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Sudden Choices & Changes

Posted on Thu Aug 5th, 2021 @ 9:33pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius 'Gladius' & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress'

1,786 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Ready Room

It was getting towards the end of Alpha Shift, the Tokyo was due to depart Utopia Planetia tomorrow morning. Taiga stretched as she stood up from her ready room desk about to head back to her quarters, it had been a long day for her. She had spent the majority of her day in the ready room going over final paperwork, reports, transfer requests and personnel files ready to depart in the morning.

"About time to head home" she said to herself. She was looking forward to some good cooking from Ryuuji. Suddenly her computer console began to beep. "Oh come on, what now!" she sighed as she spun it around. Her eyes shifted back and forth as she read through the message that was marked as 'urgent'.

"What... WHAT THE..." she said her voice raising slightly.

A few moments and several selected choice words later, Taiga tapped her comm badge.

"Commander's Trigman, D'lar and Lieutenant Decius. Please report to my ready room immediately" she called. It was obvious from her tone of voice that she wasn't happy about something.

Trigman was just leaning over to kiss and bid his wife farewell when the call came over the comms.

"Oh m-my... s-she sounds a bit.." Lily had a tendency to stutter when under pressure and her Trill symbiote Halden was not the typical most forwqard type. "Upset." SHe snatched her PADD frombeside the door and rushed out.

Trigman watched her ;especially the trill spots of her legs as she darted out of the quarters. The Captain wearing a skirted uniform and Lilly following suit was something Trigman agreed with.

Moments later Lily entered the ready Room and nod towards Taiga.

"I-I should get coffee or tea Captain?" SHe asked meekly in her usually soft tone.

"Tea... please" Taiga replied simply.

Right away ma'am." Lily said and went to her task and fading into he backgrounds again.

It was a few tactical moments later Trigman came to ring the chime and be allowed access.

"What is the Emergency Captain?" Trigman had been on this ship six years with Taiga; he had a little bit of insights into her style. "DO I need the Birds on Alert as it is the Squadrons Command team and Triumph Leader you called ma'am?"

Taiga nodded towards the replicator. "You may want something to drink Commander" she suggested. "This is a staff issue, so the starfighters can stay on deck right now" she added to ease him off a little.

Glancing to Lily he gave a wink as she would know his black coffee will be his mainstay.

Marcus had just stepped out of the shower and was dressing when the call came in. Tapping his comm badge, he said, "Aye-aye, Captain", as he headed for The captain's ready room. What was this all about? Staff meetings were not usually something he was invited to. He arrived, made greetings as custom demanded, and sat in an unoccupied chair.

Once everyone had arrived, Taiga took a deep breath. "I have called you all here today because, as usual; Starfleet has made some changes without even bothering to tell me until the last minute" she said in a rather annoyed tone.

"Our Exec, Commander Daxer is being reassigned, and it was an immediate transfer. She's been pulled off this ship faster than a Ferengi takes Latinum off a customer" Taiga explained to them all. "Starfleet however, won't give me a reason why she has been pulled off the ship so fast, just that wonderful word 'classified'".

"However" Taiga started. "Starfleet wants me to promote someone on ship to the role of Executive Officer. As the top three ranking members of the crew..." she paused, technically one of the Knights could take the role, however Alora had stepped away from that and Taiga doubted that Alex would suit such a role. "...that is capable and qualified to take on the role. I think its only best one of you walk out of here with the position. However, that also means rearranging our Starfighter Chain of Command as well" Taiga paused again.

"So, basically. Who wants the job?"

Phyllis laughed. "What, Starfleet ran out of candidates?" She shook her head. "Not me, I'm too old to chase you around." It wasn't true, but she really wasn't interested in a mostly desk job. Not again, anyway.

"Is this a who wants or who gets the job?" Trigman asked.

"Well..." Taiga seemed to stumble with her words for a brief moment. "Commander, you have been on board since the ship launched. You're the most logical candidate for the position, however also I did consider Commander D'Lar due to her experience"

"However, it seems that she doesn't want that" Taiga said turning her attention back to Trigman. "So, the job is yours if you'll accept. You'll be swapping your blue uniform for a red one as of the moment you leave this room if you do so".

Been CAG since the Girl launched." Trigman chuckled. "You know my love of flying..." He did not see but felt Lily's eyes on him. "A man cannot play in the stars all his life." He sighed.

Thinking of all the times he had wished the used of the Fighters could have been utilized but the Command Chain did not quite have the full experience in fighter deployment methods. It was up to him to 'fit' his birds into the plans rather than being there to offer less 'traditional uses' for his fighters.

"It seems you have an idea of it already?" He tilt his head slightly as he looked at the Captain. "I have been expecting a promotion or transfer since this 'Flight Assignment has gone long. "He made eye contact. ""Okay Captain Aisaka, I would accept the position as it would allow me to still look out for the Pilots and their deployments. And I trust D'lar and Gladius to run the squadrons. We could have this ship back in trim after that farce of a trial and such. Get morale and operation back to par."

"D'lar. I've looked through your record before, as well as Lieutenant Decius's. Either of you are qualified to become the new Commander Air Group. Would you lead our Starfighters with Decius as your deputy?" Taiga asked. She wanted to ensure this came as a request and not an order, dealing with pilots was always delicate on a carrier.

"I took on Deputy CAG as a favor to Trigman," Phyllis said, shaking her head. "I've lost count of the number of times I've been CAG. Right now, I want to fly." She nodded to Marcus. "I think Gladius should do it. He's got the skills, and the head for it."

Taiga turned her attention to Gladius. "Well?" she asked simply. "Of course this means I will have to make you a Lieutenant Commander. You will also be joining the senior staff. I know that this is sudden, but I need an answer now"

Marcus said nothing for a moment, collecting his thoughts. He glanced over at Sorceress. Was that a twinkle in the El Aurian's eyes? He let out a long slow exhale. "I just got here, and you're right, Captain. This is unexpected. But if you have confidence in my abilities, and Lieutenant Commander D'lar doesn't want it, then I'll don my armor and enter the arena." He used a turn of phrase from his home planet of Magna Roma. He only reverted to Gladiatorial jargon when he was nervous or surprised, but This qualified on both counts. "I mean, I will fulfill my new duties to the best of my abilities with honor and courage, Ma'am." He straightened his shoulders and sat a little taller, as if feeling the weight of a heavy pack upon them.

"He'll be fine," Phyllis said, chuckling. It would be good for him. Get him out of his slump.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Sorceress," He grinned at his old instructor.

Phyllis grinned back.

"Well then" Taiga said with a sigh of relief. She leant forward and tapped a button on her computer console. "As of this moment, I Captain Taiga Aisaka hereby promote Commander Nicholas Trigman to the role of Executive Officer of the USS Tokyo, with all privileges, responsibilities and powers that comes with the role" she said simply. She looked up at Trigman. "You'll be wearing command red from now on..." she added.

"That should be a change in the mirror." Trigman commented before thinking. "How long do I have to find a tailor?" He knew ; or hoped, Lily might like the idea of his being around more?"

She tapped the console again. "Also, as of now. Lieutenant Marcus Decius. You are hereby promoted to the position of the Commander Air Group of the USS Tokyo, with a rank increase to Lieutenant Commander. Also with all privileges, responsibilities and powers of the position and rank" Taiga said as she entered the information into the computer. She reached into a drawer in her desk and pulled out a small red box, which she slid over the desk towards him, inside one half pip sat waiting to be pinned onto his chest.

Marcus reverently opened the box and pinned the pip to his chest, positioning it to match the insignia that were already present.

"Congratulations both of you" Taiga looked at them both. "However, celebrations will have to wait, we have a lot of work to do if we're to launch on time tomorrow morning"

Marcus offered his hand to Trigman. "Congratulations, sir," He said. "You've given me some big shoes to fill."

"Make sure they are your size and not mine." Trigman returned the handshake. "I will be stealing flights to keep my hours up you realize?" He added. "I look forward to a little shake up, the ship needs that in a good way."

"Roger that, sir," Marcus grinned.

Taiga simply smiled as her officers congratulated each other. "Well. Like I said, we still have a lot to do. I'll make an official announcement within the hour. Now shoo; I have lots of stuff to do" she said shooing them with her hands.

Gladius headed out of the ready room and to his new office. He had some debriefings to conduct.

Phyllis put a hand on Trigman's shoulder. "Come on, I'll buy you a drink. You're gonna need it." She laughed and smiled at Taiga to let the Captain know she wasn't serious. Mostly. She'd done the job herself and was happy now to just fly.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Nicolas Trigman
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Marcus Decius
Commander Air Group

Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar
Deputy Commander Air Group


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