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Crime and Punishment (Part 2)

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:35pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress'
Edited on on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:37pm

1,243 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Tactical Information Center

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Aisaka to Trigman and Takeshi. My ready room. Now" Taiga's voice said simply over the comm.

=^= Yes Captain. On my way.=^= Trigman started out of the center.

=A= "Yes Captain." =A= Takeshi said, following shortly after.

And now the continuation...

Taiga sat behind her desk, both officers had entered only a few seconds ago. She looked at Trigman and then at Takeshi. Her facial expression showed she was far from happy.

"Ok" she said taking a deep breath. "Tell me exactly what happened. One. At. A. Time" she made clear to them. "Commander Trigman. You're up first"

"I was informed through Pilots that an all Pilot's meeting was called; by the 2XO about the events of the briefing. Where as Lt. Takeshi dressed down the entire Wing about making him look... in less than favorable light. This meeting did not include the Commander Air Group; only his status as 2XO allowed such a meeting to be held. He demanded someone tell him who did it and put the disceplinary action of confining all piots to quarters until someone talked." Trigman said calmly but candidly. "This is a direct violation as Personal Bias in the UCMJ. I brought it to the attention; since all pilots confined by order of the Second Officer I have no pilots to place in your operation so I cancelled the Flight Operations."

"I also informed the Second Officer he had violated the UCMJ and dismissed all the Flight Wing at which time you requested my presence here." He looked to the Captain. "I will be pressing the charges but will not be able to complete the process as I request transfer from the USS Tokyo." He ripped off his Arm patch. "I am giving notice that I am leaving the Tokyo immediatly."

Taiga let out a sigh. "I see" she said. "Commander, please consider your transfer request" she told him. "As for the air group. You are to resind the orders to ground them immediately. I am not having our main tactical asset grounded" she ordered. "Dismissed Commander, I hope you reconsider your request for transfer"

Trigman bow as it proper. "It has been an Honor Captain." He gave a wry grin. "I am sorry but I will have to take your yeoman; being married and all. SOrry for the inconvenience." He turned and exited the Ready Room.

Once Trigman had left the room Taiga turned to Takeshi. "Do you have ANY possible idea what sort of situation you have put me in Mister Takeshi?" she asked simply, letting the rhetorical question sink in. "As the second officer of this ship you do not ground a whole department because you thought they made you look stupid!" she said her voice slightly raised.

"Throwing around your power is not what a command officer should do! You can not just go around doing what the hell you like without the proper authority and with a valid reason! This is a Starfleet Vessel Lieutenant, not a place to show off!" she said. She stood up quickly from her chair hands placed on her desk, her fists clenched.

"I don't know how you even dare to overule a seasoned department head who has been on this ship for a DAMN long time because you felt like your feelings were hurt!" she almost shouted at him. "You potentially put everyones lives at risk when doing so! This ship is a Rapid Response Attack Carrier, and our main tactical asset is our fighter pilots and its squadrons. I don't know how it worked on the Myogi, and frankly I don't care! You're on this ship now, and you have a responsbility to this crew and to this ship! not your ego, not you're own personal desires or feelings. I will not risk any lives under my command and neither should you!"

"I thought that you could be trusted with the extra responsibility that your experience came with. However I see now that I was wrong. I am effective immediately revoking your rights and privileges as second officer. I gave you that chance, you've now lost it. If I'm honest with you Lieutenant, you're damn lucky that you're walking out of this room with a officer commission at all! I'm reliving you of duty until these training exercises are completed" she told him, her voice was stern and her anger coming through.

"Now get out, and if I hear of any more trouble caused by this ego of yours. I will knock you on your ass Lieutenant and I will find the furthest assignment away from this ship possible that exists! You have my attention Mister Takeshi, and thats NOT a good thing. Now MOVE LIEUTENANT!"

Takeshi folded his arms and lowered his head, letting out a great sigh.

"With all due respect, Captain; at the briefing you told me to act like a professional." Takeshi said. "What I was doing was the professional thing to do. I will only say this once, so pay close attention: My ego played no part in this. I was merely going to find the rabble rouser and punish him accordingly."

Takeshi looked back up into Taiga's rage-filled eyes and unfolded his arms.

"I know you said you don't care about how things were done on Myogi, but Admiral Miyahara had a rather firm doctrine on Crime and Punishment." He explained. "Call it tyrannical if you want, but it worked. Everybody respected one another, and if someone so much as set a toe out of line, they were punished accordingly."

Takeshi lowered his head again.

"Perhaps I'm doing a terrible job of explaining, because I can see in your eyes that you still want to kill me, so I'd recommend you contact Admiral Miyahara yourself and get it in his own words." He advised. "And you siding with Trigman without even giving me a chance to explain myself only proves my point I said the other day about the rampant indiscipline aboard this ship."

Having said his bit, Takeshi merely stood, waiting for Taiga to rip one of his pips off and demote him on the spot, his only solace in that moment being the fact that whatever he was demoted to, Shingo would have to be demoted accordingly.

"You're already in a deep hole enough as it is Mister Takeshi..." Taiga warned. "I WILL be contacting Admiral Miyahara at the first chance I get. But for now, you will retain your rank of Lieutenant and Position of Air Boss. Perhaps in time if you can earn back the position of Second Officer and show to not abuse the command powers, including meddling in another's department I will consider giving you that back. For now, you are dismissed and I will not repeat myself"

Takeshi nodded in understanding and turned to leave.

"Oh, and one more thing: You can forget about my dinner invitation." He said. "I don't want you anywhere near my wife and kids right now..."

And without another word, Takeshi left the ready room.

Taiga sat there stunned at that last response. She had never been spoken to like that before. Placing a hand on her forehead she tapped her comm badge. "Commander Knight. Can you come to my ready room please?".

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'
Wing Commander

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'
Air Boss


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