done here" Amu said looking up at Ravek. "I'm sorry about your man. He didn't deserve this" she looked down, it was obvious to anyone she felt as if she had failed, not as a Starfleet Officer, but as a doctor and healer.

"I don't believe you, Doctor." Ravek narrowed his eyes and walked back towards the group he came in with. "I set the terms, clearing stating that this was a scenario that will not led to death, and somehow you felt it needed to be. So you, and your cohort, decided to take it upon yourselves and deliver speeches instead of staying within the terms that were established. I didn't kill that Officer, Doctor, you did. You and your friend, who is now laying on the floor holding onto to life, killed my officer by not... listening... to.. the.. rules. This test was yours and you failed it. And now, my Superiors, will demand retribution for this. And the price paid... will not be kind. And they will not care whether the blood is man... woman..." He turned his attention to Chiyo before emphasizing. "Or child."

Amu sat there in silence staring at the floor. She didn't know what yo do, she never thought she would get into a situation this bad. She didn't reply, it was obvious, she had been broken. He had won.

A Romulan officer approached Ravek. "Who marked, and tagged, all the crates that we found that they could use to fight back. Including one with weapons and grenades."

"Leave them a crate with food. Remove the rest." Ravek kept his back turned as he holstered his weapon and handed the other back to the officer he took it from.

"They should starve-"

"Are you going to disobey my orders!" The Reman shouted, looking over to the Romulan officer, as he hand was yet to be removed from weapon.

"They let one of ours die, Sir?"

"This is an invasion. Many of theirs will die just like many of ours will. That is the consequence of our actions." Ravek replied before stating again, taking a step forward toward the Romulan Officer. "Leave them a crate of food and remove the rest. Do you have a problem with that order or do I have to give it to someone else who doesn't?"

"No... Sir." He replied softly before tapping on the Romulan PADD before all the marked crates were beamed out of the cargo bay.

Posting by

Lieutenant JG Amu Hinamori M.D.
Chief Flight Deck Medic

Petty Officer 2nd Class Yoshika Miyafuji

Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
(Playing Ravek - Reman Keeper/Soldier)

Captain Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander

Ensign Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Fighter Pilot


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