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Mon Feb 27th, 2017 @ 10:51am

Ensign Noriko Ogawa

Name Noriko Ogawa

Position Operations Officer

Second Position TIC Communications Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 4 in (1.63 m)
Weight 120 lb (54 kg)
Hair Color Brown w/ Blond Streaks
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Noriko is on the smaller side for Terrans. Slim though toned, she keeps in good shape


Spouse/Partner M'Zera (boyfreind)
Children none (yet)
Father Ryan Zhou
Mother Melissa Delprado
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) Amber Zhou
Rose Zhou
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Noriko is inquisitive and outgoing though a bit on the shy side. She prefers working with people she knows so may seem a bit quiet at first but once she's had time to size up a person, she easily opens up. Despite her shyness, she also enjoys flirting with guys, usually the geek type finding them to be the most interesting to chat with.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Knack for technical systems.
+Quite dependable.

-Get's bored/distracted easily.
-Short temper.
Ambitions Having just graduated the academy, Noriko's ambitions are to rise through the ranks, eventually making Chief of Operations or even XO if she could. On the personal front, Noriko is hoping to one day start a family with her sweetheart M'Zera.
Hobbies & Interests Noriko's taste in music is pretty broad though she prefers terran jazz and the odd klingon opera. Her tastes in books are similarly broad though she reads quite a few technical journals, a requirement of her job. When she's not curled up with a book, Noriko can be often found on the holodeck chasing powder on her snowboard or climbing cliff faces.

Personal History Noriko was born to Ryan Zhou & Melissa Delprado on the morning of Dec 11, 2367. She is the firstborn of three identical triplets, Rose and Amber being her 'younger' siblings.

Noriko's early years were spent living on various federation worlds as her father's diplomatic work moved them around. Given the frequency of the moves, she never really developed any close friends in those early years, tending to spend most of her time with her siblings.

In her early teens her father was rotated back to earth on a permanent basis and the family was able to start settling down. They acquired a small property on an island just off the west coast of Canada and settled in. With her father now in a stable position and the children in school full time, Noriko's mother rejoined the company she'd worked for before the girl's were was born.

Noriko and her sisters took to an interest in the sciences, Noriko preferring Engineering, Amber leaning towards the biological sciences, and Rose would end up in the medical field. Their parent's were supportive of their choices though they secretly wished the girls had chosen to follow in their footsteps.

When they graduated school, Noriko went to the T'Sal academy of sciences along with Rose & Amber went straight into Starfleet on graduation.

The first couple of years of University were easy for Noriko. She had a knack for the material being presented and was able to apply it quite readily on exams. The ease with which she recalled material would come back to bite her later though as she began to develop a bad habit of not completing her assigned work preferring to spend time with friends and compensating for the lost marks by scoring high on the exams.

One particularly difficult course in her fourth year nearly spelled disaster for her degree. The course had a large project component and she didn't find out until near the end of the course that the material she'd been neglecting to complete was worth a lot more then she'd been led to believe. As it was a critical course, Noriko had to complete the modules on time and the sequence was such a single failure anywhere along the line could jeopardize the entire project.

The final semester came to a close and Noriko gave a sigh of relief. She'd qualified for her degree though it'd been touch & go for a while. She found out later that what tipped the scales in her favor was a Vulcan academic who'd been following her progress since she entered her third year. He'd noted her ability to apply her knowledge to solving practical problems and approached her at her graduation ceremony with a proposal to join Starfleet. Noriko accepted the proposal and transferred back to earth for a six month transition program, an Officer Candidate School for qualified University Grads.

Graduating the transition program, Noriko was transferred to the USS Tokyo for her first cruise in Operations.
Service Record [2385-2390] T'Sal academy of Sciences (Civilian Facility)
[2390-2391] Academy Transition Course.
[2391] USS Tokyo - Operations Officer