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Corridors, Children & Conversation

Posted on Sat Aug 7th, 2021 @ 11:52am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Alice Shimada & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Mikoto Roromiya

921 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Corridor

Chiyo and Alice walked along a corridor. Chiyo had requested family quarters so that there was room for her and Alice to spread out, and the request had been granted.

"Now, unless I'm reading this wrong, our quarters should be somewhere along this corridor..." Chiyo said.

Chiyo was preoccupied trying to find where their quarters were, and didn't notice the rapid footsteps coming up the corridor in the opposite direction, and thus didn't notice someone run into Alice at full speed.

"HEY!" Alice shouted as she fell onto her bottom. "Watch where you're going!"

A young brown haired, Hazel eyed girl seemed to be in a hurry.
"Sorry..." she said with a smile jumping back to her feet. "Who are you?"

"Alice Shimada..." Alice muttered as she rose back to her feet. She could tell by the other girl's tone and facial expression that she wasn't genuinely sorry for bowling her over.

Once Alice was back standing, she bent over and picked up the PADD that she had dropped. She looked the screen over and breathed a sigh of relief that all her notes were still there.

"I'm Mikoto. What's that?" She asked trying to peek at Alice's PADD. "Is it a story? Does it have pictures? I like stories with pictures" she asked.

Alice's shout caught Chiyo's attention, and she looked up to see that someone's kid had come out of nowhere and ran into Alice. Chiyo's eyes immediately began scanning the corridor ahead for the kid's parents. Surely, they couldn't be too far behind...

A hand silently fell upon Mikotos shoulder. A brown haired young looking woman stood behind her a stoic expression on her face. "Mikoto. It is illogical to run in corridors" she said simply.

"I trust you are uninjured? I apologise for my daughters actions" She said addressing Alice.

"I'm fine..." Alice muttered.

"I take it this is your young one, Warrant Officer?" Chiyo asked, noting the woman's rank.

"Indeed" Karuta responded. "She has yet to realise that young children will tire out after time, especially when engaged in... play"

Chiyo looked over to the children then back to Karuta.

"Well, here's a friendly word of advice for you as a fellow mother, Warrant Officer;" She said. "Cherish the boundless energy while it lasts. It's only a matter of time before she turns into a moody tween like mine, and when that day comes, you'll be yearning for the days when she was bouncing off the walls."

Having given her piece of wisdom, Chiyo now focused back to the children, specifically Mikoto's curiosity about Alice's GM notes.

"Alice, sweetie;" She addressed her daughter. "Why not invite Mikoto here over for session 0 tonight?"

"But mom!" Alice whined.

"She's obviously curious about what's on that PADD." Chiyo pointed out. "Why not introduce her to your hobby? Provided of course her mother here's okay with it?" She turned back to Karuta.

"Is this some sort of game?" Karuta asked seemingly curiously about the court tents of the PADD. She looked up at Chiyo. "Thankyou for your advice Captain. Mikoto is not like her older siblings, she lacks the mental discipline that Vulcan children possess, even if she has some Vulcan blood within her.

"Sometimes, mental discipline isn't in the cards for Vulcan hybrids." Chiyo responded, catching Karuta's hint of Mikoto's hybrid nature. "My second in command is half Vulcan, and sometimes, if you didn't see her pointy ears when she parts her hair, you'd think she was human, because that's the part of her she embraces with pride."

Karuta raised an eyebrow. "I have more experience with hybrids than you Captain" she said simply. "Mikoto is only one quarter Vulcan, as I myself am half Human. Her father is also Human. My other children however are more Vulcan than Human, since their father was fully Vulcan" she explained to her simply. "I can assure you that whatever mental discipline Mikoto chooses, I will embrace and support it, as I have done with my other older children".

"Of course: I mean no disrespect, Warrant Officer." Chiyo responded, getting the hint. "I'd expect my XO to be the exception rather than the rule, anyway."

"Indeed" Karuta replied.

"Well, we'd best be getting back to finding our quarters." Chiyo said. "Though, Warrant Officer, if you or your young one are interested, you're welcome to swing by our quarters tonight to learn more about Alice's hobby. You'd be the only reg there, but I'm sure Alice could make room at the table for one or two more players, couldn't you, sweetie?"

"I suppose so..." Alice muttered with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

Karuta looked down at the young Alice wondering why she seemed so distant in her conversation. She could sense that she had a certain shyness to her, a common trait in some Human females.

"I shall consider your request" Karuta replied simply looking back up at Chiyo. "Good day Captain. Alice" she added.

"And to you as well, Warrant Officer," Chiyo responded, looking down at Mikoto. "And... Mikoto, was it?"

Mikoto nodded at the response as she smiled happily at both Chiyo and Alice before being led away by her mother.

Alice watched Mikoto and Karuta walk away for a moment before Chiyo put her hand on Alice's shoulder and led her away as well.

Posting by

Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya
Air Boss

Captain Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander

Alice Shimada
Civilian Child

Mikoto Roromiya
Civilian Child


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