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Reviewing the Case Files

Posted on Wed Oct 7th, 2020 @ 9:00pm by Admiral Nyanta

877 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet JAG Offices

Admiral Nyanta looked over the case files that were passed to him. The ageing Caitian had been in service for Starfleet for many years, as part of the Judge Advocate General. As the current head of the department, since the retirement of the famous Admiral Blackcat he had the joys of overseeing all the trials, yet this one had caught his personal interest. So much he had decided to take the case himself.

"Here you go Chief" Lieutenant Hirano said passing him more information that he had requested. 'Chief' the nickname that most people called him was one he had adopted. As the head of the Judge Advocate General it seemed to fit.

"Thankyou" he said smoothly, his low voice rolling easily off his sharp tongue. "It seems as if we have our work cut out for this one" he mumbled to himself. He stroked his whiskers as he brought up the information.

It distrubed him to see that Captain Aisaka, whom he knew of from his dealings with the case of Admiral Jepson could attack and destroy a colony, of that of the Romulan Star Empire as well. "Interesting Nya" he said to himself.

From his understanding, the Starship Tokyo had for whatever reason attacked and destroyed a Romulan Colony on the other side of the Neutral Zone. The bell at his door rang. The Admiral looked up. "Enter" he said.

In walked the Romulan Ambassador whom didn't seem too happy.
"Admiral Nyanta" the Ambassador said.
"Ambassador T'Rei, what do I owe the pleasure?" Nyanta asked smoothly. He placed the PADD down on his desk and interlaced his fingers together.

"I am here on behalf of the Romulan Senate" the ageing Romulan woman said. She walked with grace towards the desk, her robes trailing behind her before standing directly in front of the Admiral. "I want to let you know that the Romulan Government is taking this very seriously. We want Captain Aisaka to answer for her crimes. We have our own witness reports to submit"

Nyanta stared into the dark eyes of the Romulan. "I will conduct a fair trial Ambassador. I am known for it, and I shall continue to be known for it" he told her. "I will accept any statements from the Romulan commanders as you wish".

The Ambassador didn't seem to like that answer. "Look, I'm not going to put more pressure on you. But if Aisaka doesn't answer for her crimes that she has committed against the Romulan people, my Government has no other option than to go to war"

Admiral Nyanta sat back in his chair, rubbing his chin at the sudden threat. "I can assure you Ambassador, that I will abide by the law of the United Federation of Planets over this case" he explained. He didn't seme threatened by the Romulan Ambassadors words, afterall he had heard most of this stuff before.

"I however have one request" he said leaning forward placing both hand on the smooth wooden desktop. "That being the statements coming from your people are as accurate as possible. I will not send someone down on false accusations. I'm not saying that your people will lie, but I have known the truth to be..." he paused. How to put it diplomatically as not to upset the Ambassador "...Biased in some cases. I will explore each side of the story to my fullest potential and rule against that"

"I see" T'Rei said simply. "And where is Captain Aisaka currently being held? I wish to speak to her myself?"

"That I can not allow, or inform you of" Nyanta responded. "I know where she is being held, but you talking to her may affect the outcome of the trial" he explained simply.

T'Rei huffed. "I was only going to ask her a few questions that the Romulan Government wanted to know the answers to"

"I understand that you are frustrated Ambassador. However, you may submit those questions to myself. I can ask them on your behalf, in a fair and balance way". No doubt the questions she wanted to ask would create Aisaka to feel guilty or make her think she may have done something she might not have. Nyanta couldn't risk that, the brain was fragile when in such a compromised state and usually open to suggestion.

"I see. Then you will notify me of when the trial will be taking place"

"Of course Ambassador" Nyanta replied. His eyes once again met hers. "Ambassador, I would need those statement reports in my possession by tomorrow afternoon. This allows me to research into both sides thoroughly before we can bring anyone to the stand" he explained.

"You shall have them. I shall take my leave right now" T'Rei said as she turned on a heel and walked swiftly out of the room.

Once the doors had closed Nyanta's smile faded. He suspected more, he had a strange feeling that something was happening with the Ambassador that he didn't like. He couldn't get involved, he had to stay impartial. He pressed a button on his comm panel.

"Lieutenant. Could you step in here a moment. There is something I wish to discuss with you..."

Posting by

Admiral Nyanta
Starfleet Judge Advocate General

Ambassador T'Rei
Ambassador to Romulus


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