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An attempt...

Posted on Thu Jan 7th, 2021 @ 12:50pm by Jennifer Daxer

522 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Earth - United States
Timeline: At the end of Day 1 of Taiga's trial

The day had been long, and so had the first day's trial, but now that it was over, she found herself standing in front of her home on Earth once again. She opened the door and stepped in, taking a deep breath and letting it out as she pondered through the events of the day.

Her thoughts were interrupted at the sound of the door suddenly slamming shut behind her. She whirled around to see a figure wearing all black, including a full head mask, and gloves. There was no time to react otherwise, as they quickly launched off the wall, and side kicked her in the chest, causing her to go flying back to land on the floor.

On instinct, Daxer kipped up to her feet, but her attacker was already on her, and caught her with a solid right hook, following up with a knee, which doubled her over. She dropped to her knees, coughing, and wheezing as she tried to catch her breath, but her attacker still kept coming. They roughly pulled her to her feet, and shoved her hard back against a nearby book shelf. As she knocked into it, she lost her footing, hitting the floor, followed by several books landing on top of her.

Jen lie there on the floor, disoriented, and in pain, and still her attacker didn't stop. They roughly man handled her back to her feet, but the moment she was facing him, she struck out with a fast, and sudden straight punch to the gut that instantly knocked the wind out of him. She quickly followed up with several more hits to critical areas, before grabbing his arm, and flipping him onto the ground.

The man rolled over, before quickly moving to his feet. He came at her with a hard, and fast combo of punches, and kicks, looking to end her right there, but this time, Daxer was ready.

Now, fully focused on her attacker, Jen blocked, or redirected each attack, and waited for an opening. One finally came, as she dodged a straight punch. She grabbed his arm at the wrist, and promptly broke the elbow, causing him to yell out in pain. With his combo interrupted, she quickly followed up with a kick to the back of the knee, which brought him to that one knee, then hit him with a right hook, which put him down on the ground.

He started tryin to crawl away, but didn't get very far, before he slumped back to the floor, and didn't move.

"Now, let's see who you are..." Jen said, as she approached him. She planned on pulling the mask, and arresting him for attempted murder, but things didn't always work out as planned. As she turned him over, and pulled off the mask, the Human man started to convulse, and liquid began coming from the corners of his mouth. "No no no!! Dammit!!"

"Great! Just great!" She said, as she sat down next to him, and sighed heavily. "How am I going to explain this to my parents?"

Post by:

Lt. CMDR Jennifer Daxer
Acting Captain
USS Tokyo


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