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Return to Sol

Posted on Wed Oct 7th, 2020 @ 9:03pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Ensign Mikko Ishigami & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Edited on on Sun Oct 25th, 2020 @ 1:00am

1,255 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Allegations

[Sol System]

The Starship Myogi, followed by the Starships Tokyo and Armitage dropped out of warp on the edge of the Sol System bound for Earth. Slowly the three ships turned as they approached Saturn en route towards the green and blue paradise.

[USS Tokyo Bridge]

"I've recieved our flight plan from Orbital Control" Mikko reported from the helm of the Tokyo. "We're to dock at Utopia Planetia, dry dock seventeen for repairs" she explained as her fingers ran across the console. The Tokyo hadn't been back to Earth in several years and even though she wasn't scheduled a refit for at least another two years, Starfleet saw the opportunity to repair and refit the ship regardless.

"Then alter course for Utopia Planetia." Daxer replied simply, then glanced over to the Communications console. She'd been quiet for most of the ride back to the Sol system. The PaDD she'd requested was sitting on the ready room's desk, and she had yet to get the chance to look, but it would be the first thing she'd grab before leaving the ship. "Contact shipyard security, and let them know we have a detainee that needs transferred out of our brig."

"Altering course now" Mikko replied as she steered the Tokyo towards the shipyards at Mars. It was a huge impressive collection of structures. Many shuttles and small craft darted around the many drydocks and smaller orbital facilities.

Hobb perched in the Executive Officer's usual spot, at the very edge of the plush chair. For an irrational moment before coming on duty he wondered if he should swap his gold engineering uniform for command red. As it was, he had just opted to not wear his Engineering overalls as they were coming in to UP.

It was as close enough to a spiritual home Starfleet Engineers had, and he was damned if he wouldn't look his best as the ship limped in to port. Hobb was proud of the work his crew had done, and he made sure that was reflected in the reports he had written.

He checked a status screen on the arm of the chair, and leaned in to Daxer, 'Engineering reports green,' he muttered.

"Good." Jen replied, looking at Hobb, with a light grin. "One less thing for the shipyard crews to worry about."

He managed to resist a double-take as he registered a Vulcan pulling a grin. There's a lot I don't know about this crew, he thought to himself. Hobb just smiled in return and nodded, 'they'll have enough work on their hands anyway.'

Since work on the TIC had been delayed until they were docked in Utopia Planetia, Shingo had temporarily relocated its operations to an ops console on the bridge, where he was writing reports while keeping tabs on the surviving TIC personnel as they ran around doing odd jobs.

"Shipyard security has been informed of our prisoner." He reported. "They've dispatched a platoon to dry dock 17 to greet us. Takeshi won't be too pleased..." He muttered the last part to himself.

"Neither will the Admiral." Daxer replied off-handedly. She tapped a few buttons on the chair's console, authorizing Takeshi's transfer orders. "But the law is the law." She decided to just leave it at that.

[USS Tokyo Brig]

Takeshi lay on the bed in the brig, patiently biding his time. He knew that sooner or later he would have to be released, as he had his rights as both a Federation citizen and a Starfleet Officer, and continuing to detain him after their arrival would violate multiple rights. Besides, once Admiral Miyahara found out that he had Takeshi's backing, and that Takeshi was still being detained, he would demand either his release or Daxer's rank pips, whichever one she was willing to surrender first...

Takeshi barely stirred when he felt the ship drop out of warp. He knew that the coming battle was far more important than anybody on the Tokyo realized, as the future of Starfleet, and even the Federation, was at stake: The ultimate battle of good versus evil, and somehow, some way, Takeshi would be there, by the Admiral's side to ensure that people like Captain Aisaka never rose to command a starship again.

Takeshi grinned and laughed in a sinister tone.

"Welcome to a brand new beginning, you sorry shits..." He said to himself in a tone of sadistic delight.

[USS Myogi]

Taiga noticed the ship drop out of warp. She could see they were on the edge of the Sol System. That much was evident by the planets she could see out of the window. She knew it wouldn't be long until they arrived into orbit around Earth.

She made her way over to the window and placed a hand on its smooth cold surface. It was now time to get to the truth. Deep down she knew what she had done was the right thing, but it seemed as if everyone was working against her. This was a fight she needed to plan and think through thoroughly and carefully, one wrong move could result in her losing her ship, her commission and any chance to obtain her ambitions.

"So it begins" she muttered to herself. She straightened her uniform, it had been crumpled since she had been en route. Now she was preparing for a whole totally different type of battle.

[Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards]

The Tokyo glided beautifully into dry dock seventeen. It slowed to thruster power only as it came to a stop. Several umbilical connectors attached to refuel the vessel and switching it to external power.

"Starship Tokyo, this is shipyard traffic control. You are locked in and all attached. Welcome to Mars".

"Copy that, STC:" Shingo responded. "Happy to be home!"

Shingo made sure all his reports were on file on the PADD he had with him: Before powering off the console he was sitting at, he turned to Daxer.

"Should I inquire about the status of the security team?" He asked.

"Not necessary, Though I do want you to make sure that the Lieutenant's escort includes at least 2 of our own officers." Daxer replied, without hesitation "He's a smart man, and I don't want to give him any openings to escape custody, before he leaves this ship."

Jen stood up from the center chair. "Set the engines to station keeping, and take us from red alert, to yellow alert." She ordered. It was the first time she'd considered lowering the alert level, since re-entering Federation space, but she certainly wouldn't lower it to green, until this situation was settled. "Keep a security detail aboard the ship to protect critical areas, and whatever engineers are needed to assist the station with repairs. The rest of you, unless you're otherwise needed aboard the ship are free to get a little rest. I'm going to review the logs you guys provided, and turn them in as evidence."

'I'll be coordinating the teams from my office if anyone will happen to need me while we're here,' Hobb wasn't about to let some jumped up so-and-so from UP run their grubby fingers over his ship without him checking their work thoroughly.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lt CMDR Jennifer Daxer
Acting Captain (2XO/Sec/Tac)
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Hamlyn 'Hobb' Ambrose
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato
Air Boss
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Acting Air Boss (Deputy Air Boss)
USS Tokyo

Ensign Mikko Ishigami
Flight Control Officer
USS Tokyo


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