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Arrivals (backpost)

Posted on Fri May 22nd, 2015 @ 3:40am by Lieutenant Mimi & Ensign Noriko Ogawa & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'

1,472 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Various
Timeline: a few hours before 'preparing for battle'

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko approached the target in her fighter. She came up fast behind the small vessel and pulled alongside before opening up a channel.
"Hey there!" she said. "I'm Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko, I'm here to escort you to the USS Tokyo my carrier ship" she explained over the comm system. "Commander Takasu decided to send me out due to whats happened recently... I can't explain over open comms though"

Ensign Noriko perked up when she heard the incoming comms. Sitting at the helm with a coffee in hand, she was running on less sleep then usual. Nights like last night she was thankful for soundproof walls between modules. M'Zera was quite frisky at times and the night before was no exception.

"Ensign Noriko Ogawa here. Understood. We'll follow you in."

Moments like these she was glad for voice comms. She'd not had a chance to shower yet and her hair was a mess. She probably also smelled like she'd been wrestling with a cat, which wasn't far from the truth. To her new boss, if Mimi's nose was anywhere as sensitive as M'Zera's, she's know exactly what the two had been up to.

Even from near the back of the runabout Mimi's sharp hearing picked up the chatter coming from the cockpit and headed over to investigate, walking in she saw the fighter flying slightly in front of them off to starboard. "How much longer Ensign?" she asked Noriko.

Noriko glanced at the comms. "What's our eta Silica? Lieutenant Mimi, my boss, is asking."

"Jump to warp two and we'll be there within the next wenty minutes" Silica replied. "I'm just your escort until we get there. The rest of my Squadron are currently on patrol duties" she explained. She held the fighter controls tightly. She didn't like the idea of being the only fighter assigned to escort the Runabout. For all she knew this was an obvious target for anyone in the area who wanted to take a shot at a Starfleet ship, which was entirely possible.

Two blips appeared on her long range sensors and registered as two unregistered vessels, approaching fast. "I've got two unidentified vessels on my sensors. Thats usually not a good thing" she said as she tried to bring up their transponder codes. Before she knew it two old maquis fighter craft jumped out of warp behind them and opened fire.

"What the hell!" Silican said as she broke free to loop around.

"Ogawa. Get out of here, I'll hold them off" Silica ordered as she swung the fighter around and opened her main volley at the maquis fighters. She had never seen one, they were long out of service before she was in Starfleet, neither did she expect anyone to still be flying one.

Mimi dived into the seat beside Noriko as the runabout rocked as a phaser burst clipped its aft. She quickly bought the shields and weapon systems online and checked for damage. "M'Zera hold on, we are under attack."

The first critical seconds of the fight, Noriko froze. As much as it was trained for in the academy, you expected those surprises. This however was different, no warning and next thing she knew, Mimi was in the seat beside her working the runabouts defenses. Training did kick in and Noriko rolled the runabout over, trying to get clear of the attackers so she could jump to warp.

With one occupying the fighter, a second began harrassing the runabout. Despite her best efforts, Noriko couldn't shake the enemy and the ship rocked under the fire from it's main weapons. Mimi's efforts at the weapons did manage to

"Damn it!" Silica said as she tried her best to take some fire from the runabout. However she was failing to do so. The enemy ships were also jamming her long range communications. She had no way of letting the Tokyo know that she was under attack.

The enemy ship landed a direct hit on her port wing causing her shields on that section to collapse. Plasma flames erupted from her nacelles as the enemy ship focused on her port engine. The last thing she wanted to do was bail, especially this deep in open space they would never find her. "I need some help..." she muttered as she tried to avoid the phaser fire.

Without warning several dozen phaser bolts whooshed over her head. Ten Razor Fighters from the Tokyo dropped out of warp and began firing everything they had at the ship chasing Silica. The Maquis fighter ship burst into a soaring flameball as the combination of the ten fighters phasers and torpedo's cut through its shields and make short work of its hull.

"Silica are you alright?" A familiar voice asked over the comm system.
"Fubuki Senpai!" Silica replied with a happy tone. "Thanks for the assistance"
"Its not over yet, fall back. We'll handle cover fire" Fubuki said as the ten fighters broke off to chase down the second Maquis fighter ship.

However before they could intercept the USS Tokyo dropped out of warp directly in the flight path of the Maquis ship. It unleashed an impressive array of phasers and torpedo's causing the Maquis vessel to explode like its sister ship. The Tokyo was more than a match for any old vessel, especially those which were lightly armed and shielded.

"Federation runabout. This is commander Takasu of the USS Tokyo. Please land in our rear shuttlebay. We're sending instructions now".

"Understood Commander." Mimi replied while her hands danced across the console infront of her. "We took damage to our thrusters, they are only partially responsive."

"Thats fine" Ryuuji replied. "We can guide you in with tractor beams. Just come in nice and slowly and we'll help you in" he explained.

"Copy." Mimi looked across at Noriko. "Nice and slow Ensign."

Not even a week out of the Academy and she'd been in a firefight. Trying to calm her shaking hands, Noriko nodded. "Yes Ma'am." Guiding the damaged runabout into range of the ship's tractor beams, Noriko found herself fighting a damaged runabout she wasn't qualified to fly. Sluggishly the craft finally lined up with the tractor beams, the blueish glow reassuring as the runabout was gripped by the tractor beams.

"Almost home." She remarked. Watching the final approach

Mimi set the inertial dampners to max and told Noriko to set the thrusters to minimum planning on coasting the runbout onto the deck after the tractor beam released them when they entered the hangar, her tail nervously ran up and down the chair it was wrapped around as they got closer and closer to the hangar entrance.

But then something went wrong.

As the tractor beams released it the runabout lurched forwards its maneouvering thrusters firing at full power.

There was no time to react to the sudden input of power to the damaged engines. The runabout was halfway down the hanger deck, the catch cage deploying as Noriko slapped the emergency shutdown control. Everything slowed down as the runabout crashed through the crash cage, continuing straight for the end of the bay.

The runabout slammed nose first into the wall of the hangar, Mimi was sent flying forwards her lower body bashing against the console in front of her and her head smacking into the window of the runabout, she barely managed to keep conscious but blood poured from a cut on her forehead and her tail hurt all over as it had been yanked away from where it had achored itself.

Noriko didn't fair much better, her chest catching the console as she lurched forwards. She missed the runabout window owing to her shorter stature but it didn't stop her face from impacting the console, shattering the surface. Collapsing back into her chair, Noriko could feel herself swimming in and out of consciousness, the pain from shattered bones in her chest and face almost unbearable.

M'Zera on the the other hand faired a lot better in the crash. He'd been seated in a passenger jumpseat and while he'd been thrown forward, he'd enough room to roll, minimizing injury. Seeing Mimi in a daze with blood matting her furr, and Noriko passed out, her face covered in blood, M'Zera did the only thing he knew to do.

=^=Runabout Fraser to Tokyo. Medical emergency. Two injured seriously.=^=

Lt John Hawk,CMO tapped his badge. "This is Hawk,beam into sickbay immediately and I'l begin treatment." Hawk knew about the shuttlebay being halfway across the ship. And depending on injuries,he can do more good here then beaming to them.

M'Zera keyed in some codes on the runabout. Both Mimi & Noriko disappeared in shimmers of light leaving him alone in the wrecked cabin. The last thing he was worried about was grabbing his gear as a crash team descended on the runabout.


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