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Laying The Trap

Posted on Tue Mar 1st, 2022 @ 3:23am by Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'

1,856 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Starfighter Department


Sorceress left the shuttle bay to Gladius and took the Type 1 phasers. As long as they were still available, she was going to make use of the transporters. Once they became unavailable, she'd use shuttles. Starfleet had enough knowledge of the Romulan ships for her to know exactly where to place the phasers for the overloads to cause the best damage. All she needed was access to the computer and tell it what she wanted.

Bobcat, Buttercup, and Highlander took two of the damaged fighters and placed them close to the main doors so that when the decompression happened, they'd be thrown out first. Both had been set to activate the homing pigeon program. If nothing else, it would cause some concern when the thrusters turned on. If this went to plan, they'd head toward the nearest Federation planet before they were blown up. It was hoped that the emergency beacon would get some attention before they did.

That done, the three pilots went to report to the CAG.


It seemed far too quiet, according to what they knew they were being boarded. Luckily the flight deck area and surrounding areas were shielded like the bridge in case of such an event. With this area of the ship being a vital tactical asset to the ship, it was important to protect it.

Silica gripped herphaser tightly as she heard steps coming from down the corridor ahead of them. She was with several other pilots who were scouting out where the Tal Shiar were in order to come up with some strategies. She indicated that they take cover.

She ducked behind a bulkhead alongside Fubuki. She already had her tricorder open scanning ahead.
"Six Romulan lifesigns" Fubuki whispered. "And there's six of us" she stated.

Silica nodded. She tapped her comm badge. "Ok, Silver Wing. Kill the lights in the lights in their section. Then brighten the ones in ours" Silica ordered. Hopefully that should blind them, an old tactic and was often used by fighter pilots when in visual dogfights. Blind the enemy so it throws off their aim.

The other pilot across the corridor nodded as he pulled down a panel and began to play with the controls behind. Suddenly the entire section was thrown into pitch blackness. The pilots pulled down their goggles which they used in their birds.

"Now!" Silica said. The lights around them illuminated instantly to full intensity, whilst the section where the Romulan remained dark.

The pilots laid down several shots of phaser fire, which was returned with several disruptor shots from the Tal Shiar soldiers. With their phasers set to stun the pilots managed to narrow down the soldiers until there were only a couple left.

"Fall back" Silica said as she waved to the other pilots. They had lost the element of surprise and needed to withdraw.

[Pilots Lounge]

The pilots lounge had been set up as the main base of the defense of the pilot areas. Silica, Fubuki and the others arrived and managed to get inside.

Silica made her way over to Gladius. "We took out several soldiers in the corridor. But they're bound to send in reinforcements" she reported. "What should we do next sir?"

Marcus Grinned. "Good job. We need to maneuver as many of them as possible into the the hangar bay and flight deck," He said. "They believe that since the primary computer functions are offline, we have no control over the systems. I want no less that twenty or thirty of them down on the deck, thinking there will be a mass escape attempt. When they're all there, we'll blow the Atmospheric retention shield, and space them all in one fell swoop. I know we won't get all of them on the ship, but it'll make a dent in their numbers, and keep them off balance."

He looked at Phyllis.

"Let's strategically place those type 1's to try and herd the boarders from the lower decks into the Hangar Bay and Flight deck. Just be careful. Those things don't have an off switch once they're set to overload. It'll require some finesse with the transporter to get those phasers where we want them. Can I count on you?"

Phyllis shook her head., "You already sent Bobcat and Buttercup to use them on the enemy ships. Besides, the scum are beaming in all over the ship. Too many to herd anywhere. What we need is to find a way to get them all out of here at once. Too bad we can't just transport them into deep space, but we can't use the transporters right now." She raised an eyebrow. "But we can make it look like we have something of value in the hangar bay and lure them that way."

"If you're looking for someone to make some noise for your diversion..." Mika spoke up, strumming her Kantele. "Might I be the one to volunteer for the job?"

"That's up to Gladius," Phyllis laughed loudly. "We always let the boss make the tough decisions."

"Thanks bunches, Sorceress," Marcus gave her a wry grin. "Let's lure them in with a fake cloaked fighter. That ought to get their attention! Who here could rig the computer with some fake classified documents hinting at the cloaked fighter we are having "Test trials" for?"

"You do realize forgery is one my specialties, right?" Mika responded. "I can come up with something real convincing if given the chance..."

Phyllis looked between Marcus and Mika. "Won't work. Not enough time to do it right and if you do it wrong, it won't fool anyone. Besides, do you really think any of us would be able to get into the computer now? If they're smart, the first thing command did was lock out the computers. Can't let any of those Romulans get ahold of Starfleet data." She shook her head. "No, if you think luring them with some secret ship is going to work, use the comms. They'll be monitoring those. Then you'll have to make sure you have a ship where they can look for it. Get 'em before they know it's a lure."

"Lure 'em where?" Bobbie Sue said, walking into the room. "We only got some of the phasers off-loaded before we were locked out of the transporters. We came back to see if you wanted us to try to use one of the shuttle's transporters or just load up an old fighter with explosives."

"Well we best think quick" Fubuki said as she looked up from her tricorder. "Because Romulan and Elachi lifesigns are literally coming down the corridor!"

Lynette looked as if she were about to faint.

Bobbie Sue slipped through the back door. She wasn't going to get caught in a room if she could slip around behind and do some damage.

"Well then, time for talk is over," Phyllis said. "As long as they remain outside, we can pick them off. But the Elachi have better tech. I hope you kids are ready for a fight."

Bobbie Sue looked around at the others, then nodded. "I'll go onto the flight deck and create a distraction." She wished Soren was there as she wasn't sure how this would work out, but she had to do something.

She didn't wait for anyone to argue. She slipped out the back, all the while trying to come up with something that would cause the Tal'Shiar to come running and leave the other pilots alone.

Lynette watched as she ducked out the back before turning to face Marcus. "Should I, um... should I follow her?"

Marcus shook his head. "She's less likely to draw attention when she's by herself. She'll be okay." He looked at Phyllis, wondering if the platitudes sounded as stale to her as they did to him.

Phyllis sighed. "I'll prepare for the explosive decompression. I hope she can get somewhere safe first. I'd hate to explain this to Speedy."

She went over to the nearest console and logged in.

Over ship-wide communications, they could all hear Bobbie Sue. "Hunter to Sorceress, we need to secure the computer on Fighter One. So far no sign of the Tal'Shiar in the fighter bay. I should be able to purge the data before they realize it's there."

From the computer, Phyllis chuckled. "Good girl."

Silica gripped her phaser tightly. "Is she crazy, now they all know where she is... unless..." she smiled. "I see now" she added. She looked over to Marcus. "What now sir?"

Marcus grinned. "Now we wait for the Romulans to take the bait, then we light 'em up." He looked around. "Keep the bastards guessing."

Without waiting for further orders, Mika quietly slipped through a Jefferies tube access. She wasn't going to just sit around and wait to be captured by the Tal Shiar and Elachi, not when there was still a chance to cause some chaos; even if that chaos was only mind games.

[Flight deck]

Bobbie Sue didn't have much time. She set two of the seriously-damaged fighters on the deck to overload after ten minutes. That should give the Tal'Shiar plenty of time to get in here and for whoever to cause the explosive decompression. Now all she needed to do was get to someplace safe.

There was a thump at the door from the corridor, then a disruptor blast. She wasn't going to make it to the access panel. Looking around, she was surprised to see Soren's fighter still unsecured. She veered over to it, hoping his AI would let her in.

Bobbie Sue tried to open the hatch to Soren's fighter, but it didn't budge at first. Then the hatch lifted and she scrambled in. "Oh, thank you," she said, more out of nervousness than anything. Although she remembered Soren saying something about his ship that made her think it actually did hear her. "The Tal'Shiar will be here any moment and we'll all be sucked into space." She buckled up as she spoke.

The doors to the shuttle bay burst open. Bobbie Sue slid down to be less of a target, but they would still see her. "I hope you're ready for this."

She heard footsteps and disruptor fire and scrunched lower, hoping they wouldn't want to destroy the fighter if they believed the data was here.

More footsteps, followed by shouting. Definitely Romulan. She made out a few words, but her heart was pounding too loudly to hear everything. "Okay, guys. Any time now," she whispered. Blaster fire hit the fighter, or the deck right beside it and she yelped.

She jumped as someone pounded on the outside of the fighter. Then the external force field cut off, sucking everything and everyone in the bay out into space. Including Bobbie and the fighter.

Posting by

Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'

Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius'
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorcress'
Deputy Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost'
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket'
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'
Fighter Pilot


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