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The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka - Day 1 (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Oct 31st, 2020 @ 11:14am by Admiral Nyanta & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Minori Kushieda & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Jennifer Daxer & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara

1,253 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Court

Day One - Starfleet JAG Courts, San Francisco

Admiral Nyanta straightened his jacket as he prepared to step out in front of the court. The ageing Caitian had been involved in many JAG trials in his many years in Starfleet. This however looked like it was going to get very interesting. Usually he was the one to reprimand officers for doing something stupid, but never before had he seen such allegations against a Starfleet Captain.

He checked that he looked the part before heading towards the door. With representatives from the Romulan Star Empire attending, it was important he looked ready to do his job. Usually he could predict the outcome of a trial well before it started just from reading the initial reports, however this was a complete mystery to him. It was his duty to find out what had really happened and how the events went down, who's to blame, if anyone at all and pass fair judgement and justice.

The courtroom was fairly large, it was the largest used by Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets on Earth. Its smooth wooden booths and tables showed it had been around for a very long time. Admiral Nyanta walked in to find a rare sight, a very full court room. He climbed the stairs upto his seat and sat down. The flag of the United Federation of Planets hung behind him on the tall wall. Upon his entry everyone in the room had risen to their feet, an old traditional sign of respect for the judge that he didn't quite fully understand.

Hobb had taken time out of his schedule to attend the opening of the trial. Sat in an unobtrusive part of the courtroom he leaned forward in his seat, kneading his right hand with the left. He had tried to look the part, but his shirt was unironed (unsurprising as he'd given that up in his twenties). As with most of the others in the court he had been taken in with the announcement of Ms Mendor's presence and tasks. The engineer leaned in to hear Daxer's statement, an intense look in his eye.

"You may be seated" his smooth voice called. He picked up the data PADD that had been put on the judgement desk. The room fell silent as he began to read. "I Admiral Nyanta, the head Judge Advocate General of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet hereby open the case of Captain Taiga Aisaka, former commanding officer of the Federation Starship Tokyo" he announced simply.

He looke down from the PADD at the woman who was sitting behind one of the desks. She didn't seem like a big threat to him at first glance, but he didn't particularly know the woman. "The charges are as follows" he began. "Crossing the Neutral Zone and entering Romulan Star Empire space without authorization. Using Federation property, the Starship Tokyo to commit an act of war against the Romulan Star Empire upon attacking one of their Colonies, formerly Alvatar Colony. Committing Genocide against the Romulan Star Empire as mentioned before the destruction of Alvatar Colony. Resisting Arrest by the Romulan Authorities and damaging one of their vessels. Finally the abandonment of your crew, mainly noted Commander Alora Knight, Lieutenant Commander Alexander Knight, Major Orix Thrix and Chief Warrant Officer Sarros".

Nyanta had never seen such allegations put before him before. He looked down at the Captain. "For the court Captain Aisaka. How do you plead?" he asked.

Taiga rose to her feet. She looked the Caitain Admiral directly in the eyes. "Admiral" she said. "I plead Guilty to Crossing the Neutral Zone, which I am prepared to explain my reasoning. However I plead not guilty to all other charges" she replied back.

"This isn't going to be easy" Nyanta thought to himself. He nodded at the Captains response. "Very well Captain" he began to stroke his whiskers in thought.

Sitting amongst the Romulans on the prosecution side was Admiral Tanaka Miyahara and his former third officer, Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato. Miyahara had his opening statement prepared on a PADD, and he patiently bided his time until the prosecution's opening statements were requested.

Though Miyahara had never dealt with this particular Caitian before, courtroom hearings were Miyahara's natural habitat: Dealing justice came just as naturally to him as commanding a Starship. He had been responsible for the removal of countless corrupt and incompetent Starfleet captains before, and this time would be no different.

A new chapter was about to open in Federation and Starfleet history, and Captain Aisaka and everyone else on the defense was afraid to face it:

It was at this moment, the door sprung open, and a young Human woman walked in, wearing a suit, and carrying a briefcase. Everyone turned to see the newcomer, and many murmurs could be heard through out the court room as many recognized her.

"Wow! That's Lena Mendor!" One could be heard saying. "She's known on 14 worlds as being one of the best lawyers in the Federation!"

With all of this, it was the JAG judge who seemed most surprised. "Ms. Mendor, I assume you have a valid reason for being in my court room?"

"I do your honor." She said, as she moved to the only table that was missing representation. "I've been hired by an anonymous third party to serve as the as the defense for Captain Aisaka."

"No doubt Daxer pulled some strings" Taiga thought to herself as the lawyer approached her.

Nyanta looked around the courtroom slowly taking in everyone's faces. "Well then Miss Ms Mendor, take your seat. I shall start by calling the first prosecution to the stand" he paused to stroke his whiskers again. "I do believe that is Commander Tarin from the Romulan Star Empire" Nynata said.

Admiral Miyahara was also surprised of Mendor's presence, but he dismissed the matter and returned to his notes.

The Romulan man, dressed in imperial navy uniform stepped up to the stand. He sat down keeping his uniform neat and tidy. "I am Commander Tarin. My rank is Commander. I am the Commander of the Romulan Warbird Y'lis" he explained simply.

"Thankyou Commander Tarin" Nyanta replied. "Can you please give the court your statement against Captain Aisaka"

"Gladly" Tarin said. He sat up straight in his chair. "My ship picked up a distress call from the Alvatar Colony" he began to explain. "At the time we were a good few hours away, howevever I pushed my ships engines to reach the colony. Upon arrival at the Alvatar Colony. We discovered the Starfleet Ship, Tokyo in high orbit" he paused. "I have never been trusting of humans, or Starfleet I will admit that. However our sensors showed that the colony had been destroyed by Federation weapons!"

"I did what any Romulan Commander would do. I attacked the Starship to defend our citizens and our borders." he explained. "As far as I was aware the Starship Tokyo had just declared war on our people. I did my duty as I was trained to".

Nyanta hummed to himself. "I see, thankyou Commander Tarin".

Tarin nodded at the Caitian Admiral. He didn't seem too comfortable in a Federation courtroom. Back on Romulus the justice system was far different. However he was under strict orders to co-operate with the Federation law system to avoid anymore conflict.

Nyanta looked over at the Prosecution stand. "Do you have any questions for Commander Tarin?" he asked.

To be continued...


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