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The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka - Day 1 (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Oct 31st, 2020 @ 11:19am by Admiral Nyanta & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara
Edited on on Sat Oct 31st, 2020 @ 11:27am

1,995 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Court

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Thankyou Commander Tarin" Nyanta replied. "Can you please give the court your statement against Captain Aisaka"

"Gladly" Tarin said. He sat up straight in his chair. "My ship picked up a distress call from the Alvatar Colony" he began to explain. "At the time we were a good few hours away, howevever I pushed my ships engines to reach the colony. Upon arrival at the Alvatar Colony. We discovered the Starfleet Ship, Tokyo in high orbit" he paused. "I have never been trusting of humans, or Starfleet I will admit that. However our sensors showed that the colony had been destroyed by Federation weapons!"

"I did what any Romulan Commander would do. I attacked the Starship to defend our citizens and our borders." he explained. "As far as I was aware the Starship Tokyo had just declared war on our people. I did my duty as I was trained to".

Nyanta hummed to himself. "I see, thankyou Commander Tarin".

Tarin nodded at the Caitian Admiral. He didn't seem too comfortable in a Federation courtroom. Back on Romulus the justice system was far different. However he was under strict orders to co-operate with the Federation law system to avoid anymore conflict.

Nyanta looked over at the Prosecution stand. "Do you have any questions for Commander Tarin?" he asked.

And now the continuation...

A tall Romulan man stood up. He however was not dressed in Romulan navy or any sort of uniform. Instead he wore civilian looking clothes, in this case long flowing robes of grey and silver with hints of purple and green thread. "Good morning" he spoke. His voice seemed smooth and his words seemed to roll off the tongue.

"I am Morox. I am have been hired by the Romulan Star Empire's Government to represent our case against Captain Aisaka" he explained simply as he slowly approached the stand where Tarin was sitting.

"Commander Tarin" he began. "Can you please tell the court where your ship was and what you were doing when you first picked up the distress call from the Alvatar Colony?".

Tarin seemed a little uneasy at being asked where his ship was. However he knew that this was no time to be secretive. "My ship was on a standard patrol route. We were in a neighboring star system" he told everyone. "Our mission was to check the sensor buoys along the neutral zone for maintenance"

Morox nodded. "Thankyou Commander" he replied. "And you were attending your duties when you picked up the distress call? What did the distress call say?"

"Yes I was" Tarin replied simply. "The distress call was a general call for help. It reported being under attack from an unknown vessel" he looked over to Taiga. "Many Romulan civilians would have never seen a Federation Starship, and they would not have been aware if they had of being. Alvatar colony was an agriculture colony"

"Thankyou Commander" Morox said in response. "So, you picked up this distress call. What did you do next?"

"I ordered my crew to take us to Alvatar Colony. It is standard procedure to respond immediately to a distress call. All we knew was that Alvatar Colony was under attack and we had a duty to protect it" Tarin told him. He placed both of his hands together as he rested them on the stand.

"Now, just to be clear. How long did it take for you to arrive at Alvatar Colony?" Morox asked.

"We were not far away. We arrived in just over two hours" Tarin explained. "We entered the system under cloak originally in order to take sensor readings and to determine the position of any attacking vessels"

Morok nodded as he turned away for a few seconds and taking a few steps back. "So, you entered the system after roughly two hours. What did you find?"

"Our initial sensors recorded that there was a Starfleet ship in orbit above the Alvatar Colony. The colony has no life signs ans the weapons signature that radiated from the colony was of a Federation Signature. I came to the conclusion from the available evidence that the Starfleet ship had destroyed the colony. So I opened fire as I recognized this as an act of war against the Romulan People"

Marok nodded again. "I see. Thankyou Commander Tarin" he then paused. "As a Commander in the Imperial Romulan Navy. Who would you say, in your professional opinion, and as an eyewitness to the event, is responsible for the destruction of the Alvatar Colony?" he asked.

"Captain Aisaka of the Starfleet Starship Tokyo" Tarin replied simply.

Marok looked up at Nyanta. "I have no further questions for Commander Tarin your honour"

"Thankyou Mister Marok" he looked over towards where Taiga and Mendor was sitting. "Ms Mendor. Do you have any questions for Commander Tarin?"

The doors to the courtroom opened as a man in an Admiral's uniform stepped in. His mustached face was firm as he stepped in, accompanied by a small woman holding a PADD in a command uniform.

The man looked around as whispers and slightly murmurs were heard upon his entrance. No doubt questioning why an Admiral of his prestige and background would be at a trial. More so because it was shocking, particularly for those who knew him, why he would be in uniform.

Without another word, allowing others to remain to question his motives, he proceeded to an empty seat and took it for himself. The woman remained standing at his side, clutching the PADD close to her, while raising her glasses up to the bridge of her nose.

"I was wondering when he would turn up" Nyanta pondered to himself after spotting the Admiral enter the room and sit down. It didn't make a difference to him, he was still the judge in this situation.

As the Admiral took a seat, Lena Mendor stood up. "Your honor, I'd like to ensure that each witness is questioned without the other witnesses present."

Nyanta purred in her response. "I can agree to that regarding the severity of this case" he replied. He looked around at the other witnesses and raised a finger to call in some security guards. "Can you please escort the witnesses as guests to the neighbouring chamber" he asked simply.

As Takeshi was a witness himself, he allowed the security guards to lead him into the neighboring chamber alongside the other witnesses.

With that done, Lena approached the Romulan starship Captain. "Commander Tarin, I'm curious..." She started. "You say there were Federation weapon signatures in the Colony's debris, but did you actually see the USS Tokyo fire any weapons at the surface?"

Tarin narrowed his eyes as he looked at Lena. "No we did not" he replied simply.

"I see..." She said, tapping on her padd a couple of times. "So, with all of the evidence that you had, I can understand why you might jump to the conclusion that the Tokyo was responsible, but... Surely you hailed them, before firing your first shot?"

The Admiral raising his hand, motioning slightly to his assistant, who promptly lowered herself to his level. The man whispered something in her ear before she stood back up straight. Her eyes focused on Takeshi before looking to her PADD tapping on it. Her eyes looked up back to him before turning to the Admiral with a nod.

Tarin seemed to sit up straighter than usual. "I did not see it necessary to talk to a hostile vessel when it was in our space and had clearly attacked our people" he replied simply, his voice seemed stern and stricter than usual, maybe even a little bit hostile.

Lena picked up a padd, sitting on the defense desk; one of many that she'd brought with her, then moved to hand it to the judge, seemingly ignoring the potential hostility she was getting from him. "Your honor, I'd like to mark into evidence as Item A, the sensor logs that Commander Tarin was gracious enough to provide for this case."

Nyanta nodded simply.

With the logs put into evidence, she turned back to Tarin once again. "Commander, did Alvatar colony have any kind of defense against orbital attacks?" She asked him simply.

"Alvatar was an agricultural colony. It had a few basic defense satelittes at most" Tarin told Lena. "However, I am unsure of how many satelittles the colony may have possessed" he explained simply crossing his arm.

"Your sensors logs show the Tokyo was already very heavily damaged, and that you managed to cripple her with a single shot." Lena pointed out, sliding the sensor data, with a holographic representation of the ship onto the hologram table situated in the center of the room. "Do you think that an agricultural colony would have enough defenses to do this kind of damage to a Federation Starship of the line?"

"That I can not explain" Tarin replied. "However it was not concern of what damage the Starship Tokyo had taken. My only concern was protecting the Romulan Empire as per my orders and my duty demands"

"And what about the vehicles, and other military equipment that your sensors show were used on the surface?" Lena asked him. She was adamant about getting to the bottom of this, and so wanted to be thorough. "Do you think one Armatage starship could carry all those vehicles?" She asked.

"I do believe that your Armitage Class Starship is classed as an Attack Carrier is it not?" Tarin replied. "For all I know it could have carried numerous ground assault vessels and used them before our arrival" he explained simply. "Romulan Intelligence does state that the Armitage Class Starships do infact carry landing assault vessels" he stated.

The Admiral raised his brow before leaning back against the chair. He looked up to the woman at his side and motioned for her to come closer. The man than began to whisper something into her ear, prompting her to nod in understanding, before pulling away. She looked to her PADD and began to tap at it again.

Admiral Miyahara began to have the uneasy feeling he was being watched. He glanced over at this third Admiral that had entered the picture. For whatever reason, Miyahara just couldn't shake this gut feeling that this third Admiral was going to try to pull something:

Nakazato is under my protection for this trial. He thought to himself. And you'd do best to realize that...

The Admiral's eyes locked with Miyahara. There was a stillness in his gaze but also a firmness to it. While he showed no emotion also showed no intimidation. If his own reputation was to be believed then he wasn't about to back down or pull punches. If he was going in, risking his career, he was going to do it with determination and no resilience. Not on his watch. Not in this fleet.

For a third time, the Admiral motioned for his assistant, who once again eased closer. While his eyes never broke away from Miyahara, he began to speak softly into her ear, placing his hand slightly under his chin. Whatever he had to say wasn't as quick as his last two commands. This one was longer and seemingly a bit more detailed. When he finally finished, never once shifting his gaze, he placing his hand back on his leg a simply offered a wink as if telling him he was in check.

His assistant straighten back up and looked quickly to Admiral Miyahara, but she abruptly looked down to her PADD. Her hand began to glide quickly from side to side over the PADD before holding it close again. The woman eased down and whispered into the Admiral's ear who simply nodded. His gaze still locked as a smile quickly formed then vanished as if it were never there.

To be continued...


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