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Preparing for Battle

Posted on Wed May 20th, 2015 @ 4:37am by Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant K'Eltora

678 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: USS Tokyo

Ryuuji pulled himself out of the command chair at the news. Sensors had picked up a large explosion in the Neutral Zone and now he was looking at a huge Romulan Starbase, a gaping hole in its side. Taiga had obviously detonated the freighter inside the base as planned.

"Red Alert!" he said. "To all crew. We have just detected a Romulan Starbase inside the Neutral Zone as we suspected. As ordered we are going to eliminate the target. All fighters launch and prepare to move in ten minutes" He ordered.

Binea's blue fingers danced across the Ops console bringing everything to full power and running a series of quick diagnostics to ensure everything was going to work when it was needed, she was looking forward to teaching these romulans a lesson.

*Fighter Bay*

"Silica!" a voice shouted across the bay. Fubuki came running over waving her arm, her brown hair swishing behind her.
"Fubuki Senpai" Silica said as the woman came closer to her. Suddenely she was being hugged tightly by her. "Thankyou for the hand out there with the runabout, I wasn't expecting those ships to open fire" Silica explained.
"Don't worry about it. Good luck out there" Fubuki said as she let Silica go.
"Same to you. Is Levi Squadron launching second?"
"Yeah. You're launching first so I'd get to it if I were you" Fubuki said. Silica nodded and ran over to the fighter storage bays.

Unlike other auxiliary craft the fighters on the Tokyo were stored differently. They were stored vertically by large holding supports and were slotted into special hangers. Starfleet developed the system in order for the Tokyo to carry more fighters and to keep the size of the hangar decks down to a minimum.

Silica watched as the doors on the side of the hangar opened to reveal five fighters neatly stored veritcally in a row. The first five fighters slid out on large beam arms and were righted then placed down on the deck in a neat row. The first five fighter pilots jumped up into the cockpits and within a few seconds they darted out of the bay into space. The next five were pulled out on their arms and placed on the deck. Once they were placed the storage unit folded itself up and slotted itself back into the side of the bay.

Silica jumped into her fighter, pulled on her helmet and fired up her engines.
"Silica reporting in. Ready to fly!" she reported.

K'Eltora grumbled. "I'm ready. How did this become my primary and not my secondary role?"

Both fighters were launched into space. Silica gripped the controls tightly as she met up with the rest of her squadron. They pulled into position just infront of the Tokyo. The four fighter squadrons would form a diamond shape around the ship, one either side and one fore and aft. Krista squadron was tasked with the fore run this time, with Levi being portside, Eren being Starboard and Mikasa being aft.

"Oh yeah!" Silica said. "Ready for action!"


"All fighter craft are in position commander!" The officer who was manning the tactical station reported. "Starfighter Operations are at full standby and awaiting orders".

Ryuuji took a good long look at the Romulan Station on the screen. Smaller explosions were happening inside which could easily be seen. He hoped that Taiga was ok, he wanted to make sure she would come home after this mission. "Ok lets do this" he said looking down towards the helm. "Engage at warp five and prepare for a full volley of torpedo's and phasers" he ordered.

K'Eltora said, "Roger that." She unleashed her full fury on the station.

The Tokyo and its fighters all jumped to warp speed. Ryuuji stood on the bridge of the Tokyo, determined to give the Romulans a quick kiss up the ass. There was no way he was going to stand by while his future wife was in danger. He would unleash all the hell that the Tokyo could give on the starbase.

To be continued...


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