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Settling In For A Whole Lotta Nothing (Part 2)

Posted on Sun May 16th, 2021 @ 6:56pm by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant Alexander "Lex" Knight & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Edited on on Sun May 16th, 2021 @ 7:00pm

988 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Timeline: Approximately 1 hour after "The New Kids On The Flight Deck (Part 3)"

This had been a long time coming.

Granted, it wasn't ten years, per se, but six years was still a lot longer than most would expect; at least 2,190 days of being indefinitely benched in Star Fleet's backwater offices, wondering if she'd ever aspire to be anything more than a glorified desk hand.

But at log last, things were starting to look up for her; she now had friends in high places, and- presuming she didn't screw things up as badly as she had the last go around- she might actually see some action, maybe even a promotion if she was lucky.

As she slowly trudged her way down the corridors on deck 6, her eyes darting back and forth as she searched for the cabin number that matched the address on her PaDD, she rounded a corner and came across a rather humorous scene; two younger ladies (younger than her, at least) stumbling about haphazardly, their eyes glazed over and the telltale stench of alcohol wafting from their breaths.

It was obvious to anyone that wherever they were trying to go, they weren't going to get there by themselves; she figured it would be in everyone's best interests to lend a hand, lest they spend the night camped out in the hallway.

"Steady there, fellas!" she exclaimed, setting down her suitcase and moving over to prevent the shorter of the two from falling flat on her face. "Might I be of assistance?"

Silica, who was leaning slightly on Fubuki looked back at the woman. "Who you?" she asked her words slightly slurred.

"Blue uniform woman!" Fubuki exclaimed. "I think. She. Pilot" she hiccuped before letting out a giggle. "ENSIGN!" she exclaimed again before she looked at Silica. "We were ensigns. We're not now..."

"Oh, were you?" the Ensign snickered, getting the relative gist of their sloshed dialogue. "As much as I'd love hear the story behind that, you two don't look like you're long for the world, so why don't you tell me where you're heading and I'll see if I can get you there?"

"Yeah" Silica smiled. "We're pilots" she explained trying to maintain herself. "Lieutenant.... Silica.... Testsuhiko...." she slurred slightly.

"Pilots, huh?" The Ensign remarked, gently wrapping her arms around the the Lieutenants to stabilize them.

Presuming that it wasn't just the alcohol talking (which, all things considered, was a likely possibility), the prospect of these two being her new squad mates was actually rather amusing; if anything, it'd make for a pretty funny story to tease them about once they eventually sobered up.

"So, Silica," she repeated, attempting to circle back to her original question. "Nice name and all, but if you don't mind my asking, where are you and your buddy heading?"

"I was about to ask the same thing:" A masculine voice said from further up the corridor.

Shingo had been on his way back from the gymnasium to continue writing up his reports when he heard the commotion further up the hall. He had contemplated ignoring the situation and finding a different turbolift, however, when he heard the sound of clear intoxication, he decided to do the responsible officer thing and investigate it.

"I thought there was no drinking on board Starships." Shingo added as he approached the trio.

"Don't look at me, Lieutenant," the Ensign insisted, "This is just how I found them."

"Who... said we were drinking... on ship?" Silica replied.

Shingo looked over the two Lieutenants JG and their sad state. Clearly their celebrations had gotten a little out of hand:

"Very well, Ensign:" Shingo said, noting the third one's single rank pip. "Get these two back to their quarters and once they're there, make sure they drink nothing more than water and coffee until they're sober. If they're not sober by the time Trigman gets back, I'll make sure these Lieutenants' extra rank pips are taken away just as quickly as they got them."

"Um... I don't suppose you could lend a hand, Lieutenant?" the Ensign imposed rather sheepishly. "Seriously, these two are kind of heavy."

"We're not heavy. And tomorrow is our day off!" Silica said her words slightly slurred. "Plus if that Riverside girl can get away with it! So can we!"

"Day off or not, drunkenness on board a Starship is still a demotable offense." Shingo explained as he proceeded to prop up one of the intoxicated pilots. "You'll thank me for this when you're sober and still Lieutenant JG."

Shingo turned to the ensign.

"Come on, ensign:" He said. "You asked for the help, now pull your weight!"

The Ensign simply nodded and wrapped Silica's arm around her shoulder.


"I must admit," the Ensign joked as they lugged the half-awake pilots back to their quarters. "This has to be one of the more... memorable welcoming committees that I've had the pleasure of dealing with."

"You seem rather excited to see these pilots disgracing their uniforms." Shingo responded. "If this were my first interaction with crew aboard a Starship, I'd be pursuing a transfer request."

"I mean it in a good way, of course," the Ensign chuckled. "I just happen to find it amusing is all."

"Phrase it however you want, but I still find it a disgrace." Shingo said with a tone of disgust. "You never come to realize how disgraceful it is until you get yelled at for doing it."

"So this is you admitting to being drunk on the job?" the Ensign remarked with a mischievous grin.

The door to Soren's quarters opened just before he popped his head out. "What's with all the racket?!" He shouted as he looked around, finally spotting Silica. "Hey... pig-tails? What's with all the noise? Me and Bettie have some Department Head business to do and I was trying to catch my beauty sleep."

To be continued...


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