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Working Together

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 4:16pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight

1,044 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Ready Room

The meeting with Takeshi had been a disaster. It was clear that Taiga had a new problem aboard her ship, one she wasn't happy with and one she couldn't tackle on her own. She had called for Alora to join her in the ready room to discuss the issues and come up with a solution together.

Alora spent most of her time on the bridge or with her husband and had missed most of the trouble. However, being in intel meant that she did hear some interesting information from time to time. She didn't know all the details, but she did hear that there had been some trouble with the fighter pilots. When she was called to the ready room, she wondered if it was about the pilots, the upcoming training, or some other problem that the captain wished to discuss with her.

She paused at the door and rang the chime.

"Commander" Taiga said with a rather disconcerting look on her face as she crossed the room to the replicator. "Coffee?" She asked as she tapped on the control panel needing a strong one after the events of that morning.

"No, thank you," the half-Vulcan replied. "But I will take a spice tea."

Replicating the drinks Taiga returned and sat down opposite Alora. "Commander, we have a problem with Lieutenant Takeshi" she started pausing momentarily to take s sip of her drink. "I've had to remove him as the ships second officer and I'm concerned regarding his behaviour and attitude on ship"

Alora took a sip of her tea and nodded. It was as she suspected. However, she wanted to hear Taiga's view on events, so asked, "What behavior?"

Taiga sighed as she placed a hand on her forehead. "He comes with good recommendations, but seems to have a problem with his ego. I don't know what's going on with him. His behaviour towards the pilots and myself was rather undesirable earlier" she explained.

That wasn't very descriptive. "And what have you done to ameliorate the situation?" Alora asked, knowing that there was more to the story.

"At the moment he's off duty for the rest of the day and relieved of his Second Officer position. But, he seemed hostile towards me for chewing him out, I might have gone a bit over the top" Taiga explained rubbing her thumbs together as she reflected back on her actions.

The first officer just smiled, having experienced Taiga going over the top a time or two herself. "Yes, you have done that before. What brought it on this time, exactly?"

"He caused Commander Trigman to resign. That means we're going to have a lot of work shuffling around our pilots so theme air wing can operate. They can't fly without a CAG in the air" Taiga explained m, her tone softer.

"So, all this because one officer caused another officer to resign? No details, no explanation, just that?" Alora asked. "I know Trigman. It woudl take a lot for him to walk away."

"Trigman felt like Takeshi was throwing his weight around. Grounding the entire wing for a personal reason, not a professional one. Apparently they embarrassed him and made him look... stupid" Taiga explained.

She wanted to ask Taiga what she'd done to fix the problem, but knew better than to ask. She'd review the computer files later. Just because someone was throwing his weight around wasn't enough for someone to leave. Especially if that person was upset because they lost face in front of the other pilots. She'd heard scuttlebutt about the new Air Boss and his outbursts, but not that they'd caused Trigman to leave the Tokyo. She needed more information. "Okay, so, why did you ask me here?"

"Can you talk to him, find out what's going on. I think a fresh perspective can help clear the air" Taiga asked. "I'll admit, you're better at dealing with people than me"

One side of Alora's mouth quirked up, remembering some of her more colorful reactions to Lex. "I'll do that. I'll also see what I can learn about Mr. Nagazato beforehand."

Taiga nodded. "I hope that Trigman changes his mind. I know new crew can be stressful, but I'd hate to lose a good officer"

The half-Vulcan nodded. "So do I."

A small yet somewhat nervous smile crept across Taiga's face. "I'm glad that we work on this together. I'll admit that I'm not the best Captain in the fleet. I can be stubborn, hardheaded, a little short tempered and hard to work with. However, I want to rectify any issues we have as a command team. Can we..." she began to fidget with her hands "you know, work together and I don't mind if that means you doing what is necessary to stop me from making rash decisions without thinking"

"I have considered going back to intel," Alora admitted. "It's not that you're stubborn and hard to work with, but that you don't communicate with me very often and when you do, it's to order me to fix something. Lately I feel more like your yeoman than your first officer."

Taiga pondered what the Commander had just told her. "I see" she replied. "That of course is a decision you have to make, if you feel comfortable in the Intelligence suite, then you'll have to discuss a transfer with Starfleet Intelligence" Taiga explained. "I don't really have much power over them, as you can probably imagine"

Alora raised an eyebrow. "Of course." Once again, she wondered what the captain felt about what she said. If she had an opinion at all.

"For what its worth, you'll shine in either field on this ship" Taiga said simply her tone a little softer. "Anything else before I let you go?" She asked.

"Just that Alex also shines in intel," she said. Alora finished her tea. "I have yet to meet the lieutenant. I think now would be a good time." She took her tea cup to the replicator to recycle it. "Thank you, captain."

Taiga nodded approvingly to allow her to leave. She turned to her computer console, now she had a lot of reports and paperwork to file.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer


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