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New Recruits (Part 2)

Posted on Sun May 17th, 2020 @ 11:13am by Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'

1,318 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Tactical Information Center

Previously, on Star Trek Tokyo:

Taiga took the PADD and briefly looked it over. "I see." She said simply. "If you can vouch for them then by all means bring them aboard. You'll need to clear this with Commander Trigman too. He is afterall the leader of the fighterwing pilots. It'll need his comformation as well since they'll be flying in his wings." She said simply.

"Understood." Takeshi replied as he took back the PADD. "Well, if there's nothing else you require of me, then I shall go ahead and take this matter to Commander Trigman."

And now, the continuation...

[TIC, Shortly afterwards]

Takeshi knew the Tokyo would be arriving at the nearest Starbase soon, and Starfleet wanted the transfer documents finalized so the personnel could be transferred as soon as they arrived. The four officers had already congregated at their destination, and Takeshi wanted the documents finalized before he got his shoreleave when inevitably he would be stealing off to get in contact with Sayuki. And to get the documents finalized, he would need one more person's approval:

=A= "Nakazato to Trigman." =A=

=^= Trigman here.=^= He replied to the channel. =^= What can I do for you? =^=

=A= "When you get a chance, could you swing by the TIC?" =A= Takeshi requested. =A= "I have some transfer documents for some pilots that need your approval." =A=

=^= I will be there directly.= Trigman was always open to new fighter pilots; nevere have too many when action really hits the fan.

Making his way from his office it was not all that far to the TIC; he entered. "Okay Lieutenant Takahashi, what have you got for me in the way of pilots?"

"Three pilots." Takeshi explained. "You would be getting four, but I'm pulling one of them and making him my Deputy Air Boss. You understand, right?"

"If you can convince a Pilot to give up flying; then I do not want him in the air."Trigman commented as he was opening the files on his PADD. "SO you want to give me the Low-down while I read or wait for me to finish?" Trigman furrowed an eyebrow. "Not usual for an Air Officer to bring his own pilots." Trigman glanced up. "You might want to tell me what is not in these records, the unofficial skinny on them?"

Takeshi nodded, not wanting to offend Trigman by telling him that the transfers are Starfleet's orders and not his.

"Well, first off, I'll start with the one you're not getting, Lieutenant Shoji:" Takeshi explained. "He and I have a personal history that goes back before Starfleet. He has a known tendency towards recklessness, and I don't want him becoming a liability in your squadrons, hence why I'm pulling him from flying."

Since Trigman had the files on his own PADD, Takeshi followed along on the PADD he was going to give him, scrolling to the next Lieutenant in line.

"Lieutenant Riverside's career is a lot more illustrious than her Starfleet file is letting off. If you can believe it, she's over 450 years old, thanks in part due to the US Government's top secret cryogenic project not declassified until after the third world war. Before starfighters, she was flying airplanes in the US Navy. From what I could gather, the fact that she's out of cryosleep and walking around at all is because of an accident involving her cryo chamber." He explained.

Takeshi then scrolled past Lieutenant Riverside to the ensigns. The two he felt would become the most problematic.

"Then there's Ensign Busujima." He said. "She was a promising science officer on the USS Fujimi out of the academy, rising all the way up to Lieutenant(((You cannot have a NPC of higher rank than your PC nor can you have ANY Pilot of same rank as Wing Commander))), but something happened and she got demoted to Ensign, and hasn't risen to a higher rank since. I reached out to Fujimi's commanding officer to try and figure out what happened, but what I was told was that she attacked a superior officer. I don't know about you, but I have a feeling that this is pretty one-sided, because I found a report filed by Busujima herself concerning sexual assault. I have a feeling that until we hear her words, we won't have the full picture."
((You have been told several times about the no rank Above Lieutenant)))

Lastly, Takeshi scrolled to Ensign Fujimoto's file.

"Ensign Fujimoto has been transferred more times than I'm willing to count." Takeshi explained. "She has one of the largest files of petty crimes I've ever seen. In most transfer cases, these crimes are the main reasons cited. The only reason I can deduce she's even still in Starfleet at all is because she bribes her way out of trouble. Says here that she knows somebody on board, a flight control officer; a miss... Mikko Ishigami, if I'm saying that correct? Forgive me, I'm still learning everybody's names."

"You really brought these into my squadrons?" Trigman said with a chuckle. "Are these real bios?" He said. "They are grounded until I personally put them through the paces and certify them for flight." He passed the PADD back. If you don't like it take it with the Captain as I responsible for the safety of my Pilots." Trigman nod to him. "I will send a schedule for their testing one at a time as I have to squeeze their flight test where I can while setting up the training mission." He look at the Air Boss. "Park their fighters off the ready line and set up for full operations when he get on station." He gave a smile. "Good meeting you Lt. Takeshi."

Takeshi set his PADD down on the TIC console and folded his arms.

"Well, then, you can explain your intentions to Starfleet." Takeshi finally admitted. "They were the ones who selected this bunch, My only part was signing off on their transfers."

"Flight certs are under the Wing Commander repsponsibility to give them status." He shrugged. "Per Star Fleet Flight Control Regulations." Trigman said. "Standard procedure is for the Commander of the wing to have every pilot checked as flight capable; the Medical certs also are required as well as Counselor approval for every crew member. Have they been to see the Chief Medical Officer?" (Your NPC cannot certify your pilots, conflict of interests. Ask the CO if you think I am wrong?)

"They will need to be evaluated when they come on board." Takeshi explained. "Unless the Chief Medical Officer here prefers to do remote checkups before allowing new personnel aboard. Again, I'm not familiar with medical procedures on this ship, but on my old one, the Chief Medical Officer wouldn't do remote checkups and preferred to do medical checkups in person."

"Just have it all done by the time they place their boots in front of my desk." Trigman said calmly. "As for the Doctor; I would think your new pilots would prefer a remote as our CMO is a two meter tall Klingon whom I am told is not at all happy if a patient is late for an appointment." He smiled. "You might want to get The First Squadron ready for Cap duty when we arrive they are first on the Flight Books."

Takeshi grinned.

"Duly noted." He said. "I will reach out to the pilots and get their preferences."

"Thank you Lt. Takeshi, I leave the Valet service to your skilled people." Trigman turned to leave.

"Hold on a second there, Trigman." Takeshi said, rising from his chair and extending his hand. "I don't know if I've said this before, but it's a pleasure making acquaintances with you, Lieutenant Commander."

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger'
Starfighter Wing Commander

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'
Air Boss/Second Officer

Guest Credit:
Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
(Excerpt from Part 1)


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