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Sneaking Aboard (Part 2)

Posted on Fri May 28th, 2021 @ 12:36pm by Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach

1,069 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Elachi Ship / Prowler


Alex looked to Alora. "You need to stay behind me. That rod is the only proof we have that the Tal Shiar are working with the Elachi. You need to guard that with your life." He walked closer to her and took her hand. "Alora... I know you don't want to hear this, but it needs to be said. This is a big threat so, you need to be prepared to do whatever it takes to get this to the proper people, even if that means leaving me behind to make sure you get to our people." He squeezed her hand slightly. "It doesn't mean I won't find my way back to you, my love. You may just need to keep a candle burning in the window for me."


"Then you better make sure you're right beside me," she said. "I've lost you once, and I can't do it again. So, get both of us out of here."

Alex looked deep into her eyes before smiling a bit. "Yes, Commander." He replied softly before adding. "Anyone ever tell you, when you're angry, your nose gets this specific wrinkle? It's actually adorable. Not gonna lie. Kinda takes the the whole, being firm and demanding, out of the whole being serious thing. Don't worry. I'm sure I am the only one who notices. It'll be our little secret."

She chuckled softly. "I love you. Now, my brilliant love, I put our lives in your hands." She kissed him briefly.

Alex kissed her softly, closing his eyes a bit, before pulling back. As he opened his eyes he smirked before replying. "I mean, of course you do? Who else is gonna get us out of here? It's what I do." He gave a her a wink just before walking away, then he suddenly stopped. As he turned to face her he shouted. "You know I'll get it done because you trust me. And do you know why? Because I am trust worthy."

"Yes, you are." She smiled. "Now, get us out of here before we're caught." She had no doubt he'd do it. He always kept his word--even if it took a while. She scanned the room so she'd have a good image to take back with her, collecting as much data as she could.

A slight chirp came from Alex's combadge. It was light and repeated after a few minutes. The tone was soft enough not to draw any attention from the others, but Alex recognized it almost immediately. It was an alert system the SWORD team developed in order to signal someone on a mission who was in the middle of a mission in a hostile area. He tapped his combadge in a pattern, signaling he received the code.

After another chirp Alex quickly tapped his combadge. "Prowler, this is Knight. You have no idea how good it is to hear from you. We thought we lost you guys?"

"Almost did, Boss." Dutch replied quickly. "We detected an increase in power just before the ship opened a tear in space. We think its to where they come from. Right before it went in we attached the Prowler to her hull and rode it in."

"Well done, Dutch." Alex replied as he looked to Alora and said. "Didn't I tell you they were the best?"

“I know they are,” she said, smiling back. She didn’t want to think about what might have happened if they lost the Prowler.

"You might want to save the butt kissing for later, Alex. We have a problem." Pitbull said over the combadge. His tone sounded serious, much more than usual. "That same increase is starting to build again. We think they may be jumping out of this space and back to ours. If we are going to get out of here then we need to do it now."

Alex looked to Alora and nodded before answering. "We couldn't agree more, Pitbull. Suggestions?"

"Jazz has a plan." Pitbull replied with an almost worried tone.

"Why does it sound like I am not going to enjoy this plan?"

"Because, you're not." Jazz said in a firm voice before continuing. "We can only transport you all off from a certain area of the ship, where their hull is weakest. Unfortunately, between your current position and where we need you to be, there are about 30 of these suckers between you."

Alex looked to Alora before replying. "Fantastic." He said softly before clearing his throat. "Can it be done without getting us into a firefight?"

There was a bit of a paused before Jazz finally replied. "Yes, but you'll have to follow the exact route we tell you. No diverting. If they spot you our retreat may be blown and, quite frankly, so will we. As in blown apart and dead. I died once. Didn't like it. Would love not to repeat it, Boss?"

"Got it. We'll avoid all the tourist traps." Alex replied as he looked to Alora. "Follow my lead. No diverting. Would you mind giving up the lead?"

“Of course not. You’re better at this than I am,” she replied. Her strength was more in research and analysis. She knew Alex was the best person to get them out of this.

Alex looked to the group and explained the them the plan. It wouldn't be easy. With a group of marines and untrained officers in how Alex worked it would be difficult, but not impossible. The group they had was pretty big, but with the right movements and speed, they would be able to get to where they are going in one piece. When all was said and done Alex took the lead.

Alora wanted something to take with her, but time was running out. She looked around one more time and followed Alex, ordering the rest of the away team to head back to the beam out point.

Then, on the way out, she noticed a device on a counter and pocketed it for later study. Alora followed Alex away from the control center of the Elachi ship, to the location where they would safely beam out.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
SWORD Team Leader

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey
SWORD Second in Command

Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach
SWORD Team Member

Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel
SWORD Team Member


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