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Flight Out (backpost)

Posted on Fri May 22nd, 2015 @ 3:39am by Lieutenant Mimi & Ensign Noriko Ogawa

992 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Starbase 837
Timeline: a few days ago

Mimi slowly paced around one of the many launch bays of starbase 837, she was waiting for the remaining two people that were joining her on the new assignment to the USS Tokyo. The Danube runabout that sat just off the the side was already prepped and ready to go and her luggage and trinket box was stashed inside.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a young human woman and an equally young Caitian male heading her way with luggage in hand.

Noriko, backpack on her back, a small bag in one hand, and her boyfreind M'Zera's hand in the other, walked down the ramp into the launch bay where the runabout waiting for them was ready to launch. At 5' 4" Noriko stood in sharp contrast to M'Zera, who stood a full head higher then her at almost 5' 11". M'Zera was also Caitian so seeing the two together sometimes drew the odd stare.

M'Zera smiled as he saw a women standing near the runabout. She wasn't Caitian, her scent told him that, but she looked very similar to his species. Wrapping his paw around Noriko's waist, the two lovebirds appraoched the lady.

Ens Ogawa smiled at Mimi. She looked very catlike in her features though not quite like her man M'Zera. It'd make sense that of the many worlds of the Federation, more then one cat like species would develop into a starfairing race. "Ma'am. I understand this is the transport to the Tokyo? Ens Ogawa and M'Zera. I believe you were expecting us?"

"It is yes." Mimi said smiling back at the pair as they approached "Nice to meet you both, I'm LT Mimi. I'm to be the Tokyo's new Chief of Operations."

Noriko blushed a little. This was her boss and she'd forgotten she was holding her mate like they were off duty, which technically they were but still. "Yes Ma'am. I will be serving under you then. I've been assigned to operations to work in the fighter control center."

"And you M'Zera, you are not starfleet?" Mimi asked but given that he wasn't in a uniform and both she and Ens Ogawa were it was a fair guess she was correct.

"No Ma'am." He gave Noriko's hand a gentle squeeze. "I am a civilian attached to the ship's science department. And Noriko's mate."

"Ah." Mimi had assumed that was the case given how they were holding hands as they approached her. "Well if you get yourselves onboard we'll leave as soon as you are ready." She walked over to the runabout, opened the access hatch and clambered inside.

Noriko smiled at her mate. When Mimi ducked inside ahead of them she gave his a quick peck on the cheek before she headed in after Mimi.

[Runabout Fraser]

Noriko found her quarters and stowed her gear before heading into the front cabin for takeoff. The ship was large enough it needed two people to fly it and Noriko was eager to show off her skills at flying the Danube, if her boss would let her of course.

Mimi was making sure everything in the back was safe and secure before she headed to the cockpit, as she left the sleeping modules she almost collided with M'Zera who was coming her way.

M'Zera was in his own world as he finished stowing his bag. Steeping out into the hallway, he didn't see Mimi until it was almost too late. Apologising, M'Zera caught a good strong whiff of Mimi. The Caitian nose was ten times more sensitive then a Human's and Cait's could tell a lot about a humanoid from how they smelt. State of emotions, gender, did they had a partner, were they fertile, much was carried on scents these Terran's tried to mask with flowery scents.

Glancing down at Mimi as he passed her back, the strong scent combined with Starfleet's lovely form fitting uniforms left a feast for the senses, M'Zera had a sudden mental image of his girlfreind's boss in an inappropriate state of undress. Quickly forcing the thought from his mind, M'Zera replaced it with one of Noriko the same way as he entered the main cabin and found a spare seat.

Mimi headed into the cockpit and saw Noriko was already sat at the helm console so she dropped into the seat alongside. "Volunteered yourself for pilot have you Ensign?" She asked, not that she minded, she hadn't piloted a small ship like this in quite a long time.

"I'd like the opportunity if that's okay Ma'am. I'm not type qualified but I assume it's just a larger version of the shuttle, same basic physics apply."

"That is fine by me Ensign." Mimi said with a smile. "Takes the heat off my bad piloting skills for a while."

Noriko nodded. "I still have to do my check ride on this thing so maybe we can do that once we're enroute?"

"I'm not really qualified to test your flying skills Ensign, I barely passed flying shuttles. You would think with how quick and nimble my species is that it would transfer well to flying but in my case it didn't." Mimi told her.

"Even cat like reflexes don't guarentee a good pilot. That much I do know." Noriko looked over at Mimi as she began preflighting the runabout. She wanted to ask questions but wasn't sure if it was her place to ask.

"It seems not." Mimi said agreeing with Noriko.

Relying on her training from flight school at the academy, Noriko began a preflight of the runabout. The basics were the same and the flight management computer gave her the list on a display so soon she was finished. "Pre Flight done Ma'am. We're good to go."

Mimi opened a comm channel to the starbase. "This is the Fraser requesting clearance to depart."

"Permission granted." Came the voice on the other end. "Have a safe trip."

She looked across at Noriko. "Take us out."


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