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The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka - Day 1 (Part 3)

Posted on Thu Dec 3rd, 2020 @ 6:48pm by Admiral Nyanta & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara
Edited on on Thu Dec 3rd, 2020 @ 6:49pm

1,799 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Court

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Nakazato is under my protection for this trial. He thought to himself. And you'd do best to realize that...

The Admiral's eyes locked with Miyahara. There was a stillness in his gaze but also a firmness to it. While he showed no emotion also showed no intimidation. If his own reputation was to be believed then he wasn't about to back down or pull punches. If he was going in, risking his career, he was going to do it with determination and no resilience. Not on his watch. Not in this fleet.

For a third time, the Admiral motioned for his assistant, who once again eased closer. While his eyes never broke away from Miyahara, he began to speak softly into her ear, placing his hand slightly under his chin. Whatever he had to say wasn't as quick as his last two commands. This one was longer and seemingly a bit more detailed. When he finally finished, never once shifting his gaze, he placing his hand back on his leg a simply offered a wink as if telling him he was in check.

His assistant straighten back up and looked quickly to Admiral Miyahara, but she abruptly looked down to her PADD. Her hand began to glide quickly from side to side over the PADD before holding it close again. The woman eased down and whispered into the Admiral's ear who simply nodded. His gaze still locked as a smile quickly formed then vanished as if it were never there.

And now the continuation..

Lena held up another padd, nodding to Nyanta. "Item B, the docking, and repair reports from Utopia Planetia." She said, before turning to Tarin. "According to this report, the Tokyo still had her full compliment of ground vehicles sitting in the vehicle bay, when she came in for repairs." She pointed out, then asked her next question. "As late as you arrived, and with this in mind, do you think it's possible another ship could've been involved, other than the Tokyo?"

Tarin sat forward in his chair slightly. "I can not confirm or deny that" he replied simply. "For I am not priveledged to how fast the Armitage class vessels can deploy or retract their arsenal" he told her.

"However" he paused. "It could have been possible. But we did not detect any other vessels in the region, so I find this unlikely"

"I see. Thank you Commander." Lena replied, giving him a warm smile. "I have no further questions, but you may be called to testify again, if any more questions come up."

Tarin stood up and stepped down from the stand. He looked over at Nyanta before re-taking his seat on the prosecution side of the room.

Nyanta ran his long fingers through his fure as he thought over the first witnesses answers. So far it wasn't looking very good for Captain Aisaka. "Does the prosecution have anymore witnesses and statements?" he asked.

Marok once again stood up. "I do indeed your honour" he said simply.

"I would like to call up Admiral Miyahara from your own Starfleet. Commander of the Starship Myogi, and the officer whom arrested Captain Aisaka" Marok said simply.

Miyahara was slightly surprised he was being called to the stand next, but he didn't allow his surprise to show as he stood up and straightened out his dress uniform, pushing up his glasses before taking his PADD of notes with him to the stand and sitting down.

The Admiral motioned to his assistant, deeply focused on what came next. His assistant looked down to her PADD, raising her glasses up her nose, before tapping on her PADD.

"My name is Tanaka Miyahara of the United Starship Myogi." He stated. "My rank is admiral, and I am the Myogi's commanding officer."

The Admiral's assistant began to tap at her PADD, almost at the exact moment Miyahara spoke and stopped once he finished. The woman never looked up. Her eyes focused on her PADD dictating the Admiral's every word while the Admiral himself remained focused on Miyahara, his eyes locked on him like he were the only one in the room.

"Admiral. I want to thank you first for your co-operation" he started. "First, can you confirm that you were the Commanding Officer for that section of Federation Space and were you the officer whom arrested Captain Aisaka? For the record"

"I can confirm that, as the highest ranking officer in that sector, that I was in charge of all Starfleet and Federation operations in that sector." Miyahara stated. "And that I was the one contacted with the... Difficult task of bringing Captain Aisaka into custody..."

Miyahara finished his statement in a more sympathetic tone of voice, as if it had pained him to arrest Taiga. Seeming sympathetic to the court would help his case against her.

"Thank you Admiral" Marok paused. "In your own words, can you please tell the court your version of the events that occurred to the best of your knowledge"

"With pleasure." Miyahara said with slightly sadistic undertones as he shot Taiga an evil glare.

You deserve this, Aisaka! He thought to himself.

"24 hours prior to the colony attack, Captain Aisaka contacted me, airing some grievances concerning my former Third Officer, Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato. I will admit, we exchanged some very not nice things to say about each other, but I assumed that this incident would pass and our evolved nature would allow us to move past it." He explained. "When I found out that the Tokyo had attacked Alvatar the following day, however, it became evident to me that Captain Aisaka had a message for me and other like-minded officers. As such, I had no qualms about taking her into custody."

Miyahara paused. "However, once she was aboard she continually resisted arrest until I gave in to her demands, belittling myself, my ship, and my executive officer, who found out that she was pregnant only hours prior."

Miyahara knew that disclosing information about Maho's pregnancy in a courtroom would earn him a swift ass-kicking upon his return, but he felt it necessary to prove his point.

"I will admit, she acted more like a child resisting a time out than a Starfleet Officer taking responsibility for her actions." He stated. "The way she blatantly insulted us for following orders was appalling behavior I would not come to expect from a Starfleet officer."

"Objection!" Lena quickly stood up. "The Admiral is improperly characterizing my client with highly charged prejudice, which is not helpful to the court, or pertinent to this case."

"Objection noted" Nyanta said. He looked over to Admiral Miyahara "Admirsl. Stick to the facts and not speculation".

"I see" Marok said.

"Admiral. Are you aware of Captain Aisaka's relationship with The Romulan Star Empire?" he asked simply. "Is it true that she was responsible for destroying one of our Starbases which was a science research base only two years ago?"

"It was my understanding that this research base which you speak of was a platform for Romulan experiments in Borg technology." Miyahara explained. "If the reports are to be believed, Captain Aisaka was acting in the better interests of the Federation."

Marok raised an eyebrow. "So, instead of going through the official channels. Captain Aisaka attacked the research base, thus destroying it along with hundreds if not thousands of Romulan lives" he paused. "Isn't that accurate Admiral?" he asked.

"I'd like to know of the innocence of these Romulans Captain Aisaka supposedly slaughtered." Miyahara questioned. "All the reports I've read have identified that starbase as a military target."

"Admiral Miyahara" Nyanta purred. "I do not usually interject, however please do answer the questions you have been asked" he said simply.

Marok turned back to the Admiral. "Captain Aisaka destroyed a Romulan Starbase, is that correct Admiral Miyahara? Under orders or not; she could have spared the base and its crew. However she chose to destroy the whole facility, is that not correct?"

"She did indeed destroy the base." Miyahara said. He decided not to further press the specifics from the Romulan, as it was going nowhere.

"So" Marok said. "As everyone can see, Captain Aisaka had the choice not to destroy that Starbase with its entire crew. However she chose not to. Therefore she is not afraid of murdering Romulans..." he paused as he turned back towards Miyahara. "However Admiral" he paused again. "I have reports stating that during the mission Captain Aisaka was injured. This resulted in her losing something very precious to her" he glanced over at Taiga for a few moments.

Taiga place a single hand on her stomach as she stared right back at the Romulan. Surely he wouldn't bring that up here.

"That precious was infact the child which Captain Aisaka was carrying inside her" Marok said softly.

Taiga stood up. "How did you know that! Thats personal knowledge!" she said her anger boiling up to her. "That has nothing to do with this!"

Marok turned and his face dropped. "Indeed it does Captain. Because your attack on Alvatar Colony might have been a subconcious revenge for the loss of your baby" he turned back to the Admiral.

"Objection!" Lena stood up again, knowing this Romulan prosecutor was out of line. "I don't see the relevance here. The evidence being introduced is not only backed by reports that the defense has conveniently not received, but is also highly prejudicial to my client. This prejudice far outweighs the probative value, and is a clear violation of her basic biological rights to medical privacy under Federation law."

"Thats enough" Nyanta's voice called as he rose to his feet towering over the desk. "Mister Marok. Your claims have no viable evidence, using personal opinions and affairs are not facts and can not be considered in this court" he then turned to look at Taiga. "Captain Aisaka, no more outbursts. Or I might file you in contempt!"

Once the Assistant was done dictating the Admiral's response, she knelt down to the her Admiral who whispered something in her ear. She nodded and walked over to the barrier between the courtroom floor and those seated viewing the proceedings. She held the PADD to her chest and cleared her throat slightly before saying softly. "Miss Mendor? A moment please?"

Lena looked behind her at the woman, standing there holding a padd. She turned back to Nyanta. "Your honor, I'd like to request a five minute recess, so as not to waste the court's time with idle conversation." She said, gesturing back towards the Admiral's assistant.

"Granted. However we all need a few minutes to clear our heads" Nyanta said. "We shall reconvene in fifteen minutes"

To be continued...


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