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Half-Pip Celebrations

Posted on Mon Apr 12th, 2021 @ 4:55am by Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'

1,717 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: USS Tokyo & Mars Colony

The doors of the room opened. In half strode, half skipped Silica. "Fubuki Senpai!" she called out. On the Tokyo she shared a room with her friend whom she had known since the Academy. Fubuki was a year older and thus Silica used the honorific of Senpai for her.

Fubuki, a young woman of Japanese Nature like Silica emerged from the door that led into her bedroom. She stepped into the communal area and smiled. "You got them too?" she asked with a smirk indicating to the new half rank pip on Silica's chest, before pointing at her own.

A grin stretched across Silica's face. "We're officially Lieutenants now! We got our Lieutenant Pips!" Silica exclaimed excitement in her voice, rocking up and down on her toes and heels slightly.

Fubuki smiled. "Silica-Chan. We should celebrate!"

"Thats a great idea. But not on the ship. We need to go really let our hair down!" Silica replied. She placed her chin between her thumb and forefinger as she began to think. "Isn't there a night club strip down in Utopia Colony?" she asked.

"I think so" Fubuki replied. "And we have leave, in fact. We're not due on duty for another two days. We're on rest leave after those flight exercises" she said as she checked the digital holographic calendar that was displayed on the terminal above the replicator.

"Lets go then!" Silica exclaimed. "But we're not going out like this!"

[A Little While Later]

The Mars air was nice and fresh for both young women. They had gotten used to the stale recycled air on the Tokyo and in their starfighters. The breeze was nice too. Apart from the red glow in the sky and the sandy desert outside the colony, it was hard to tell that this planet had once been a barren, harsh world with no chance of habitation without heavy EVA Suits.

Now both of them walked side by side down the central street of the entertainment district of the Utopia Colony. Silica dressed in a small black dress that led down to just above her knees, whilst Fubuki sported a dark grey blouse and pleated mini-skirt. They were both looking to celebrate their recent promotions. Who knows, they may even pick up a couple of cute guys too.

"Lets try here" Silica said taking Fubuki's arm and leading to one of the bright lit up nightclubs. Unlike the replicators on a Starfleet vessel and the bars you found on Starbases, these establishments served real alcohol and synthahol was less common.

The club was dark, lit only by the disco lights which flashed and swirled. The sillhouettes of people danced on the dancefloor as music boomed, the bass causing vibrations that they could feel over their own heartbeat. The smell of alcohol hung in the air. You could make out the DJ in the back corner, moving along as he controlled the music from his control panel and along one of the walls stretched a large bar.

"Drink!" Silica said, only not to be heard by Fubuki. Instead she cupped her hand and moved it up and down in front of her lips. It seemed to be the universal sign to get a drink. They pushed thier way through the crowd to the bar. They had to squeeze past much larger people in order to get close. There were four bar tenders working on the bar, several of them leaning far over towards the customers to hear their orders over the music.

Placing a hand on the bar, Silica pulled herself in. It took a few minutes but a Bolian bartender eventually got to her. "What'cha havin'?" he half asked half shouted over the deafening music. That was a question, what did they want. Silica leant in slightly. "Get us two of your best cocktails! Alcoholic please!"

The Bolian nodded and returned a few minutes later with two large half stemmed glasses of different colour liquids, topped with little paper umbrella's and a slice of lime and a straw to drink out of.

"Here's to finally getting our pips!" Silica said holding her drink up whilst passing the second one to Fubuki. Fubuki smiled as they touched the glasses together, no doubt they made a little 'clink' not that they could hear.

Sucking on the straw, Fubuki allowed the sweet taste of the cocktail, whatever it was to fill her mouth before she swallowed it. After a few minutes both women placed the glasses down on the bar, now empty. "Wait!" Silica said holding up a hand. She took both of the Umbrella's from the glasses and slotted one into Fubuki's hair just behind her ear, then did the same to her own.

Fubuki grinned as she took Silica by the hand. "Lets dance!"

Both of them pushed and weaved their way towards the dancefloor. The music was a mixture of different songs and tunes from around The Federation. From some classic Earth party songs, to Klingon Opera put to a dance beat, which for some reason wasn't half bad.

"Bang bang!" Silica said as she used her fingers to pretend to shoot Fubuki. "Look, I got you Senpai! You can't shake me off your tail!" she laughed. Her cheeks were slightly red from the alcohol, but it didn't matter.

Fubuki did a twirl. "HA!" she exclaimed back. "Barrell Roll! I totally avoided that!" she shot back. She aso put her fingers as if she was shooting a gun. "Pew Pew. Phasers are locked on you!"

Silica took a step back and did a sharp side step to the left, then to the right as if she was dancing to the old classic song 'Cha Cha Slide'. "Evasive Manuevers!" she replied back with a grin. "Can't touch this!"

"Wanna bet!" Fubuki said as she made a quick move and grabbed Silica around the waist. "What if I shoot you from this distance?"

Silica placed a hand on her forehead as if pretending to faint. "Engine failure Senpai. I don't think she's going to take it!" she laughed. Fubuki let her go and both of them burst into laughter, holding their bellies as they laughed. It was nice to pretend some times, after all when they were out flying in their starfighters there wasn't any time for silly games.

"Bar?" Fubuki asked as she indicated to the bar. Silica fanned herself with her hand and pointed towards the rear exit and nodded. "Get drinks, I need some air!"

[A Few Minutes Later]

Both women held the cocktails in their hands as they stood in the outside area. The lights of Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards could be seen above. Here in the back area were several people, it was far quieter but the music could still be heard booming away inside. There was a constant chatter as smoke from cigrattes and other smoking impliments drifted around. Although it wasn't common on Earth anymore, apparently it was still popular on Mars.

"Hey there" a large built man said as he approached them both. "I've not seen you both here before". He raised his cigarette and took a drag. "What brings you to this club?" he asked.

"We're celebrating" Fubuki replied simply. "Is there an excuse for a girl to let her hair down every now and again?" she asked with a smirk.

The Man laughed. "I like you, little bird" he smiled. "The names Lucas"

"Fubuki, and thats Silica" Fubuki introduced them both.

"Nice" Lucas said as he took another drag of his cigarette before taking a seat on one of the picnic tables that had been placed around the outside area. "So, what are you celebrating?" he asked.

"Well, we just got promoted" Fubuki grinned.

Lucas held up a finger to shush Fubuki. "Wait, you're Starfleet?" he asked in a slightly more hushed tone. "Don't let people catch on that you're down here. Its not often we get you guys down here" he explained simply.

Fubuki and Silica sat down opposite him. "Whys that?" Silica asked curiously.

"Well, are you officers or enlisted? Whats your department? Ship?" he asked keeping his voice low.

"We're officers. We just both made Lieutenant. Starfighter Pilots from the Tokyo" Fubuki told him quietly. She wasn't sure why Starfleet wasn't welcome in this area. Maybe it was something to do with the Shipyard in orbit above.

"I see" Lucas said. He finished his Cigratte and stubbed it out into the ash tray. Pulling out packet he pulled another out another one, popping it into his mouth. He held out the packet to offer one to the girls. Fubuki shrugged and took two, passing one to Silica.

"Try and blend in" he said as he lit the cigarette and then lit both of the girls with his lighter. "If you're here for a good time, don't let people know where you're from. Many of the people down here have to live in the shadow of 'that' above them" he told them as he inhaled smoke and breathed it out through his nose.

"I can see why that would be a burden" Silica replied. She almost coughed on the smoke, she had never smoked before. It wasn't something that was often done, but she wanted to fit in. "We're not here to cause trouble"

"Good" Lucas said with a smile. "Now, how about I get you both another drink?" he asked. Both girls agreed and allowed him to get them a drink. He left them in the outside area and returned a few minutes later with three drinks, including a round of shots.

"Now" Lucas told them both. "Do you girls know how to party? Or does being up in the void all the time take that out on you?"

Silice grinned. "No one parties like the pilots" she grinned. "Come on" she said holding out a hand to the man whilst standing up. "I'll show you what we can do over on the dancefloor"

Lucas couldn't help but laugh. "Well ok then. Allow me to be your guide to Mars Colony tonight ladies" he said giving them a bow like a butler would. "And no need to worry, I'll be a perfect gentleman"

Posting by

Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake
Fighter Pilot

Mars Colonist


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