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Sickbay Shenanigans (Backpost)

Posted on Mon Jun 8th, 2015 @ 11:09am by Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant Mimi & Ensign Noriko Ogawa

909 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: directly following arrivals

Lt John Hawk,CMO tapped his badge. "This is Hawk, beam them into sickbay immediately and I'll begin treatment." Hawk knew about the shuttlebay being halfway across the ship. And depending on injuries,he can do more good here then beaming to them.

M'Zera keyed in some codes on the runabout. Both Mimi & Noriko disappeared in shimmers of light leaving him alone in the wrecked cabin. The last thing he was worried about was grabbing his gear as a crash team descended on the runabout.


Hawk watched as everyone beamed him, he and his nurses got people to biobeds. He ran a quick scan on Mimi. "Get her to the operating table, NOW." he said to a pair of nurses that proceeded to gently get her to the operating biobed.

He helped Noriko to a biobed and sedated her to avoid said officer experiencing more pain. He started a quick dermal regenerating treatment for cuts and bruises. "Begin treatment on those ribs crewman, watch the blood pressure for abnormalities."

He shot back to the operating table and began working on the muscles/tendons of her tail. "Hold on Mimi, I got you.."

Alongside the other more painful sensations her body was feeling Mimi felt herself be put down onto a bed and opened her eyes to see she was surrounded by faces she didn't recognise and she panicked. Her bodies natural flight rather than fight reaction kicked in and she flung herself off the bed and towards the door.

Mimi nimbly avoided all the nurses trying to stop her but then she realised she'd ran into the corner of the room and there was nowhere else for her to go so she turned, dropping low she bared her claws and hissed at the people in front of her, before she collapsed into a heap on the floor.

At this moment the doors to the sickbay opened and Ryuuji Takasu walked in. He looked around a little suprised at the situation that was happening. He watched as they moved Mimi to a biobed.

The doc looked up to see Takasu. "I guess I can't talk you into coming back later when I have more control huh?" he said going back-forth between patients.

*A Little While Later*

"I'm Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu" he said softly and calmly as if talking to a lost child. "You are on the Federation Starship Tokyo, you crashed in our shuttlebay" he explained. "You sustained some injures, these people are here to help you" he continued to explain calmly and diplomatically.

"Sorry for crashing the runabout commander." Mimi said and managed a slight smile, she tried to move her tail but it hurt right from base to tip and she hissed in pain despite the pain releif she'd been given.

"Not a problem. The shuttle was damaged in the attack. Silica and Fubuki did a good job of providing you with a little cover fire" Ryuuji explained.

"The thrusters fired when they shouldn't have." Mimi looked across at one of the other biobeds and saw more nurses around another yellow uniformed figure that she assumed was Noriko. "Is Noriko ok?"

"From what I've been told you're both going to be fine" Ryuuji said. "I'm the ships second officer, both the CO and XO are currently in the middle of an away mission" he explained. "I'll be needing both of you soon"


Slipping in and out of consciousness, Noriko felt the familiar beam of the transporter release her. Collapsing back onto the ground, she could feel hands lifting her onto a hard but soft surface. She tried to call out M'Zera's name but all she heard was a croaking sound.

Doc Hawk walked up to Noriko. "Hey there, don't supposed talking about the weather will heal ya,huh?" he chuckled to himself as he began to stabalize Noriko.

Groaning from the pain in her chest, Noriko wasn't fully aware of what was going on around her but she could feel a presence near her, talking to her. Slowly the pain eased and Noriko began to ease back into consciousness.

Ryuuji turned to the doctor.
"Do your best to patch them up doctor. I might be needing them soon, the Freighter has just crossed into Romulan space" he explained.

The doc turned to Ryuuji. "Don't worry, this is what I do." he gave him a reassuring thumbs up as he stabalized them both. "Alright, they'll live, but I can do more in sickbay to get them back up to 100%." he turned to Ryuuji. "Half our max mimi but I'll need more time on Noriko to ensure there's no internal bleeding or lasting injury. I'd do you better but so far it's pretty much just me in sickbay." He tagged them both with a device and revealed a device on his wrist. "If you want to come to sickbay too, grab one of their arms. Medical emergency transporter device, my new toy. " he grinned. "It automatically beams the tagged to the nearest designated sickbay area."

Ryuuji stared at him for a few seconds. "I see" he said. "Keep an eye on them doctor, I'll be on the bridge if you need me" he explained as he turned on a heel and walked out leaving Hawk to tend to his patients.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Starfighter Operations Officer

Lieutenant Mimi
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant John Hawk
Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Noriko Ogawa
Operations Officer


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