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Settling In For A Whole Lotta Nothing (Part 1)

Posted on Sun May 16th, 2021 @ 6:52pm by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant Alexander "Lex" Knight & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Edited on on Sun May 16th, 2021 @ 6:59pm

1,425 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)
Timeline: Approximately 1 hour after "The New Kids On The Flight Deck (Part 3)"

The Shuttle touched down aboard the USS Tokyo shortly after two; despite Lieutenant Yuvek's reservations on the age of the craft, the flight to Utopia Planetia was relatively uneventful.

"Let's get a move on, people!" Commander Romanov barked as she ushered the Ensigns off the shuttle. "This craft is due back aboard the Moscow in 0200 hours!"

During the flight, Mikoto had fallen asleep, her head now resting on her mothers knees. Space flight always seemed to wear down the young girl. Karuta didn't bother to wake her, instead she gently and with expertise handled Mikoto to carry her. She didn't even seem bothered by the barking orders of Commander Romonov.

"How adorable" Amu said with a smile referring to Mikoto.

"Indeed. However she does tire easily on long space flights" Karuta explained. "If you will excuse us. I will take Mikoto to our quarters where she can rest properly"

Amu nodded still smiling. At that point Mikoto stirred and opened an eye lazily. "Mu..mmy?" She yawned.

"Go back to sleep Mikoto. You are safe. Tired, however safe" Karuta said simply. It was going to be difficult managing her along with her duties, especially since she was more human than Vulcan.

Lt. Yuvek went through the post-flight procedure for the shuttle. While every pilot knew that pre-flight procedures were vital to ensure that the vessel was taking off in top shape and would make it to its intended destination. However, Lt. Yuvek was just as focused on post-flight procedures as well. It was the small details that could lead to larger disasters if they were simply ignored. Additionally, he did not know the flight crew onboard the Tokyo therefore, he wasn't sure he could properly trust them to handle the shuttle properly. He grabbed his gear and made his way to the back of the shuttle with the rest of the departing group.

The tardy Ensign from earlier was one of the last to disembark; right as she stepped down the gangway, Commander Romanov suddenly reached out and blocked her path.

"Ensign Kusuda," she began, presenting her with a flat, manila package. "I am under personal instruction from Captain Eliza Nanjō to give this to you. She says it is, and I quote, "From all of us"."

"Oh, Commander, you shouldn't have!" The Ensign smiled as she took the package and tucked it in her suitcase.

"I never said it was from the Moscow," Commander Romanov clarified.

The ensign gave her a strange look, but there was no doubt in either of their minds that they were completely in the dark on this matter.

"Well, regardless, I be sure to thank Elichi for this later," the Ensign expressed, bowing her head politely.

"Oh, and one more thing, Ensign;"


"Try to set off a little earlier next time," Commander Romanov suggested. "Lest you get held up by security again."

The Ensign chuckled as she set off on her way. "It was one time, Commander! I swear!"

"One time is all you need," Commander Romanov muttered to herself as she began to climb back in the shuttle. "And I'd think that you of all people would know that by now."

Lt. Yuvek made his way to his new quarters, choosing not to engage with anyone as he passed them in the hall. He came to his doors and unsealed them, entering his new space for the first time. As the doors hissed shut he made his way to his sleeping area nd promptly dropped his gear onto the bed, breathing a sigh of relief.

Jasad sat down on his bed and took in his new environment. This posting represented a significant beginning for the young Cardassian. He was the Chief Helmsman of a rapid-response carrier vessel.

The Tokyo was not designed to be some sort of a deep space research vessel, it was designed for combat. It was designed to defend the Federation agaisnt the various enemies that were amassing. Jasad took pride in knowing that he was on the front-lines of protecting what had been created.

But conversely, he also realized that he was a Cardassian where a Federation uniform. To others, the Federation were still seen as the enemy standing in the way of Cardassia's greatness as a people. People like Jasad's brother, Bretav.

Jasad and Bretav were the only family each other had left after the death of their parents. They grew up together on Cardassia and within the Bajoran orphanage. However, both had chosen different paths as adults. Where Jasad had decided that he could help his people by working with the Federation and expanding his knowledge of the galaxy. Bretav believed that he needed to help his people rebuild by joining the Cardassian Defense Force.

Although the two wore different uniforms, they still had the same goal of seeing their people rebuild themselves and stand beside other quadrant powers and not just as a charity case.

Karuta arrived outside her assigned quarters. Mikoto was still happily snoozing as she stepped through the doors. Her quarters were slightly bigger than the standard enlisted, mainly because she had special permission to bring her daughter aboard with her. She spotted the small second bedroom off to the side and gently laid the sleeping girl down on the bed.

"Sleep little one" she said simply as she lowered the lights and made her way towards the living area. Her personal belongings had already been transported there. Many of them were in boxes and crates that now sat in the middle of the room. She crouched down and pulled open the lid on the first box.

She pulled out a photograph of her family in a frame. It was taken a few months ago, with her tow older children, her current husband and Mikoto all in the picture. It seems that only her Human husband and Mikoto were the ones smiling. It seemed like a sad picture, but considering that Karuta and her two older children are more Vulcan than Human, they surpressed their emotions rather than show them.

Karuta stared into the eyes of the human man whom she had married. It was a shame that they had been going through some difficulties lately, however both of them had agreed to spend a little time apart. Karuta could not deal with these deep emotions she had in her heart, even if she didn't show them they were still there. She needed to get her head back into her job before she could fix her relationship, if she could fix it at all.

After leaving the shuttlebay, Amu made her way to her new quarters. She was surprised to find it in darkness. "Computer lights" she said as she entered the room. Slowly the room came into view. There on the sofa sat a man, he was tall with dark hair and was stroking a large fluffy cat.

"I've been expecting you..." he said in a rather sinister voice as he slowly stroked the cat.

"I should think you have Ikuto" Amu replied simply placing her bag down on a nearby chair. "So. Have you managed to do what we spoke about?" she asked curiously.


"Oh good" Amu began to approach the man slowly. "Now, when your Starfleet officer girlfriend walks into the door, you're meant to stop petting Whiskers here and perhaps greet her" she told him with a grin. Ikuto smiled, he stood up and wrapped an arm around her back pulling her in gently. He placed his lips against her and slowly kissed her.

"That better?" he asked with a cheeky grin.

"Much. Now..." she broke free as she unzipped her tunic. "You managed to get a civilian position on the ship. What will you be doing?"

Ikuto seemed slightly sheepish. "I'll be in the officers lounge. They needed people to serve food and drink... you know how these officers can be" he told her a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Don't forget that your girlfriend is also an officer. Although, I know what you mean. I see you've already unpacked some of our stuff."

"I had some time. Shouldn't you be going to find someone to report in?" he asked.

"Yeah I suppose so. But first I wanted to see you. I'll be heading upto the sickbay shortly. No need to worry about me Ikuto" she smiled.

To be continued...


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