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The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka - Day 1 (Part 4)

Posted on Thu Jan 7th, 2021 @ 9:43am by Admiral Nyanta & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Minori Kushieda & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara
Edited on on Thu Jan 7th, 2021 @ 9:44am

1,781 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Court

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:
"Thats enough" Nyanta's voice called as he rose to his feet towering over the desk. "Mister Marok. Your claims have no viable evidence, using personal opinions and affairs are not facts and can not be considered in this court" he then turned to look at Taiga. "Captain Aisaka, no more outbursts. Or I might file you in contempt!"

Once the Assistant was done dictating the Admiral's response, she knelt down to the her Admiral who whispered something in her ear. She nodded and walked over to the barrier between the courtroom floor and those seated viewing the proceedings. She held the PADD to her chest and cleared her throat slightly before saying softly. "Miss Mendor? A moment please?"

Lena looked behind her at the woman, standing there holding a padd. She turned back to Nyanta. "Your honor, I'd like to request a five minute recess, so as not to waste the court's time with idle conversation." She said, gesturing back towards the Admiral's assistant.

"Granted. However we all need a few minutes to clear our heads" Nyanta said. "We shall reconvene in fifteen minutes"

And now the continuation...

With the recess in place, Lena moved into the audience area, addressing the woman who'd gotten her attention. "Can I help you?"

Taiga turned to also hear what the admirals assistant wanted to say. She just hoped that it would be beneficial to their side.

Miyahara also turned to hear what the Admiral's assistant had to say.

This ought to be interesting... He thought to himself.

[15 minutes later]

Admiral Nyanta returned to the court room and took his place. He had spent the last few minutes quickly refreshing his mind about the whole case, as well as enjoying a nice warm cup of milk tea.

"Court is back in session" he purred. "Now, where were we?"

Marok stood up. "I do believe that I had made a claim that Captain Aisaka might have been 'emotionally compromised' which caused her to attack Avlatar Colony" the Romulan said simply. "However, you had dismissed said claim" he added.

Nyanta nodded. "Yes. I had indeed" he purred. "Do you have any other Witnesses to call?"

Marok looked the Caitian judge up and down. "Your honour. I wish to call a Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato to answer questions" he said simply.

Takeshi made his way to the stand, adjusting his dress uniform as he did so. Before he took the stand, he stopped and looked Taiga dead in the eye.

We'll see who's laughing now, Aisaka. He thought to himself before taking the stand.

"My name is Takeshi Nakazato, current Air Boss Officer of the United Starship Tokyo and former Third Officer of the United Starship Myogi." He spoke slowly and clearly in a calm manner. "My rank is Lieutenant."

"Lieutenant Nakazato" Marok began. "I have called you as I have been made aware that you objected to the Tokyo's actions at the Alvatar Colony. I have also been informed that you and Captain Aisaka did not see eye to eye on most issues" he explained. "Now, can you please tell the court. Do you believe that Captain Aisaka is capable of making the decisions in order to command a starship?"

"As an officer whose entire Starfleet career has been founded upon and guided by the principles of Admiral Tanaka Miyahara, who is present in this courtroom today, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Captain Aisaka is incapable of commanding so much as a shuttlecraft, let alone a starship." Takeshi said.

Miyahara was touched by Takeshi's statement. He pulled out a handkerchief and began wiping away the tears that were brimming over his eyes, for this was his proudest day as a mentor.

"I see" Marok said. "Please explain to the court your reasoning behind your answer"

"It's very simple:" Takeshi explained. "Captain Aisaka takes for granted the fragile peace that exists between the Federation and its neighbors, without understanding what it took to get here in the first place. It's this complacency with the present state of things without the proper context that can drive an officer to perform an action Admiral Miyahara describes as 'kicking the hornet's nest'"

"An interesting way to put it Lieutenant" Marok replied. "However, please explain to the court your account on the events that led up to the attack on Alvatar Colony. As a crew member of the Tokyo, what happened between you and Captain Aisaka?"

"I remember it like it was yesterday:" Takeshi responded, giving Taiga a quick glance before continuing.

You could have avoided all of this. He thought to himself. But, you don't understand order if it sat on your face, so here we are.

"A day before the colony attack, the Tokyo was about to undergo a training exercise. I was among the senior staff present when we briefed the pilots on what we hoped to accomplish with the exercise when some pilot questioned my ability to command." Takeshi explained. "I undertook proper disciplinary measures by confining all the pilots to quarters until I could find and punish the culprit. However, Captain Aisaka overrode my order and punished me instead. This sent the message across to me that she was willing to let her pilots go off unpunished. Then, Commander Knight saw me and turned my entire guiding principles upside down. By that point, all my energy had been expended."

Takeshi skipped over the lovemaking part. The court didn't need to know that:

"Then, the day of the colony attack, we received a distress call from the colony. I attempted to warn her before we passed through Romulan space of all the treaties such an act would violate, but by then Captain Aisaka had deafened herself to me." He concluded.

"You said that you recieved a distress call?" Marok asked. "From the sensor records, there was no distress call apart from after the Starship Tokyo arrived in the system Lieutenant" he said.

"That discrepancy I cannot explain," Takeshi responded. "For I have been too busy getting my basic Federation rights stepped on to gain access to the sensor logs."

Marok nodded simply.

During the beginning of Takeshi's questioning, Lena was busy looking up his Starfleet record, and noticed the arrest, and the charges that accompanied it.

"Objection!" She suddenly blurted out, before anything else could be said, standing up to take attention away from Takeshi. "Your Honor, Lieutenant Nakazato was recently arrested on charges of treason against the U.F.P. Under these circumstances, I do not believe he is a credible witness, and I petition the court to strike his testimony from the record, and deny any further testimony he has to offer."

Nyanta stroked his whiskers. This was all starting to become interesting. "Lieutenant Nakazato, were you placed under arrest for this said crime?" he asked simply. "Please remember that you are under oath"

"Objection!" Miyahara blurted out, standing up and pushing up his glasses. "The evidence being introduced is highly prejudicial against Lieutenant Nakazato, and this prejudice far outweighs the probative value."

"Admiral. You are out of order" Nyanta said simply. "You will answer the question I asked you Lieutenant". He glanced over at Miyahara, a sort of warning shot.

His objection effectively overruled, Miyahara slowly sat back down while keeping his gaze firmly fixed on the Caitian: A subtle indication that, though he yielded this particular moment, he wasn't going to back down in the long run.

"Your honor, I was exercising my most basic Federation right when I was arrested." Takeshi explained. "My right to free speech, as outlined in the Federation charter among other founding documents: I was arrested out of prejudice, because I could not, and still cannot, bring myself to side with Captain Aisaka."

"The Lieutenant's case is scheduled next on the Federation docket." Lena added, with no hint of malice, but only the logic of her job. "According to Federetion law, with the charges he's facing, he should be in a cell right now, instead of sitting on the witness stand."

And when that trial does happen, Daxer... Miyahara thought, his gaze slowly shifting off the judge to Mendor. You'll be finished! I've outsourced someone who specializes in proving innocence, and once Nakazato's acquited, there will be people calling for your execution soon enough...

Nyanta held up a hand to silence the room. "Lieutenant, I don't particularly care for the reason you were arrested. However the fact that you seem to believe that it was biased against you does not bode well with me. Also, if you were arrested, why are you standing here in front of me and now awaiting your own trail?" Nyanta asked hypothetically.

"Therefore I am not recognising you Lieutenant Nakazato" Nyanta said. He glanced over towards Miyahara. No doubt that he had something to do with it, however he had no proof on the matter. "You are Dismissed Lieutenant"

Nyanta then turned to the Romulan. "Mister Marok. Do you have anyone else to bring to the stand?" he asked simply keeping his voice low but with a slight hum in his throat.

Marok shook his head. "No your honour. No other witnesses. I also want to apologise, I was unaware that Lieutenant Nakazato was awaiting his own prosecution" Marok told Nyanta with a slight bow.

Nyanta waved it off.

Marok stood by the side of his table. "I believe that we have given adequate evidence from various sources that showed that the Starship Tokyo did attack Alvatar Colony. Thus rests my case" he said.

"Very well" Nyanta said as he tapped a few buttons on the small panel on his desk. "There is a lot of evidence to be looked through and examined. I myself shall be examining all the data that you have provided" he told the room. "For now however, this has gone on far too long. We are in recess for today, we shall resume at 09:00 hours tomorrow morning". He picked up the small hammer and tapped it on the golden bell.

As people began to shuffle around, some moving out of the room, Lena leaned in close to Taiga, whispering in her ear. "The prosecution got the jump on us today, but don't lose faith." She told the Captain, noting the security officer approaching to take her back into custody. "I think you've got a solid case, and I'll do everything I can to help you."

"It would appear so" Taiga said simply with a slight sigh. "Hopefully tomorrow we can turn this around" she added.

To be continued...


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