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Good News

Posted on Fri May 22nd, 2015 @ 3:19am by Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant JG Robert Sorenson
Edited on on Sun Mar 4th, 2018 @ 10:30am

1,543 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband


[Ten Forward]

Robert sat with a couple other engineers from Alpha shift, chatting about the day and the bullshitting about the recent changes to staffing at the top of the shift. Hearing his badge chirp, Roberts stepped away from the group as he answered it.

=^= Lt Sorenson. Oh hey Mimi. What's up? =^=

=^= I got another message from the Charleston =^=

Robert's heart sank. =^= Good or bad news? =^=

=^= Come over and I'll tell you all about it=^=

Mimi's voice on the other end sounded cheerful so hopefully the news was good. =^= I'd love to. =^=

=^= Ok, I'll see you soon. =^=

=^= Be there in five. =^= Going back to the group, Robert smiled at the guys. "Gotta run. Plans for the evening."

[five min later]

For the second time in a week, Robert found himself standing in from of Mimi's quarters. This time she’d sounded a lot happier than the last time they'd spoken. Hopefully good news about her mother.

"Come in." Mimi said as she heard the chime to her door go off knowing it was Robert.

Robert stepped into Mimi's quarters, unsure if he was going to be facing more tears or a happier Mimi. Seeing Mimi, he smiled at her unsurely. Mimi hurried towards Robert and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "My mother is going to get better." She told him, her voice clearly showed how happy she was at the news

Robert wrapped his arms around Mimi, returning the hug as the good news sank in. "They found a cure then?"

"Yes, Its going to take time but they say she'll recover."

Robert held Mimi. He could see her ears were perked forward, her tail held up and twitching gently which meant she was feeling better, that much he knew. "That’s good news."

"I don't think I can thank you enough for coming to cheer me up." Mimi said looking up at him.

Unsure what to do, Robert just smiled down at Mimi. “That’s what friends are for Mimi.” He was torn between letting go of Mimi and holding her embrace. For the moment holding her seemed to be winning so he didn’t argue.

“What if I want us to be more than friends?” Mimi asked showing for the first time that she did actually have feelings for Robert.

Taken aback for a second by Mimi’s revelation, Robert stared at her blankly for a second as the words sunk in. “Mimi?” he finally managed to ask.

Mimi looked up at Robert. “I love you Robert. That is the term is it not, when you have feelings for another?”

“Yes. It is.” Robert paused. Elated would be a good word to describe his feelings now but also confused. What caused the change? “What? How did?” He blushed. “Sorry.”

Mimi reluctantly let go of Robert. “Come sit with me Robert and I’ll explain.” Leading him over to the couch, Mimi sat in it much like she had the last time. Robert joined her on the couch and soon Mimi was leaning back into Robert. “Hold me like you did last time Robert.”

Doing as he was asked, Robert gently put his arms around Mimi, one hand on her head as he began to gently stroke her head and ears, the other hand resting on her leg.

“Love for me Robert is showing care. What you did the last time was hold me close, showing affection and concern for me.” Mimi pulled Robert’s one hand in closer against her chest. “That’s when I knew. I enjoyed your closeness, the touch of your fingers, the gentle caressing of my ears. All that made me feel close to you so when you got up to leave, I didn’t want you to but wouldn’t hold you.”

Robert nodded, gently kissing Mimi of the head. He could get lost in her arms and if Mimi was sure she loved him, this was hopefully the first of many moments together. “I left because I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage of you when you were hurting Mimi. Towards the end it felt to me like I was enjoying your closeness in a way that was more appropriate for lovers then for friends.”

“You weren’t comfortable getting this close when you weren’t sure if we both had feelings for each other?” Mimi asked. “Pretty much yeah.” Robert replied gently stroked Mimi’s leg. “Now that I know we share the same feelings for each other, its different.”

“In a very good way.” Mimi said and slowly snaked her tail around his wrist.

Robert gently stroked Mimi’s ear, letting her tail play with his other hand. This time her tail hadn’t interposed itself between them so she was probably okay with his touch. Slowly leaning back into the couch, Robert gently pulled Mimi back with him so she rested on her side . Her head resting against his chest, Robert wrapped his arms around Mimi, one hand coming to rest on her belly while the other remained on her leg.

Mimi bought her right hand up to stroke his chest in front of her face purring gently as Robert’s hand idly ran across her tummy. Feeling her hand on his chest, her purr radiating out through her body into his own, Robert gave a contented sigh as they sat there. Leaning down he kissed Mimi on the head. “I could remain here forever if you’d let me.”

“mmhh I have no problem with that.” Mimi said tilting her head back to look up at Robert.

Robert shifted himself ever so slightly, moving their heads a little closer to each other. Leaning a bit further down, he let his lips touch Mimi’s. She purred some more as her and Roberts lips met for the first time. She ran her hand up his slightly rough cheek and pulled him down deepening the kiss.

As the kiss deepened, Robert was in heaven. Mimi’s lips tasted unlike anything he’d ever experienced and he could feel butterflies welling up in his stomach as they lingered. Without thinking about it, Robert pulled Mimi up closer to him with one hand, one hand on her belly as he did so.

Breaking the kiss Mimi shifted onto her front then swung herself around so she was straddling him, her tail uncoiled itself from his hand and swished gently above her body. Moving his hand from her belly, Robert pulled Mimi closer, his arms draped around her neck. This time, with more passion, Robert kissed Mimi. A small spark jumped between their lips as they touched, sending a gentle shiver down Roberts back. Feeling Mimi press her lips closer in against his, Robert tilted his head slightly, kissing her deeply, enjoying these first kisses, hopefully the first of many.

Mimi purred even more as Robert kissed her again, the feeling of his wonderfully soft and smooth lips against hers was incredible. Slowly breaking the kiss Mimi looked at him “I’ve never kissed anyone on the lips like that before, that was incredible.”

Robert gently ran a hand down Mimi’s face, gently stroking her cheek. “I enjoyed it too.” Emboldened a by Mimi’s reactions to his touch, and his own slowly smouldering passions. Robert let his hands wander further across Mimi’s body, exploring more of her beautiful form but stopping short of touching her in a few places.

Running her hands down Roberts chest Mimi explored his fairly firm body just as intently as he did hers, she could tell he liked to keep in shape.

“Like what you see Mimi?” Robert grinned up at her. “Yep.” Mimi replied and leaned forward to kiss him again.

Having enjoyed Mimi’s kiss before, and feeling all the more passionate as the evening progressed, Robert pulled Mimi in closer to him. Giving her another deep kiss, what his people called a french kiss, Robert held Mimi close. Feeling the passion of his kiss returned by Mimi, Robert began to gently unzip the uniform undershirt Mimi was wearing, exposing a small patch of skin to his touch as they continued to kiss.

Mimi opened her eyes and somewhat abruptly withdrew from the kiss. “Wait Robert.”

Pausing as Mimi pulled away from him. “Mimi?”

“I don’t think I’m ready for taking things this far just yet.” Mimi said taking gentle hold of his hands.

Robert nodded, slowly removing his hands from her shirt she held them. “I’m sorry Mimi.”

“Its ok.” Mimi said as she slowly got off Robert and sat down beside him before leaning against him again. “We don’t even know if we are..” she paused thinking of the appropriate word “Compatible with each other.”

Sensing this was as far as they’d go tonight. Robert held Mimi as she leaned into him. Kissing her on the forehead, gently stroking her ear like she enjoyed, he smiled at her. “We can always ask the doctor.” He gently rested his hand on her thigh again. “And if we are?”

“Then we will see what happens.” Mimi said with a smile, gently purring under his touch as she curled up in his arms.



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