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Pilot Chatter (Part 3)

Posted on Mon May 11th, 2020 @ 11:04pm by Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter' & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Phyllis D'lar 'Sorceress'

1,181 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Pilot's Lounge

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Saying you can fly a shuttle like a fighter is like teaching a turtle to dance ballet. Turtles have neither the grace nor agility. Or, using racing, it's like riding a BMX in a motocross. You can be the best BMX racer, but your bike is simply no match."

Takeshi sighed.

"Well, this is clearly going nowhere." He muttered.

To Bobbie Sue, it said a lot about Takeshi as a pilot and a person, but she wasn't going to respond.

And now the continuation...

Soren stepped into the Pilot's lounge after a long day of working in the Intel office. He needed to relax somewhere that he felt comfortable and being surrounded by pilots made him comfortable. He came in with his Intel Uniform and tossing his holo-sphere up in the air and catching it as it comes down. Soon he would make his way to a table, split off from the others, before taking a seat. He place sphere on the table and leaned back in the chair.

Bobbie Sue looked up to see who entered, but since he chose to sit apart from the rest, she turned back.

The door to the pilot lounge opened and a pudgy, middle-aged woman stepped in, smiling broadly. She scanned the room and walked over to Soran.

Laughing, she clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Who let you out? I thought they'd keep you until you were as old as I am."

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Soren replied, as he rose from his seat, shocked at the sight of who just approached him. "What are you like a million years old by now?" He gave the woman a hug, smiling as he did so, before pulling back and adding. "Is this place that desperate for pilots they signed you on, too?"

"Haven't I told you to watch your language around your elders?" she teased. She hugged him back. "I heard you needed a keeper, so I signed up."

Soren looked back to her and raised a brow. "Was a million too much? My other options were Ancient and Prehistoric." He gave her a wink as he sat back down in his seat. "You took the wrong job if that's why you came here. There's already enough people I know watching my every move... no need to add you to that list. I need some people on my side, Nana. I don't need you against me too."

"Impertinent as ever. Still, I'm surprised to see you here. And sitting by yourself. What, haven't found someone worth your time so you're stuck with an old bag like me?"

Soren gave her an odd look before replying. "You walked over to me, Old Lady. I didn't go to you." He leaned back in his seat, letting out a sigh, before adding. "I try not to socialize as much, because it usually ends up the same way, so I bide my time and just pay attention. I read the room and learn before doing anything else. You would know this if you didn't always jump to your own conclusions instead of driving your own narrative."

She pulled up a chair and sat down next to him. "I'm here I was sent here to fill out the pilot allotment. You're an added bonus," she said quietly. "I'm still surprised to see you over here and not with the others. So, where's that Bella of yours?"

Soren gestured to the holo-sphere on the table.

The sphere lit up as a projection of Bettie appeared next to the old woman. She had on a pilot's jumpsuit that the woman would no doubt recognize and a bomber jacket. Bella had a bit smile on her face as she hugged the old woman tightly. "Oh, Nana... I missed you soo much."

Phyllis laughed as she hugged Bettie. "I hope you're keeping him out of trouble."

"I'm programmed to keep him safe, not out of trouble." Bettie replied before hugging Phyllis tighter. She let out a slight giggle before releasing her and sitting down next to her.

"You and I will have to have a long talk," Phyllis said to Bettie. Then she looked at Soran. "You, too." She hadn't missed that Bettie looked just like a former friend of Soran's.

Soren leaned back, watched the two interact, before asking. "So, how did you get her, D? Did you take a shuttle or did they let you fly your old bird?"

"Are you kidding? I flew myself." Phyllis laughed again. "Too many complaints about my kibitzing."

Soren laughed lightly. "Still carrying that old relic?" He smirked slightly before asking. "So, what did you fly? Peregrine? Javelin?"

"With my reputation?" She shook her head. "I have a Valkyrie this time. I don't have anything as fancy as Bella, but then, I don't need one yet." She smiled at Bettie. "No offense. If I ever needed a co-pilot, you'd be my first choice."

Soren was quiet for a moment, sitting there in silence, before smiling as he answered. "If everyone had a co-pilot like Bettie she wouldn't be as unique." He let out a soft sigh as he leaned forward to continue. "Besides, you know better than anybody here that I don't need Bella to be the best. I've never had her back at the academy and I made top of your class. A class everyone said was the most advanced class. So, if there was anyone who needs proof of my skill, you would be the only person NOT on that list. Am I wrong?"

"You're not wrong. Not many made that list. You, Bobbie Sue, that pair on the Alexandria, and a few others." She smiled.

Soren nodded his head, looking away, as he let out a deep sign. "Yeah... not many pilots made that list." He replied in a soft and saddened tone as memories of him and Tammi came to mind. How they playfully fought to get the top spot and what that playful rivalry turned into.

Phyllis put her hand over his. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up sad memories."

Soren removed his hand quickly, laughing a bit, before looking to Phyllis. "I'm good, D. Don't worry about me." As if to stop her from further going diving into the conversation he gestured to the replicator. "You thirsty? I'm thirsty. Can I get you anything? Coffee... Tea... Prune Juice?" He smirked a bit as he stood up.

"I'm neither Klingon nor dead," Phyllis laughed again. "I'll take scotch, neat. I'm not on duty today."

When her drink arrived, she raised her glass. "To friends, old and new."

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'
Starfighter Wing Commander

Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter'
Deputy Wing Commander

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'
Air Boss

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Chief Intelligence Officer/Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter
Squadron Leader

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'

Lieutenant Phyllis D'laar "Sorceress"


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